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Louise May 2014
I fell in love with your poetry
at the very first line
feeling gentle words kiss my lips
rich emotions charged my mind

a title that caught my eye
and it really said it all
when I wasn't even looking
my heart began to foolishly fall

so deeply besotted now
with arranged words that you display
a heartbeat bashfully racing
and I'm left with nothing to say

you'll not even notice me
as you're wrapped up in beautiful forms
but I keep your poems close to me
and can only imagine you in my arms
for all you **** poets out there  ; )
Louise May 2014
I am right here, unmoving
Inside, although you can't tell
   I am running
    My heart is so naïve sometimes
     it seems to hold no fear

My head is in reality
I am motionless almost
  like a single teardrop
   clinging, never sure when it is going to fall
    inevitably gravity and life determine this

It is only my heart
and not my mind
  that I allow to run free
   needing the independence
     from this troublesome world

Living as it wants
in small pockets of time
  experiencing all
   'innocent and fresh'

Pockets of time are short
and my heart returns
  no wiser really ..

    but quenched ..

       for now .
Louise Aug 2014
The days can feel so grey
and the clouds so very low
struggling through the hours
finding ways to not let it show

Its so easy to let it get you down
there's often a battle going on inside
feeling at the bottom,  exhausted
wading in deep water through this life

Need to turn it all around
look at things in a different way
clear your head of it all
in the hopes it'll lift the grey

Our surroundings are often clouded
but the sky is always blue
it's just we now have to learn
to look up and change our view

At times just believing this
will hopefully be enough
to keep us looking upwards
towards that blue sky up above
Louise Jun 2014
Yay! It's the weekend
out with the girls tonight
Feeling rather perky
but wish my backside was feeling tight

I've squeezed it into jeans
they hold everything in!
Can't eat or drink too much
as there's really not much give

I will make it work though
and wiggle it all with pride
feeling 'bootylicious'
Thank god I've got alcohol on my side!

Louise Jun 2014
Living a lonely life
that is just so coldly cruel
I forced you to turn, walk away
when you were willing to be my fool

Holding on to the painful words
I knew I wanted to say
they choked up my insides
on that dark and desolate day

A million emotive words
stabbed at my throat and heart
I found them hard to swallow
when they were of our love

A desperate and yearned for intimacy
when for me,  there was none
the seams that held me together
were finally coming undone

I pleaded to save your soul
to show that you were not lost
I almost gave it all
but feared there would be a cost

I lay here again broken,  yearning
still nursing a scarred soul,
weeping and questioning
if you even cared at all
Louise Apr 2014

Why do we miss
what breaks our heart
which is worse, lonely or just alone
why do we miss
the fiery passion of a kiss
that holds us 'til we're no longer apart
why do we miss
what breaks our heart
Louise Jul 2014

I really dont know what it is
but I love a cuddly, curvy man
I'm definitely not a fan of six packs
and love a stomache that I can grab
arms should be sturdy and strong
also scattered with **** dark hair
the strength can be wrapped around me
to show how much he cares
I've noticed,  men with the 'extra layer'
usually have great legs too
this is definitely a bonus
and so is a size 12 shoe!!   ; )
So all you men out there who worry
about tightening up your belt
bring those love handles over here
and watch as I just melt

Haha!  Ok, so I know some of this is exaggerated a little but muscly men don't do it for me.  It's the squidgy ones
; )
Louise Apr 2013
White  as a blank canvas, a pure angelic sight

Yellow  wishes wishing I'd stopped to say 'Hello'

Purple  pleasing and caring words so thoughtful

Blue  feelings being alone without you

Green  eyes hiding tears you've never seen

Red  harsh words left isolated and unsaid

Pink  thoughts so sweet that the paper exhibits the ink

Grey  for all the words I couldn't say

Black  cloud in my mind containing qualities I lack

Cream vision, hoping you'll be in tonights dream

These are my colourful emotions
Tucked away deep inside
Yet the vivid and unpredictable rainbow is frequently arduous to hide
Louise Jun 2014

A piece of my heart
isn't just missing
It was never whole
to begin with

Louise Jun 2014

My heart
◆      is layered with scars     ◆
from so long ago

Louise May 2014
I beg you to let the light shine on me
it opens up my world
opens up my eyes to see

Hold the brightness from above
promise me you'll stay
I can now see all that I am afraid of

Things don't look so daunting now
it should always be this way
Why don't you stay and show me how?

It's as though I've been locked in a room
it was so lonely and dark
like the furthest place from home

Maybe now I can see a new beginning
a freshness has just arrived
the birds and my heart are singing

Stay in the daylight, foul fears
just leave me be
my smiling eyes should be left without tears
Louise Jun 2014
I hate to see you dear poet
writing out all your pain
it makes me feel quite useless
like an umbrella without the rain

I want to put my arms around you
to let you know someone is there
we won't even have to speak
it's just to let you know, someone cares

In reality there's a distance
and I'm unable to sit with you
but I hope you don't really feel alone
with this pain you're going through
This was written for poets that are writing their pain at the moment.
Louise May 2014
If in doubt
just do the right thing,
every time!
Louise May 2013
We've been together so many years
Memories of good times and some tears
A best friend for me but so much more
My husband who I'll love and adore
You cherish, comfort and protect
You love me! This I will not forget
I have faith in you and always will
My tortured heart you helped to heal
We laugh together every day
Smiling brightly by your side I'll stay
Loving hand you give to take in mine
I look into your eyes so deeply divine
Blue oceans so wise, with twinkling light
I'll lose myself in them each night
Louise May 2014
Some times I wonder how I would cope
stranded on an Island sporting a thong made of rope
Not sure what I'd do about my hairy pits
And I've got curly hair so I'm sure I'd get nits
I suppose I could exfoliate with a coconut shell
but the unwanted hair would be absolute hell!

