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Louise Aug 2014

I write,  

but I am not a poet

I feel emotions so intense
I spill them in ink across a page

but I am not a poet

I am forced to release thoughts
from my mind

but I am not a poet

my words are presented as I feel them
they do not make a poem

as I am not a poet

my senses view, smell, taste, hear and feel things
so differently from many

but I am not a poet

Phrases and images appear in my mind
I have to share these wondrous things

but I am not a poet

I am not sure what makes a poet.

This I will sit and quietly ponder,
reflect upon,
write about
because maybe,  just maybe

I am a poet

This was inspired by deovrat commenting that he is not a poet.  I never used to refer to myself as a poet and still see others saying the same.   I think we are!!!!!!
: )
Louise Jul 2014

Broken hearts don't break even
that I can believe
You greedily stole a piece
when I begged you not to leave

So damaged and bruised
I was lucky I could still breathe
The aching injury began to heal
but I needed time to grieve

Giving myself permission to weep
yet too many tears fell upon my sleeve
Each time I think of you though,
our last time on that starry eve

I'm convinced another piece of my heart
is ripped away as it heaves
I know for my own good I'll have to forget
I know I'm the only one I'll not deceive

playing around with a single sound.
Louise May 2014
I just died in your words tonight
and began to slowly fall
In a state of semi consciousness
among soft words, I felt so small

This scenario didn't frighten me
for death it would be the perfect place
I'd give myself to your words
and the soft curves I would trace

I'd caress them with my finger tips
they'd be the last thing I would feel
So gently like they're fragile things
my breath,  they'll eventually steal

In the end I'd lay down quietly
beside each loving phrase
just closing my eyes so softly
holding your words until the light fades
I was listening to the radio and a song from the 80s came on
'I just died in your arms tonight'
That song gets me every time.
Louise May 2014
I spend my time
just remembering
how to forget you!
Louise Jul 2014
I don't want to look into your eyes
you may be able to see
my bleeding heart,
a soul scarred

I'm afraid to touch your hand
you'll feel my pain
that I've been through
in my life,  too soon

I'll never kiss your lips
you'll taste words spoken
and maybe remember
that you promised 'forever'
Louise Apr 2014
I fell in love with him
I fell in love with you
fell in love with words
Why am I such a fool?

I fell in love with his arms
I fell in love with the strength
fell in love with the feeling
but never sure what it meant

I fell in love with reactions
I fell in love with his passion for words
fell in love with a presence
and a gentle sigh I heard

I fell in love with thoughts
I fell in love with given time
fell in love with the ponderings
that wander through my mind

I fell in love with romance
I fell in love with a heart in a whirl
fell in love with imagined caresses
Could you fall in love with this girl?
Louise May 2014
If I closed my eyes,
drifted into a soft sleep,
would you protect me?

If I faded away into nothingness,
or foolishly left you behind
would you rapidly follow?

If it was just you and me,
just the two of us
would you be lonely?

If I carefully caressed you,
desperately needed you,
would you just take me?

If you had to leave,
disappear and never return
I beg of you to visit my dreams.
Louise Jun 2014
If I were an artist
I could make you mine,
in full colour

I could delicately brush
every inch of you,
gently caressing your beautiful body
with each loving stroke

I would gaze at your form,
stare into your eyes
without shame

Adding splashes of red
for love and passion
and maybe you
would love me too

If I were an artist
I could keep you forever
Louise May 2014
I forgot all about the past
it may have hidden from me
or did it just tuck away
in a place I couldn't see

Either it took up too much space
or I didn't want to see it
Was it too painful or raw
maybe it just didn't fit

I'm sure I didn't need it
so it's perfectly okay
if it had been worth it
I think it would have stayed

I'll continue without the memory
the memory of me and you
I can't remember if it happened
I'll never even know if it was true
Louise Jul 2014

You hide behind your words
reluctant to show your face
intriguing me with your questions
I now wonder about your days

I'm curious about your process
and if you sit and write alone
Are you inspired by a lost love
or seriously consider your subject and tone

Are the thoughts written across your face?
What would your expression tell me?
Do you look as serious as I imagine?
I think I would fall in love with it completely!

