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Maya Fields Mar 2
my greatest love, my greatest poetry
Came from you.
Thank you.
Maya Fields Mar 2
The way to find out
If he loved you like you love him?
Is to find someone who truly does;
Who shows you what it was and what love should be.
Someone who
Makes you smile at
First glance,
Or knows when
Something is off,
And loves you for you or smiles
At your stupid-silliness,
Someone who
Loves every intricate part of you
The old and new
And shows it when
They kiss you,
Someone who
Shows you that:
That guy never truly loved you,
He liked the thought of having you but clearly
Not enough to keep you,
No like you deserve
Even if it felt like it
Even if you love him so much it hurts;
That guy never loved you,
But this one does.
-i have fuond mine; and he treats me right,
Maya Fields Mar 2
I love the way
His arms encircle around
Me held tightly
Against him
Like a warm blanket,
He doenst want to let go,
I dont
Want to let go.
It feels safe.
And maybe its just exaggeration,
But all my worries fears
Once outstruck on
The surface are now
buried beneath my feet  The moment he
touches me,
The moment his eyes meet mine.
I love him.
I love the way
He feels,
two bodies lose of any tension
Felt before then,
When we weren't standing there
Tangled together.
I love the way
I can look
Into his eyes and get lost
Or when i admire;
Sitting for hours
Staring at
Him. i like that i can,
I am allowed to because he is mine.
I love the way
That he doesnt like to get mad and
When he does
He refuses to take it out
Or when im the one under pressure
He pries information out
Of me,
convinces me to talk about my feelings
Knowing thats whats
Best for me.

  I love the way
  He cares,
    I love the way
  He loves me.
Maya Fields Jan 29
melted against him, and
all went blank
the world lost
my control gone.
he does that to me,
melts me down with his kiss
and touch of his lips on me
like a wilting sun longing for rest
and he the stars coming up to save
me from the blank empty space in me.
he does that,
he is a shovel digging up my insides
twirling them inside my stomach
searching for my worries to bury deep
and let them rot away
he gets rid of them
he calms me
he build me up
he leaves me full
he leaves me lost.
he does that.
And i love him
Maya Fields Dec 2024
you never know what they may be
going through,
because that smile and shine in their eyes
could be
hiding in the shallow shadows of their soul
a burning pit filled with darkness and disgust
looking in the mirror.
so be nice and treat them right.
Maya Fields Dec 2024
Little do they know that
I still sit here in my room
At night and cry myself
To sleep wishing that
You were here with me.
and they will never know
Maya Fields Dec 2024
when i tell my stories
my experiences I go through
People tend to look at me with a crooked head and mock
they look at me as if I shouldn't know this
but I do
does that mean I came from a tragic home
does that mean I am a young *****
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