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592 · Mar 2019
Don’t Cherish A Faux Pas
Desmond Baker Mar 2019
No bundle greater
Love, strength, wisdom, and wrath

Bring the scales
To which ingredient lies your allegiance?

At times I wish I was as the clouds
So welcomed, but also feared at my coming
To bring shade or thunder
But where is the wisdom?
Guided by fickle wind.  

At times I wish I was as the butterfly
A star on earth
So elusive predators scatter when I spread my wings
But where is the strength?
A mere rain drop would destroy me

At times I wish I was an octopus
I can bring down sharks
outwit any human
Nothing is out of my reach
But where is the love?
I hurt my own brethren.

Who balances these ingredients masterfully to create this awesome recipe?!

I’ll tell you. He made fire and the flowers.

No behemoth gets away unpublished to lick their paws in peace!

No eye gets weary of seeing his work.

All beings fear his coming, even the idols dare not be animate.

All adore his qualities, they searched tirelessly for deceit.

He took the venom from vipers as if they bit a sponge and satisfied the flaming sword of heaven.

attempting to balance these ingredients is a mockery.

To choose one over another is death.

To honor the one who held them

That, is to be without hypocrisy
342 · Mar 2019
Scented Gold
Desmond Baker Mar 2019
I sank into concrete
A loud silence
eyes emptied all else around you
I hanged you on the front of my mind

Your greeting
Eyes a gentle vibrant brown
Your scent engulfs me
I become weak just lead the way

Not a blemish on your skin
No artist of THIS WORLD nor of any kind can make you look better
I yearn to see you smile once more
To capture your full attention again
Is the greatest pain reliever

But your baptism was of earthly cisterns
Surrounded by enchanting greens
A natural beauty
It won’t inhibit decay though when you rose from water you glistened iridescence
So much so that diamonds lose flavor

My baptism was a vine of lightning
And a drip from the sun pulsates in my veins
I stay burning!

You yield to the night and I don’t!
Your roots are in the earth and you revolve with it and seasons change
Will you bring life in the winter?

There is enough light to keep me lit for seasons and an eternity
336 · Mar 2019
Frivolous Peace
Desmond Baker Mar 2019
Can you pick me up if I’m melted?

If not, throw some paints on me.

A change of skin may give me the strength to
get up again.
281 · Sep 2019
A Crack In The Statue
Desmond Baker Sep 2019
Flooded by eyes of sky blue

Drowning in pleasure don’t attempt to rescue

Drenched by a tempestuous soul

I look for the sun to dry me quickly

But their beacon eyes close

Filling this space now a choking hue

Immortal gloom  

Thunder enables the clouds to release a flood

Drowning in sorrow

Those who were there to rescue have taken shelter

But only one promised to never forsake me

Faithful as he was before

Just as in the days of old

The same yesterday, today, and forevermore
232 · Mar 2019
Friends Bleed Light
Desmond Baker Mar 2019
A love I can feel when they’re absent

Please believe

The sound of their voices suffocates shadows

In deep can lie my pain! A volitile hue

but their presence soothes  

You won’t get sunburn
215 · May 2019
Proverbs 16:25
Desmond Baker May 2019
The spider’s web made of guitar cords

A lullaby for the blind

This poison will open his eyes

Then he’ll see death’s gate opened wide!
210 · Apr 2019
Song Of The Wise
Desmond Baker Apr 2019
My solituuuude a shell I can not dispeeeelllll

This is my song
A melody that hurts me when held

I know you duuudes rush to be tempted then jailed

You never longed for solitude

Your eyes never have enough seeing

Jest and jig again and again
a Pigs disguise

The mud has clogged ear holes

They never longed for solitude

A shell that cannot be dispelled

For they know the questions asked in this shell fall like hail


My solitude they wish never to dispel

My solitude

A hill I sit on to watch fools

My solitude

Birthed from innate inadequacy

My solitude

A hell until I find the answers

Solitude, the song of wisdom that no one wishes they held

My solutuuude a shell that I cannot dispeeelll

I know you duuudes rush to be tempted then jailed
Referenced Book of Ecclesiastes
209 · Apr 2019
Golden Rule
Desmond Baker Apr 2019
Golden roses unable to release their scent

The horizon is missing such a daring hue

A Brilliant plush

No longer dancing in the wind before the suns gaze

Because now

Torn away from the source of their strength and priced in markets

Clipped onto mortal ears

And giraffe necks

And frail wrists  

Just another trinket added to the collection

At one time it blessed others, as it was commanded to do, and we in turn blessed it With songs and thankfulness