I now have so many questions about you
and I suppose I'll never ask
but it's alright that I'll never know
about your future or your past

I'll continue to read your every word
glancing between the lines and absorbing
wondering if you're curious about my day
or my expression when it's you I'm reading

Louise Apr 2014
I just want, to peacefully sleep
enveloped in your arms
I don't even want to see
just want to be out of harm
      Staying here, forever in safety
      inhaling your scent, it's home
      you'll whisper so sweet and quietly
      I won't ever feel alone
Tenderly wrapped around me
I can feel the warmth of your love
whispering 'It's me and you only'
it feels like rays from the sun
      Dreaming, here I lay
      softly caressing only you
      will it be long enough I pray
      to let my love seep through
yet I know I am desperately alone
and you are not really here
but my heart, unable to cope
refused to believe love can disappear
Louise Apr 2014
You are still beside me
yet you are gone!
I walk, feeling for your hand
but there is just thin air
I think of you,
when my mind is already full
Wanting to kiss you,
those lips are no longer there
I sleep with you
but only in my mind
Craving to be with you
even when I want to be alone
Many dreams of you
that I lose and then find
My heart breaking
it weeps and moans
But I know this ....
when I am gone
and I am lost
you will want me
to find you    

Louise Apr 2014
Each day I let you go
leave the 'idea' of you behind
already in the past
like the love letter I signed

It's drifting helplessly around
upon the warmth of the air
not realising its importance
within it, my soul lays bare

You feel lost to me now
just a vision in my mind
Never to touch or caress again
the lost love I was denied

Another day destined for the past
but how I wish it wasn't so
One last look at a fading memory
and this new day to let you go
Louise Jun 2014

I lost a poem the other day
containing all the words I planned to say
A heart poured out upon even lines
an ink stained sheet offering words that rhyme
I think I wrote of a love so long ago
memories I'd forgotten now, or didn't know
It may hold the answers to my weakened heart
or at least lead me to a future I'd wish to start
I'd like to see once again these words that spoke to me
they offered a warmth comforting many anxieties
So, if you see my lonely words just floating around
please try to capture them or entice them to the ground
I need to read the thoughts once stored in my heart
from these words I can no longer be apart
These precious forms they heal my tainted soul
pulling me together again,  making me feel whole

Written a few months ago
Louise Aug 2014
I lost my inner poet
apparently she was last seen
just staring idly into space

She was sitting with her notebook,
gently pondering
in a quiet, tucked away place

I could only see the back of her
she wouldn't turn around
I so wanted to see her face

She was always so quiet
and very often reflective
working at her own steady pace

Not only am I left without poetry
I am also lost for words
she may have taken them all
along with my grace

The search will continue
maybe until the end of my days
as I fear she's left no trace
This was something I wrote last year.  I hope I don't ever lose my inner poet lol
Louise Jun 2014
I'm still afraid sometimes
to even close my eyes
because I know
that right beside me
it is there that you stand.
At first I sense it
feeling tingles up my spine
then you softly but surely
take my fragile hand

I absorb the moment
it's just like old times
allowing myself to fully feel it
flowing emotions, like words that rhyme.
It was just so effortless
'me and you'
yet it wasn't meant to be
a love that ended way too soon

We know how and we know why
and I still lose a precious part of you
each time I breathe a sigh.
Perhaps when
each part of you has finally gone
I'll be more certain that the
'you and me' are done

I'll no longer be so afraid
to gently close my eyes
it'll be 'me' and 'myself'
and quiet empty sighs
You'll never again
be so close beside me
or softly take my hand,
I'll just be closing my eyes
to drift off and dream of
the treasured life we'd planned

An old piece written last year
Louise Oct 2014
I think I've lost a friend,
a feeling,
a thought,
a moment.
What ever it was
it came and went,
lingered, and then left.
I'm not even sure what it was
maybe it was a part of me
something that felt like a friend
one of those people
you know is just passing through.
So, I accept it,
I suppose
it's life
and these things

I just feel a little 'less'
of a person now
but didn't I always?

