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 Feb 2018 Rosa Lovetta
In the darkness of the night as it engulfed me
I felt the strength I had lost now surround me
And in the silence of the night as it deafened me
I heard the whispers of hope as they beckoned me
So now tall I stand
With my head held high
And firm I stand
With my wings ready to fly
For I am unafraid of the darkness
Yesterday I was an artist
I could understand art
Today I forgot everything
Where should I start?

Now I longed for an art
Not to become artist again
But to put colors in my life
For art is very rare
And sometimes people just don't care.

Hold on to your heartbeat
As this might bust a vain
When it comes down to it
We're all pretty much the same
Whether you are black or white
Either straight or gay
Like to stay up late at night
Or get up early in the day

We're all in this together
As we make our way
From damsels in destress
To heroes wearing capes
As you can see when we all bleed
Red's the color that we make
So why not hug it out in love
Instead of pushing away with hate

We all come with the same body
Different sizes, different shapes
Some are done quite naturally
While others are man made
You might live life freely
Or you might be a slave
It all depend on the habits
To which you have caved

But like I mentioned at the start
If your heart did not go bang
That you and I are bound to find
We're all in the same game
The only difference that makes any sense
Is that of woman and man
Otherwise in Gods eyes
We're all pretty much the same
The Empty Field

In a cornfield lay a young girl,
With hazel eyes and brown curls,
Every Sunday she courted him,
After church when the light was dim;
Their love was the sweetest breath,
An unconsummated tenderness,
Lips touching, arms strong,
Did not hear the coming bombs.

Two years in the field they lay,
Grew closer at each passing day,
Spoke their dreams under the sky,
Hoped that neither soon would die;
A ring she wore upon her hand,
Something simple to understand,
His name was Bill and hers Grace,
Unified by a single faith.

At eighteen he went to war,
Left his sweetheart by the shore,
Held her warmth against his chest,
On his shoulders her head did rest;
Then one night she had a dream,
He came to her, it did seem,
To say one last goodbye,
To the girl to be his bride.

She waited but not a word,
From her handsome airforce boy,
Then it came, told how he died,
Flying in the blue so high;
It was the first day of his war,
That took her first love and her joy,
Now in the cornfield under the sky,
The grass has grown where she did lie.

Love Mary
Based on my Mother's life
My mother Grace Emily Westbrook and her first boyfriend Bill .
Based on true events .Mary
If on finding me gone
The chair an empty space
Don't send me a rose
It will not replace.
But let those roses grow
With bud and leaf and stem
To flourish in the garden field
To live and laugh again.

Love Mary ***
 Jan 2018 Rosa Lovetta
The other day I was told to stop throwing staples
       when I wasnt throwing them
                  they were falling
                          falling out of my skin
                                      Once they were all down my legs
                                                all along my arms around my waist
                                                     and all over my face
And most of all they kept me smiling
        and when someone hurts me they fall out
               I stapled my mouth so I could smile
                 and now they have fallen out
                        I'm afraid I won't smile
                              and everyone has turned and gasped in fear
                                     and I look in the mirror and my mouth
                                             its bigger and black and scarier
                                                 and everyone screams  
    and I look at all of them as the look away
           all the people who have bullied me and harmed me
                now screaming in fear... but I don't feel joy
                        I run and hide because there scared
                          and I sit in a dark corner and cry
                                 and I cry. not because I look like a monster
                                        but no one loves me for me
                                              that I'm alone in this dark world
                                                  and I look at all the staples
some blood stands and bent
          but I notice there are two staples remaining
                two staples struggling to hold together my broken heart
                       but suddenly I realize..... that I'm the way I am
                             and I pick up the stapler and say
                                    "its those who were mean to me who needs a    smile."
=) We don't need staples or stitches to help us smile. Just smile in the faces of the people who doubts you or bullied you and called you names. And you know that you get the last laugh.
 Jan 2018 Rosa Lovetta
Every school is a top tent circus
everyone competing for a little fame
and at which I'm a freak
me and my friends were freaks
Were maniax

but everyone who is truly insane
has felt the true meaning of pain
we all have something that turned us into a monster

Sally she was *****
she was convinced it was a good thing
and she was used
to this day she still collects dolls
And she became a monster
and the man who used her never to be seen

Toby was made fun of and abused
he had these ticcs the mental disease
and kids at school always made fun of him
and his parents werent so nice to him either
he became a monster
And now everyone wished that they didn't mess with
Ticci toby

Jack was forgotten
he always wanted to make people laugh
and make them happy
but people were just mean to him
and he tried
but soon no one loved him
and everyone forgot about him
he became invisible
he became a monster
And everyone who made him forgotten
were only remembered as dead

jane was decieved
and alone
she was loved by a lot of people
but she lost everything
her parents
Her family
Her friends
And now she's our friend
And she's a monster
And everyone who took everything from her
Is long gone

hoodie was always stressed
people surrounded him
called him names
and made him sad
he always wore a hoodie
And now he goes by that name
He's no longer stressed
and now he's our friend
And a monster
And those who made him stressed
were no less alive then when hoodie was stressed

And those are my friends
I have more friends
each one just as diferent as the examples
I have given

what's different about me?
Ooh well that's a fun story

I used to be a good kid
very nice I had friends
then everyone turned on me
Everyone bullied me
Everyone made fun of me
called me names
And so everyone made me a monster
And all these freaks are my friends

Were all freaks I this circus
And when the world gets a load of us
They'll look back and think

See all the freaks
Crazy s
Were all like this
because others made us this way
They inflicted there
so we built up our walls
and our horns
Our claws
Our personality
And we became a monster

That others fear
Because they made us feel pain

And were all monsters
That are in pain

— The End —