I love the way
His arms encircle around
Me held tightly
Against him
Like a warm blanket,
He doenst want to let go,
I dont
Want to let go.
It feels safe.
And maybe its just exaggeration,
But all my worries fears
Once outstruck on
The surface are now
buried beneath my feet The moment he
touches me,
The moment his eyes meet mine.
I love him.
I love the way
He feels,
two bodies lose of any tension
Felt before then,
When we weren't standing there
Tangled together.
I love the way
I can look
Into his eyes and get lost
Or when i admire;
Sitting for hours
Staring at
Him. i like that i can,
I am allowed to because he is mine.
I love the way
That he doesnt like to get mad and
When he does
He refuses to take it out
Or when im the one under pressure
He pries information out
Of me,
convinces me to talk about my feelings
Knowing thats whats
Best for me.
I love the way
He cares,
I love the way
He loves me.