What will it take
to complete the 'whole'

Maybe I won't be the same again
Do I want to be?
I'm no different
just a little more
of who I wasn't.
But aren't we all?'
Louise Apr 2013
I love a cuppa, I'm British you see
Especially in the morning, two maybe three
It starts my day and wakens the mind
I'm British you see, we're a funny kind
It solves all problems, that's what I like
Or drink it alone in bed at night
'Put the kettle on'. That's what we say
For friends with problems who need to stay
It's a therapeutic process, gives space for a thought
A warming gesture to offer support
It's a bonding ritual as old as time
I'm British you see, we're a funny kind
Louise Apr 2014

I met your words the other day
those words spoke, only to me
they took my fears away
I met your words the other day
holding the meaning to all I wished to say
comforting me in a way I'd never been
I met your words the other day
those words spoke only, to me
Louise Oct 2014

Why did I fight so hard
and for so long
to escape
from 'their' prison
when I've found myself
creating my own
and without realising it.

Negative emotions arrive
and I welcome them in.

I must break down my own walls,
stand taller,
walk right through
these self designed
captive thoughts.

They hold me
tie me up,
weigh me down.
I've allowed myself
to be confined
once more.

What was the point
in fighting so hard
for so long?

I'm hoping this is a subtle reminder to myself
Louise May 2014
I'm trying on my bikini
so I keep the lights low
don't want to see everything
these bits aren't usually on show

They're whiter than the others
never see the light of day
I try to cover as much as possible
apparently a wet suit is not okay!

I'm actually dreading the thought
(and it's starting to make me sweat)
of bearing all my bits
it's like an intimidating threat!

I feel I'm seriously panicking
about all the crap I ate
wishing I had more willpower
but of course, now it's too late!

I tried to buy the 'fit'
to suit my pear shaped frame
which means the knickers are massive
and now I just feel shame   :/

The lower half of my body
I try to cover up
but my unimpressive top half
needs extra padding in the cup!

None of this makes sense
and it's such a stressful time
I'm taking the bikini back
and I'm just gonna ****** hide.
for us poor girls!!   :/

: D
Louise Mar 2015
You came to me in a dream
no dialogue exchanged, all the words has been said
I absorbed the way you looked
knowing I may never see you again

I gazed at a familiar face nearly forgotten
slowly, falling under your spell 
You could always see into my soul
and tell me every tale I had to tell

The seconds were passing too quickly
and knowing once more we'd have to part
I tried to view you through salty tears
once again my insides were torn apart
Louise Jun 2014
Please read in landscape

     when we are together

      you pause,

                        look deep into my eyes,
                                 peer into my soul almost

      Your body,  surrounds
                                         and com­pletes me

      There is never a time
                          when we are closer ..

                                      in body,

                                            in mind.
                                                           ­                       ♡
Louise Jun 2014

I need to stand
at the edge of a river
imagining all my




are passing by.

I would take a step back
         and     s


I would let them all


                  ­  n

noticing each one


and just observe the distance.

Already they seem

I can enjoy the

     'here and now'

sitting by the river

      and appreciate a taste

                  inner peace

I can at times suffer from anxiety and have been reading about sitting back and noticing anxious thoughts but not engaging.
Not sure if this makes sense but I have a lot more to read.
I'm hoping the imagery will help me anyway   : )
Louise Jun 2014
Outside I'm just a woman
inside, just a girl that is lost
I seem to have direction
but maybe it's a lie with a cost
Setting myself simple goals to follow
as I need a continuous plan
It's to tell me where I am tomorrow
incase I've forgotten where I am
I can easily fool myself
and it's been working for a while
I just don't think too much
about the woman wrapped around this girl
Does she really know what she's doing?
Do I have any other choice?
Although I'm a woman physically moving
the little girl has lost her voice
Written a few months ago when I really felt that I needed more direction in my life.   It's a feeling that comes round again quite often.
Louise Apr 2014
In the end ..

