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849 · Jun 2019
The Art of the Fall
Mara Jun 2019
“Have you ever been in love?”She asked
“I don’t think so,” he replied

If you were in love you would know it
Because it’s different
Different that your average crush
Or your summertime fling

You care so much and you don’t realize what you got yourself into
Until it’s too late
Until you’ve fallen

“I fell in love once,” she said.
He was a kind smart wonderful boy
And I loved him
But he didn’t love me

There’s a reason why we call it falling in love
Not rising
It’s the art of the fall
You don’t know if someone will catch you
you don’t know how bad it’s going to hurt

But sometimes we can be so so careful
And still fall
781 · Jul 2022
All Gone
Mara Jul 2022
every time someone leaves
they take a piece of me with them
but what happens when I have nothing left
what happens when they take it all
leaving me with nothing
no more heart
No more soul
no more love
Is that the goal?
piece by piece
I fade away
and one day
I will cease to exist
344 · Dec 2018
Mara Dec 2018
He pretends he’s okay
But I know he feels only dismay
On the outside he seems fine
But he doesn’t think he’s worth a dime
He says he loves too much
But I know he doesn’t love me as such
I hope one day he’ll see
That getting help can set you free
It’s okay to tell people your hurting
Because we all know you aren’t deserving
I wish you would stop faking
Because it’s just more sadness you’re making
Everyday you wear this mask
And I always ask
If you are okay
And you always say everything’s going your way

But I want you to know
I see you
The real you
That’s the boy I fell in love with
And I know they will love you too
276 · Jun 2019
All of the stars
Mara Jun 2019
You look at the sky while I look at you
You see all the stars
And I see them too
But for the most part I only see you
254 · Feb 2019
Mara Feb 2019
I’m still not over you
It’s been so long
I’m so done

I still lay in bed and wonder why I wasn’t good enough
Even now if you called me and said you loved me
Or even that you cared
I would run straight back to you
And I hate myself for that

I just want to be over you
But I still want you to be in my life
I still want to talk to you
I still care
I will always care
197 · Dec 2018
I love you
Mara Dec 2018
I thought it was what I wanted
To hear those few fatal words
Those 3 heartbreaking words

As you whispered them
It wasn’t what I dreamed

Because I know you didn’t mean them
And it ruins it all the same

But I still think about it
And pretend you care
But deep down I think  
I know
That I am the last thing on your mind
175 · Jul 2022
Mara Jul 2022
do not
call me beautiful

tell me that even
in the depths of
you see me.

tell me that you see
how it lights up my heart
when a pretty sunset
ends my day.

tell me that you see
the way I talk
when I'm describing my
favorite book.

tell me that you see
everyday I tear myself down
and tell me you hate it,
tell me to stop

tell me that you see
my heart and my soul
not just the visibility
173 · Jan 2019
Mara Jan 2019
Life, may or may not be about finding true love
But, it's certainly not about begging for it from someone so
I'll keep doing the things that I do
Late nights, fat blunts, pizza pies with my crew
Driving home from whatever bar's half-off after two
While I'm blasting my favorite tunes and
Seeing my favorite local bands at whatever venues
While you keep doing the things that you do, shifting blame, and twisting truth
And making absolutely positively sure that everybody in the room is certain
That the victim just had to be you, well

I'll keep doing the things that I do
And I'll find someone who wants me like I wanted you
So sing along at a show this weekend
Act a fool, get drunk with these friends, that you love
Someone somewhere said all good things end
So what in my mind made me think this time would be different
Not by me but from a song called flannel
167 · Jul 2022
One More Time
Mara Jul 2022
"Just one more time."
she said
"Then I'll stop."

but such comfort
in pain

it stays when
nobody else does

and that almost
makes it
worth it.
158 · Dec 2018
Hopeless romantic
Mara Dec 2018
You’re amazing
I love you
Everyone does
At first I didn't understand why they did
Then I saw you, the real you
The you that you don’t let them see
The kind, funny, broken little boy
Who’s just as sad as the rest of us
I love everything about you
That’s what I thought at least

Maybe I’m just in love with the idea of you
The idea of us
The idea that we could be together and you wouldn’t care what they think
The idea that you could love me with everything you have

Maybe it’s not an idea and it’s more of a dream
I dream that I’m your everything
That you live for me
But this kind of stuff only happens in dreams
And besides who could ever love me
154 · Dec 2018
Only a dream
Mara Dec 2018
I’m in love with a mystery
I never see him in the same place
But I feel him in the breeze

He is a warm summer night
Driving in the car with your friends
Listing to your favorite music

He is a thunderstorm
Sitting inside with your dog
Listing to the pitter patter of the rain
And the occasional crash of thunder

He is a spring flower
A gentle breeze
A drop of water

He is an ocean
A tornado
A hurricane

And I love him
But he could never love me
And I could never make him
127 · Jul 2019
Fall in love with Life
Mara Jul 2019
I’m in love with life
I love waking up early to watch the sunrise
Going with the flow, everything’s a surprise
Spending all my time with friends
Long car rides, nights that never end
Sitting on the roof staring at the stars
Thinking the whole would is ours
even the bad days
When you’re just sitting in a haze
Wondering when it’s gonna get better
But so what if it doesn’t get better
At least your alive
At least you feel something

Fall in love with life
Never regret anything
Enjoy every second of everyday
Even the bad ones
Because you only get one chance
One chance at this beautiful thing we call life
Mara Feb 2020
They always ask me why I make myself sad
No one ever taught me to be happy
being sad is better than feeling nothing at all
Better than that numbness
It consumes you
Breaks you
Freezes your heart over
Until you feel nothing
Until you don’t care about anything at all
I Just want to feel something
So I sit alone
And cry
Because it’s the only thing I know how to do

— The End —