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M Crux Alexander Mar 2015
Sweet sensuality
my lover is queen
A heaven within her
a fallen angel redeemed
Addictive sweet nectar
passionately exposed
A view conquering sunsets
on her back she lay posed
Mouth watering for a taste
hands dying for a touch
Reining back haste
because I want her so much

The rest of my life
dedicated to my goddess
Hell has been quenched
in deference to her hotness
Tonight, I take my fill
and **** my little girl
(as though against her will)
and rock her ***** world

070313 ~ 10.49a
**** words for a **** lover.
M Crux Alexander Mar 2015
This morning when I woke
I didn't wanna let you go
my hands cried for your skin
My eyes soaked up your view
Gentle caress
An undisturbed slumber
settling back in to sleep with you

070113 ~ 5.4p
Calling in late never felt so good.
M Crux Alexander Mar 2015
There's more to life than work and heat
like tasting the way our lips softly meet
Desire rising like summer degrees
Can't wait to be between your knees
Patient and focused within a heat wave
Knowing you are all that I could possibly crave
Tasting your lips briefly, sweet yesterday
Driving me crazy to have my way
But I wait for cooler temps in store
It won't be long, just a few days more
God, I ******* love you like I've never dreamed
I feel like a fallen angel, finally redeemed.

070213 ~9.21a
M Crux Alexander Mar 2015
Always wanting
your sweet caress
Like a little kid
stealing under your dress
Fascinated and hungry, still
There'll never be a time
when I've had my fill
You're all I want
and I always want you
Every way I can imagine
Is everything I want to do

081213 ~ 10.18a
"Morning Prayers" was a daily writing exercise I undertook for a few years where I would write first thing in the morning, unfiltered, barely edited. Almost all were to my love.
M Crux Alexander Mar 2015
E. E. Cummings (1894 - 1962)

my love
thy hair is one kingdom
the king whereof is darkness
thy forehead is a flight of flowers

thy head is a quick forest
filled with sleeping birds
thy ******* are swarms of white bees
upon the bough of thy body
thy body to me is April
in whose armpits is the approach of spring

thy thighs are white horses yoked to a chariot
of kings
they are the striking of a good minstrel
between them is always a pleasant song

my love
thy head is a casket
of the cool jewel of thy mind
the hair of thy head is one warrior
innocent of defeat
thy hair upon thy shoulders is an army
with victory and with trumpets

thy legs are the trees of dreaming
whose fruit is the very eatage of forgetfulness

thy lips are satraps in scarlet
in whose kiss is the combinings of kings
thy wrists
are holy
which are the keepers of the keys of thy blood
thy feet upon thy ankles are flowers in vases
of silver

in thy beauty is the dilemma of flutes

thy eyes are the betrayal
of bells comprehended through incense

E. E. Cummings (1894 - 1962)
One of my fav poems & poets.
M Crux Alexander Mar 2015
Lost in songs of love and loss
reminding me of all I own
A love that's mine until the end of time
A heart held open so all is known
I cherish this hope that's placed in us
a faith in love and all I trust
I love the way you love me too
I believe there's nothing we can't get through

010614 ~ 8.17a
M Crux Alexander Mar 2015
I've longed for you
for so many years
so many smiles
so many tears.
It's hard to believe
that when I go home
in the early eve
I won't be alone
I'll have you with me.

Cherishing these moments
like a dream come true
savoring every second
knowing we'll make it through
Beyond the struggles
of personality types
Learning to slow down
when we once would fight

Declaring to the world
that you are my Queen
no matter the reality
you're always my dream
Staring at your face
and touching your cheek
Here in this place
our love is so sweet

Never again,
my flower,
will I want another.
You're the petals, I'm the stem;
I support and you cover.
My strength and your beauty.
Protecting you and our love:
my dedication and duty
while the stars are above.

I love you...
as I was destined to.

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