I'll know the reason why
I'll remember
each and every time
I sigh

In the end ..

the pain will have passed
I was told by many
that it would not last

In the end ..

we will know
that it wasn't the time
even though I refused
to leave your side

In the end ..

my shadow may be
the only thing left
or maybe my heart
pale, broken and bereft

In the end ..

Will it be you and me
it's too soon to tell
I'll have to wait and see

In the end ..

it will most likely ..

just be  ..

the end.
Louise Jul 2014

You know me
like no other
Seeing into my soul,
understanding the meaning,

behind the curve of my words

I cannot hear your heart beat
but wonder
if it is synchronised
with mine,

I'm sure I can feel it

Our eyes connect
I fight it
in case I fall
into you,

or under your spell

I am fascinated
by the 'sparkle' in your gaze
it mirrors
the 'twinkle' in mine,

I cannot see it but know it's there

Our thoughts
reflect each others
Passionate dreams
that meet at midnight
but end all too soon,

like a hazy Summers eve

Gazing at shared stars
knowing we are connected
our path is guided,

by the moonlight

I can almost feel
your hand in mine
Can you feel the tingle
in your fingertips?
I savour
the warmth and sweet taste
of your lips,

in my imagination

Louise Mar 2015

Walking into the night
she hoped to find her way
with the moon as her guide
her past, mere footsteps away

She held her head high
the unknown future in sight
moving towards the new day
while disappearing into the night

So small, in this big world,
a girl,  with room to grow
turning footsteps into strides
within her eyes, a new glow

pieces of her she'll leave behind
never again to look back
Looking to a future she was meant for
she vanishes into the night so black

Louise Jul 2014
■Memories of the past
often force their way in
an invasive force
dark and ugly nightmares
it brings

Disturbing my sleep
evoking forgotten feelings
an intruder in the night
and my sanity it's stealing

Messing with my head
a chaotic storm inside
leaving my body fraught,
completely drained of life

Not much more of this
can I allow myself to take
mentally beaten now
all that remains
is a dull ache■
Louise Apr 2014
I saw you in the darkness
a silhouette
caused by the light of the moon

I saw you in my imagination
just staring at me
I, just stared at you

I saw you before closed eyes
a clear vision
beautiful, but gone too soon

I saw you in a dream
and wondered,
Did you see me too?
Louise Mar 2015
Even when I dont think I'm searching
I'm listening,
listening for a whisper of my name
upon the wind
A whisper that might have left your lips
lips that once felt my kiss

Even though I forget about you often
I'm remembering,
remembering that you're no longer here
your return is not in our fate
This, I accept, though I wonder if you know

Will you remember, not to forget
that I so loved you once
never twice
never again
Louise May 2014
The coldness, in it creeps
nightmares, disturb my sleep
all is magnified without you

The heaviness, holding me
it's grip so menacing
lost is the sunlight I once knew

The darkness, settling in
fighting before it begins
not sure if I am strong enough

The silence, so loud inside
fearing, there's nowhere to hide
Is this what it's like without love?
Louise Jul 2014

A warmth often surrounds me
and I wonder
if the holes in my heart
have finally begun to knit back together

It's been so long
and all wounds eventually heal.
Don't they?

I realise, as a cloud looms,
that I have been using words on notepaper
to cover them
like a white purity

However, the structure I create
to protect me,
is paper thin

If I stumble
I fall
right through

The white innocence
is torn once again

Louise Apr 2014
Do you sometimes feel
that your beauty is fading?
Soft creases around your eyes?

Are you trying to hold on
to what the years are taking
feeling the last of youth as it dies?

There is, however, a certain time
when a woman 'comes into her own'
and has a wisdom within her life

An intuitive inner confidence
unveiling outer calm
a knowing in her sighs

She has an understanding of her image
her soft curves and their affects
fragments of her self consciousness rapidly dies

A sureness to her sensual style
air of authority to her stride
an enlightenment no one can deny

Embrace the creases that tell your story
your beauty will continue to mystify
a choice today that you can decide

The years of youth are never lost
they're carried forever within
our body, is youth, just a little more disguised
Louise Apr 2014
I thought you were forgotten
then you looked at me that way
I was helpless, top to bottom

I thought I could deny you
then you just waited
you knew what I would do

I thought I was done
then you kissed my lips
held me, and then some

I thought you would stay
then you cruelly left  ......

