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Feb 2021 · 166
The boy in my dreams
mia Feb 2021
To the boy in my dreams
I don't know if you are real but I hope you are I see your long blonde hair  kind eyes blue baseball cap  every time I close eye
You were there for me when I needed you most and you loved me without a doubt but there came a day when you were gone and the image fades away but I see your smile and know you not but I am free thanks to you
To the boy who made the nights seem less dark and the days far brighter you have my heart but it's time to go and find your love for you and keep me in mind every time she smiles for remember the time we had and not much more you were the first and  not the last but if only you were real and not just a dream that had to end and have these feelings pass
It maybe real but it's easier to think it's not because of the way it went and how it all ended
Oct 2020 · 135
mia Oct 2020
tonight is not the night that you get to break me
you call me yours when i want nothing to do with you
you say its just once more but i have heard that four times before
or do this or everyone will see what i have seen and that she would be yours
but you weren't like this at first...
not tonight you dont get to have me
and this time i mean it
wrote this a month ago and I feel like its time that it gets posted
written 09/20/20
Oct 2020 · 116
you'd tell me right
mia Oct 2020
if there was really truly someone else would you tell me
was that name you posted at 11:11 really random or is she really yours
im i really just of at the side
did you tell me its just to keep the hoes away that you let be there
to make me happy to make me believe that you really love me
its been a rough few days with this long distance relationship and I have no clue whats happening  anymore
Jul 2020 · 115
sprinkle of joy
mia Jul 2020
you were my sprinkle of joy
never failed to put a smile on my face
but then you changed
words became few and far between
and the joy you bring is  gone
Jun 2020 · 124
our joke
mia Jun 2020
our joke started with a random message
and progressed into a half an hour conversation and a problem
our distance
I miss the way we talked that night
while we talked I was so ecstatic
when your name pops up on my screen I can't help but smile
Mar 2020 · 108
a letter to you
mia Mar 2020
dear boy i use to liked
i hope this finds you
i know that you have her
but i am still here it's been a while
i miss you
but us not talking is probably for the better
i am sorry if i am you question why you chose her
but it just happened.
Feb 2020 · 86
there was this boy
mia Feb 2020
there was this boy
he was cute
but not cocky
he was shy
but not too shy
and i fell for him
i thought he fell for me
but i was wrong
he talks to me
and when he does
it seems like i am the only girl
but he is taken
nothing will ever let me have him
feeling lost and heartbroken
Feb 2020 · 131
my love for you
mia Feb 2020
my love for you started when I first saw you
The way your smile is engraved in my mind
I won't ever forget it
But your love is not mine
it belongs to the girl I introduced you to
it hurt to hear her say the words she loves you
because little does she know I do too
Jan 2020 · 85
to the last guy
mia Jan 2020
its 00:26 and all i can think of is you
can't sleep
just you on my mind
thinking of what to say
but wishing you were here
and now you are gone and i can't get that smile out of my mind
wrote part of this last night and decided i should post
if the person it is about is reading this i am sorry
Jan 2020 · 95
i want you to know
mia Jan 2020
hey i want you to know
i like you
but things would never happen
because you came after the big heartbreak
the one that made me so sad that i can't even look at his friends
or even talk about him
because that is how much he hurt me
Aug 2019 · 238
mia Aug 2019
Why do I let myself fall for you
Time after Time
Rejection after rejection
I said I would stop
Then you guys ended
And I haven't been able to stop thinking about you
Things in life aren't always as they seem
Jan 2019 · 165
i heard your voice
mia Jan 2019
i hear  your voice
the words of what you said replay
but you couldn't even say it to me
you told her
because she asked
i was going to talk to you
but i didn't
it's been a month
but i still can't talk to you
not without the urge to defend myself
you'll never know what you put me through
mia Nov 2018
it feels like only yesterday
that day two years ago
that you almost died
was that real
or a show
tell me please
you cross my mind
i wounder were you are
are you ok
or still broken
i need to know
but you are no were to be found
Oct 2018 · 467
Dreams to rest
mia Oct 2018
you didn't know
But i couldn't really anwser
The rest you need to find out
I am sorry but it's for the best
But you dont know it causes me to put my dreams to rest
Sep 2018 · 158
mia Sep 2018
i can tell that you were joking
but is seemed so you
i can't help but to laugh & smile
as it plays over in my head
Sep 2018 · 1.0k
mia Sep 2018
i heard your voice
i panicked
but i guess you didn't see me
and again then once more
why is it that you can distract me even when your not around
Sep 2018 · 164
mia Sep 2018
i wasn't going to trust you again
but i feel like i should
its not all your fault
you wanted a reason
that one was there
i think it was to far
that he was why
that it was all fake
you made me feel insecure
because you didn't want to live
did you know it would hurt me?
Aug 2018 · 105
mia Aug 2018
Pay attention to the passion,
the passion is the most perfect suffering of all.
A passion is unflawed. a passion is idyllic,
a passion is pure, however.

The pick that's really strange,
Above all others is the pleasure.
Does the pleasure make you shiver?
does it?