But now

An out of style accessory

208 · Mar 2019
Desmond Baker Mar 2019
Alloy wroth
Endowed fortune
and the jewels frozen fire

Eyes stricken they mirror the still flame
The soul, so unkept, longing for life
But only a picture of what could be

Adorning the lifelike
No feeling
Appreciate your banner
Love the homage

But very few mimic it
202 · Jul 2019
Jolt A Jolt
Desmond Baker Jul 2019
Be my solace only for tonight

When we embrace you pierce the dark clouds with a ray of light  

Storms will later return more fierce than before

To large for me to take flight

I strain the muscles to push the smile forward

An endless cycle

I like the earth revolving endlessly
From night to day
Matthew 11:28, Psalm 42
180 · Jan 2020
Sleeping Beauty
Desmond Baker Jan 2020
Commercial veneer

Laid on thick can’t open eye lids

Lacquer red lips

kisses are permanent

Vantablack glazed hair shimmering

Skin colored plaster no warmth emitted

A mic in her teeth snoring melodies

Catch the z’s it’ll make you love sick

See through the image

Tear through the plaster

please help awake my sleeping mistress

The masses master

Cold to the touch

Feel a pulse quake?

Prevent thy heart being carried away

The masses kiss her veneer

that’s why she’ll never wake

While her spirit lies bruised, buried, and burned beyond these gold painted gates

Her gentle eyes laid upon me

Naked and afraid!

All she needed was someone to say

I want to know your name.
176 · Mar 2019
Through Christ Alone
Desmond Baker Mar 2019
But these garments divert shade

Like white pedals tossed by the wind
And woven together so delightfully

divinely given threads  

I walk blamelessly

Whose word can trump The Holy immortal?

Fade all you fallen

At one time your words stained my soul
170 · Jul 2019
Cordial Exchanges
Desmond Baker Jul 2019
Hurry their grin

Be ye wise

A solid submission

With a disguise

Do we seldom ... please ourselves?

Live a happy lie

They Lie their fortress

Between the earth and sky

They Lie their fortress

Between the earth and sky

They Lie their fortress

between the earth and sky

There lies riches one can’t plunder

But given one day to fools!

Both will always please themselves

Living a happy lie

Hurry their grin

Be ye wise

Can you lie your fortress

between the earth



Would you let it rain riches?

Or live a happy lie?
167 · Mar 2019
Snatch their beaks!
Desmond Baker Mar 2019
A veil harder than diamond
Similar to space that covers the earth
Morbid black
Elusive like a snake
It’s like quicksand a tiring escape
Attached like hemoglobin we pulsate

I heard talk of the one like The Son of man
They say he is GOOD but not safe

They say His sword never fails
Unsheathed it sounds like hell
The sound will blur your vision
And his steps will make you stumble
Hands on gravel
The earth agrees
It’ll support our descend
The crows cawing louder than your screams
A ****** of them form a man-like being with an opening
Here is your gate and his sword will spill the key
Therefore this wielder always was able to set free!

But not those who ignore and or approve the caw
accepting that BLACK has a place in and with us all
145 · Oct 2019
Desmond Baker Oct 2019
Dreams hang up like the full moon

Beautifies my soul

Yet too far away for me to hold

Acknowledging me!

So you can keep up an appearance

To shine like gold

But to far away for me to hold

I’ll keep trying to find warmth

In temporal things

If I don’t

I’ll burn cold

Froze smoldering
145 · Mar 2019
Desmond Baker Mar 2019
Tongue and body
On a summer day, drenched, non-glistening

A Sticky heavy consistency

Running off of me very slowly

Darker than my shadow
I’ve had this flavor before
But now bitter

This feeling of refreshment


An empty


What Cistern Causes this!
It Must be Connected to the abyss
Im discontented
I’m melting
beyond a mans grip

Finally, I will proceed to the constant drip

The incessant calling of those that are His

Tell me, child of light, how can I be submerged in his pupils?

A light blotting darkness

Where is this drip from the sun that walked the earth?

Who dissolved the sicknesses and forgave the unrighteous.

I a mere moth in need of him!

Sun drip again and again and again

Oh sun, drip again drip again and again
144 · Jun 2019
Desmond Baker Jun 2019
Bluffed by cornelian
True flavor lies in a mood.
Showered in brilliance
Heart stings abused
Drifting once more
Away from that which is adored
Past moments like Lillies will help lay the final blow
A ghost in time
Haunted by Life and His whispers

— The End —