I'm still standing here to this day
Louise Jul 2014

Searching my excited eyes
place your hands upon my waist
moist lips against parted ones
a little tongue to taste
Sliding hands down
caress my shapely hips
just be oh so slow and gentle
with your loving fingertips
Arms slip around naked curves
sensually strong and sure
a moment right here and now
and it's you I'm longing for
Firmly pull me closer to you
just not too tight
this moment begins right now
and it will surely end tonight

Louise Aug 2014
If you're willing to wait there
I will come

Run your fingers through my hair
locked together as one

My soul to you I will bare
and you will see

All that we can share
together,  us, we

Let us breathe the same air
view the same stars

Swim in the clearest ocean where
we'll drown in a love that's only ours
Louise Jun 2014

Will you hold each of your beautiful words
so close to my ear
I wish to listen to your whispers

Lend me each aromatic character
I'll embrace them,
inhaling the scent of your soul

Scatter for me a few curved creations
each, a puzzle piece of your thoughts
let me make you feel whole

Lay each delicious design
gently upon my fingers
and I'll caress your bleeding heart

Kiss each word sensually to my lips
I will just savour the taste
of your desire

Louise Jun 2014

The characters you form into words
                                     tingle on my tongue

I can almost taste them
                                         like sweetness
                                                       laced with luxuria

I'd love to pause within them
                 so that I could just sit
            while you scribe beautiful
                            curls and swirls
                                             around me

Your pen in motion would tell me
             how my name would sound
                    when whispered by you.

                          around loving words so gentle
                     I would feel them beneath my toes
                                           as they brush over them
             ­                                                   playfully

­    Wandering slowly between phrases,
       phrases that truly capture my heart
          causing an ache inside
            so deep
              it's not in my chest anymore

          Longingly lingering in your stanzas
                                     filled with metaphors
                                                   with your scent
                                I close my eyes, and inhale

        My pupils dilate
  at the thought of you,

There's such an intense
         ­                                  on your face

               I want to reach out ....

If you didn't notice me
             I could stare deep
   into those delicious eyes
                                    so dark

    I sit here,
                      I wonder what I would see..
                        I wonder what you are like..

Louise Jul 2016
The Sun
gently warms my skin
caressing my shoulder
A warmth you once left

Will you ever be by my side again?

I wonder
at the stars
while the stillness surrounds me
Twinkling lights blinking
in tune to my hearts rhythm

Do ours still beat in tune
as they once did?

in the shadow of the moon
I imagine the light upon your face
wherever you are
You are wondering too.

But is it about me?
Haven't written anything for a while :oO
Louise Jun 2014

If I could come to you ..

be there for you
speak no words,
just hold you
in my arms,
place my hand in yours ..

I would

If I could be there ..

let you know
with my eyes
that all will be well,
just sit with you ..

I would

If I could be at your side

take your pain,
caress the hurt,
kiss your tears
with my hand on your heart ..

I would

Louise Jun 2014

A true gentleman
willing to catch you
if you fall

Sweet Sye suggested we write something for you Jack and it's a pleasure
Louise May 2014
I wonder if I just began to walk
would my destination be you
I'd begin my journey and follow my heart
It seems to sing a song that's so true

I think it would direct me towards the sun
and I would readily walk the path
There'd be no need to rush
as we've both known from the start

One day I'd just start walking
feeling pulled in your direction
Moving steadily towards you
to be the object of your affection

So prepare yourself my love
our time has now come
I'm ready and on my way
my journey, has already begun
Louise Jun 2014
I'm so lucky to have friends
right here on HP
I love the support that's sent
in each others hour of need

For without this cosy place
to bare my inner soul
I'd have no extra space
my words, no place to go

I often feel closer to you all
than my many friends at home
they only see me standing tall
notice only the courage I've shown

