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  Apr 2018 Mansi
Mister Granger
I know why the caged bird sings.

It's not because his song
is as vibrant
as his feathers, that he plucks away
each day because he doesn't
feel beautiful.

It's not because of the majesty
that exist in the freedom
of being able to spread his wings
though he knows
he'll never rise to the occasion.

He sings because he believes
that this cage
was made for a king
because he has never tasted
freedom with a side order of skies.

He's never flown past the sun
on a cool morning
or hung with the moon
on a warm night.

He's only ever known
the comfort of a prison
that his thoughts have
become accustomed
to calling home.

He would never venture
beyond the "welcome" mat
because what's beyond the threshold
holds no promise
the way these bars and metal locks do.

He sings because he knows
that no one is listening
so if he makes a mistake
he doesn't have to live with the regret
or embarrassment of knowing that he missed his note.

The caged bird
never believes that he's caged
because behind these walls
he's safe
and he prefers it this way.

I know why the caged bird sings.
A twist on a title by one of my favorite authors...
Mansi Apr 2018
No one saw the dark night
They only saw the stars
They only saw the eyes shine
But never the hidden scars

No one saw the difficult struggle
They only saw the fame
They only saw the mesmerizing spring
But never the harsh winter that came

They were only part of a beautiful dream
They never saw the nightmare
They only saw the beautiful smile
But never the part when no one cared

Why can't anyone see
The struggle behind the smile
Because it needs courage to walk
In her shoes a single mile

— The End —