Friendship is ever lasting.
ever lasting is friendship.
Does the friendship make you shiver?
does it?
Aug 2018 · 223
don't go
mia Aug 2018
i know why you shut me out
but please dont make that a reason to leave this world
there is so much more than you or i know
more than just the years of middle and high school that you dare to live through
there is  more ,you are more
so please dont go not now
you still have so much more to see
more to be
more to love
more to live
your story shouldn't just end here
its been rough the past year almost losing one to suicide
Jul 2018 · 158
mia Jul 2018
Is the way we treat each other going to be good for society
Does it for fill the needs of others  
That we ignore
That some people say its a "fase"
Do we really need to be putting labes on others
because others can't acept them for who they are
Jul 2018 · 318
they do matter
mia Jul 2018
why are there people out there who have to suffer?
while we joke about what they go though
they should  matter...
they do matter
regardless of what they go though
that one of peoples "jokes" could end a life
why joke when you could be there
no one wins prizes for being mean
all that is good that comes out of it is you feel good for a little while
when there is so much bad people could dye because of one comment
so please help others be happy
and not be a reason to  be unhappy
Jun 2018 · 178
Slang Language
mia Jun 2018
YOLO is a term used by many teens
These terms all mean something in their own special way
LOL meaning Laugh Out Loud
GTG meaning Got To Go
BRB meaning Be Right Back
TTYL meaning Talk To You Later
TBH meaning To Be Honest
Many adults are completely oblivious as to what their teens are talking about
Others think they know what their teens are talking about
When they really don't  
Such as LOL meaning Laugh Out Loud when some parents think it means Lots Of Love
This can take a very big, bad turn if you use them the wrong way

Mom: How was your day?
Daughter: My Friends Mom just died!
Mom: ***! LOL!
Daughter: MOM!!!!!
Mom: What?
Daughter: It's not funny that her mom died!!!
Mom: I never said it was.
Daughter: Then What did you mean?
Mom: I meant Lots Of Love
Daughter: OOOHHH

So you can see how there can be a little misconception when using these terms and some people may not know what they mean or how to use them
by my friend
Jun 2018 · 166
Coming of Age
mia Jun 2018
The end of the year is coming soon
Next year friends will come and go
Like the days go by
But the most dearest friends we have
Will be with us all the way
Through thick and thin
All things tough
Those friends are the diamonds in the rough
made by my friend
Jun 2018 · 166
why did you
mia Jun 2018
i know that your past isn't the brightest so why tell me
after i told you one thing you tell me everything
i never asked for it
you said its life than told me part of your story
but i can't even think to tell you mine
i want to ask you a question but i can't even type it
why am i afraid to talk to you
when you said you are here for me
but i am not sure i can be here for you
i am sorry but there are things in my past i don't want to reopen these wounds.
but i can try to help
with out getting these flash backs that happened in the past
people say if it happens in the past then let it go
but the past it all just comes running back to me again and again
so why bother to tell me
Jun 2018 · 253
i think of you
mia Jun 2018
i think of you
the way you make me smile and laugh
it is amazing
but these moments pass to soon
then you start to fade from my mind
i guess that is what needs to happen
why when you feel like something is going good
does it all leave
i think of you but then you go
you just ignore me
sometimes i don't understand
your like the sun
when you are around you shine bright
then fade into the darkness of night
you are always on my mind
the first and last thoughts of the day
Jun 2018 · 152
To Soon
mia Jun 2018
I know now what happened but not fully why
i wish i knew why you had to go so soon  
of all the people why little you
you were to young and
gone way to soon
for no good
May 2018 · 130
ten years
mia May 2018
ten years and one month ago you left me
i only wish i new how you died
weather or not it was him
i wish i knew it would make me so happy
but i guess i will never know what truly happened that day i still feel the pain
I wish you were here to see me
i wish i could see you just one more time
its been to long
i really need you
but whats done is done
and i have to live with that
May 2018 · 161
there was a time
mia May 2018
there was I time when i first met you
I didn't realize my feelings for you
but now that i see you everyday at school i realize i do
i am so sorry if that up sets you but please just try to
understand if you can  
but when i am with you it seems like no one else is here
sorry if you don't understand i tried to make it so you would
but i don't always seceded in what i intend
May 2018 · 1.1k
You don't know my past
mia May 2018
i feel like you don't trust me any more
or did you ever
or was it all a display
an act that you always put on
that's just for me no one else
sees what you say no one knows it is an act
you say i am wrong that your life is bad but you don't know my past
The pain that comes with it is just like a scarlet ribon
You joke about the things that bring back the pain but you just say sorry and keep on doing it
Maybe if you saw me brake down last year when i found out she almost killed her self how i didn't feel like i could partisapate in PE
All because i was thinking what if i was not her friend then she would have died
I was so happy that because of me she was alive but then i just cry and cry
May 2018 · 205
you make jokes
mia May 2018
you make jokes that you say are funny but they are really hurt full
you make jokes about things that i stay up late and cry about
you have seen me fall apart because of this so why make the jokes
if you know what will happen like the storm before the lull
that recovering from this will be harder than before you said that you understood how i felt but you don't
so why make the joke
this happens all the time all from the same person should i contune to trust them?
mia Apr 2018
At first I thought you were crazy but then I found out you were just totally insane until I actually met you and then you were just you:)
Apr 2018 · 467
All about a year ago
mia Apr 2018
You almost left me here all alone
Then you thought and relized
That i was a reson to  stay...
Then you tried again
Told me before hand got me worried
I told people that could help you
Now your mad
So i live with the fact we can never
truly be who we were again
this all happened about a year ago
although i help you threw a lot you
of witch you might ignore
but me i still remember and i don't think i can forget
like you did just because you shut me out but that is all in the past they all say they say that it is all okay now but if only they new the point of what you were going though that you just decided that you would just leave me pretending that you are okay but i know that deep down inside that you are not quite where you say you are i know this because i know you
Apr 2018 · 169
Why are you mad at me
mia Apr 2018
On the inside I am dying and
I can do anything about it
I have to live with it every single day of my life
This is by my friend

— The End —