They know not all about my life
a 'side' I like to keep quiet
I do not share that I write
and would not call myself a poet

Although I love them dearly
each and every one
I won't bare myself freely
and doubt that day will ever come

I hold dear these precious friendships
the honesty and trust that is held
a powerful bond between poets
across the oceans, across the world

So I'm sorry, but you may have to forgive
the kisses I'll often send your way
and the loving hugs I have
that I'll send to you each day

I'm just a sentimental girl
with a lot of love to give
If you're on the other side of the world
I love you no matter where you live
Louise Jun 2014

please read the words
and then completely forget
pretend you haven't seen them
let's just say I haven't written them yet

maybe just glance at them
each and every private word
and it's possible you'll not remember
or it's likely they were blurred

please see the words in lines
as characters, empty, without life
disregard their impact
let them hide at the back of your mind

please read the words
and then completely forget
pretend that you haven't seen them
let's say I haven't written them yet

Uurrmmm.  This is a bit random really.
Louise Oct 2014

I want to take away the hurt
from your face,
the struggle
that you're feeling
right now.
I am here
I'll hold you
so softly
and so tight
at the same time.
I'm offering my body
just to warm
and comfort you,
show you
that you are wrapped
in love.
I can make it better.
Feel the love
that I have for you,
only you.
It can make you stronger,
with love.

for Brian
It's always you and me,  it always will be.  
Louise May 2014
They say we should be prepared in life
for those difficulties thrown our way
It's important to be ready for them
'change' is the only thing that stays the same

So what are the rules and guidelines?
This I really need to learn
There should be a detailed manual
to guide us through twists and turns

How do we really prepare?
Can't we just follow certain steps?
We do it all the time
but I haven't seen the manual yet!

I know this may sound so strange
but I like to get things right
I want to always be prepared
for those things, not yet in sight

So if anyone has a written plan
or steps numbered 'one' 'two' and 'three'
I'd really appreciate a copy
I'd be sure to carry it around with me
this was written a couple of months ago and inspired by a conversation with betterdays  :)
Louise Aug 2014
When I look around my life
I feel I'm only scratching the surface
I often throw out the question of 'why'
and wonder if it's really worth it

Aren't we here with a job to do
or maybe that's just what they say
A more positive outlook I'd choose
and find a better purpose to my day

I could climb the highest of mountains
which would mean taking to the streets
helping out those who have lost all hope
giving of myself in their need

I just want to give a part of me
that I have not always been shown
offer all I have within my heart
the best feeling we could ever know

Because life's not all about what you take
but what you have to give
not giving all you have would be a mistake
and really is no way to live
this is Mike's fabulous idea and he always comes up with something amazing!
Louise Apr 2014
They say 'time heals all' and it has faded the memory of you, although not convinced it would, and unsure if this was even true

I sit here and briefly ponder, since you have become just a face, the image of someone I once knew from a hazy kind of place

It's like a memory of a film that I felt such a part of, knowing each and every word, immersed in feelings of love

So old, it has now become and the image quite distorted, your face, completely out of focus, all clarity exhausted

The film has run its course, the audience left long ago, this was the very last viewing, of this worn out meaningless show
Louise Jun 2014

I'd love to be a little ninja
and seriously kick some ****
I just envy the freedom it'd give
to this woman of minimum height

I could go for a walk alone
at any hour I wish
not worry about being vulnerable
or feeling at any kind of risk

Being a woman is so frustrating
you 'can't do this' and 'can't do that'
I want to go where I want
when I want, and it's a fact

In Winter it's dark early
it can prevent me from going out
I don't think many men realise
they have their freedom without any doubt

I bumped into this '*****' in a pub
who thought he could cross the line
I wish I could have shown him
not to mess with 'my kind'

So I want to be a little ninja
to handle myself with grace
have the skills to take on anyone
that would dare to invade my space

I'd karate chop in an instant
be ready to roundkick in a skirt
perform upper cuts in a flurry
and a kick in the nuts wouldn't hurt

; )
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