I could go without make up and pretty clothes
and I'd have time to practise my Yoga pose
I would work on my tan, relax and chill
even catch breakfast with my new fishing skills

This actually sounds like a dream to me
so much alone time, just me and the sea
I'd look fab with a tan and a body so ripped
cellulite gone and slender hips
Wearing a grass skirt, feeling it sway
feeling so alive eating my five-a-day!
I just crave alone time sometimes lol
Louise Aug 2014

When he saw her
for the first time
did he know
that he would break her heart?

Did he know
that the beautiful brightness
in her eyes,
that drew him to her,
would slowly dwindle,

As the lies grew,
the light died.
He really didn't
give her a chance.

Did he know?

Louise Nov 2014

I'm still here
knowing I've never forgotten

Your still there
forgetting to remember

Do you ever
remind yourself to recall,

I forget sometimes
to leave thoughts of you

This time
I'll remember to

Louise Aug 2014

Are the angels
contemplating my fate
deciding for me
the route or journey I take

Do they watch over me
through the difficulties in my life
giving me strength
helping me do what's right

If I ask them
would they guide me today
give answers to questions
that upon my mind do often weigh

Do they forgive
the mistakes I've made
the one's I've forgotten
or that have begun to fade

I hope they stay forever
a comfort and a guide
their love washing over me
like a calm and caressing tide

The first line is from Robbie Williams song.  
Feeling like I need a little angel hug today
Louise Feb 2017
I'm not sure if he knows
that often, my eyes are without mascara
and lack the soft sweep of a muted brown

Does he realise
my limbs are not long and slender
and definitely not as lean as they once were

Is he aware
that my stomach is no longer flat
or even slightly firm but rounded and fleshy

Does he know all this
because each day
he looks at me as if I am beautiful
Louise Apr 2014
each word you delicately write
is taken from a page of my heart
I feel that you must know me
the pain I've felt from the start

it torments and pulls
yet you'll never know
you pen your lines so innocently
my emotions combined with your flow

your words of love bring tears
an unbearable ache inside
were you there with me
on those many nights that I cried

you wrapped me up in your stanzas
kissed my head with gentle thoughts
so I could lose myself in literature
with alternate breaths, we held a pause

my heartbeats matched your meter
only this form kept me alive
while I sleep, consumed in darkness
my story you continue to write
Louise Aug 2014
Do you remember from so long ago
the sweet taste of my love

Do you still remember my scent
when you said
it felt like home

Forget the 'I love you's' spoken now
and the time you kissed my mouth

Forget the broken look in my eyes
from the day you left
Ed Sheeran inspired.
His line was 'Will your mouth remember the taste of my love'
Louise May 2014
Collaboration with Jack

Where oceans dance on sleepy shores,
glistening beneath crescent moon breaths,
counting star drop secrets on charcoal skies
I stare at a horizon, a single shadowed line.... waiting

Into the depth of the distance, my thoughts drift
I know they will find their way somehow
I'll remain here, the closest point to you
my time, my freedom, I no longer wish to be my own

Cast upon these harmonic waves, my desires,
whispered into a sea breeze of flowing dreams,
Become one with a metronomic tide of needed current
seeking a path to your perfect heart and I breathe...slowly

Thoughts and desires now run free, seeking their destiny
the direction, always known to them, yet hindered
a moving course across the ocean, the destination, always you
wistfulness and impatient dreams will become a reality

And of this reality, these distant shores, we shall be together...
not of sun drenched morning awakenings,
nor a midnight sky of watchful eyes,
but of one love on a tireless journey, far beyond every horizon ....eternally
I've been so privileged to work with someone so talented.  
Jack thank you for making this so easy!
Louise Apr 2014
I'm immersed in silky water
drifting out to sea
It reminds me of that lost feeling
I'll continue to fight with indefinitely

No control over my direction
it's all out of my hands
drifting onwards and returning again
the tides not appreciating my plans

I can still see the shore
but it's already forgotten about me
it doesn't notice or care
that I'm floating away so aimlessly

I don't even feel I can fight it
just let it hold me in its grip
I'll let the ocean make my decisions
and I'll gaze in wonder at the cliffs

I doubt this will end well
about the conclusion I don't want to think
can't help but roll with the tides now
until I'm saved, or left to sink
Louise Aug 2014

She desperately tries to fight
against the tide
knowing she's never been
The waves are overpowering.
Ignoring her struggle
they continue,  battering her
She is losing her fight
to get to where she needs to be.
Tempted to submit,
let go,
give in,
she relaxes her exhausted
her exhausted self.
Holding her breath
and letting the current control her
she resigns,
just for today
and let's the tide decide
that it will take her
back to the shore.
Maybe she'll begin
to end it all again tomorrow.

I wasn't intending this to head in this direction but I liked the idea of the reader believing that she was trying to save herself rather than actually trying to drown herself.
Louise Aug 2014

The sun is setting
in the distance
It looks like a faraway land
beautifully exotic

I stare and wonder
feeling myself
being lifted,
outside my bubble

I'm constrained to the small place
that I reside within
too often

I could almost cry
for myself
as I have given my mind
that much needed freedom

My soul is shining
like the setting sun

Written after walking my dogs on a very beautiful evening
Louise May 2014
Her words are clearly written

full of life and love

yet she is showing you
the emptiness

It's there
between the words

above ..

and below ..
the lines

It surrounds
each and every stanza

and envelops whole poems

You ..

just choose

not to notice
Louise Jun 2014
...a place I must quickly find
          to lay these words in peace
            to escape my congested mind
              in which they torment and tease

                       they need to be seen by you
                desperately want to be heard
                so now I must release them
           each and every sordid word

           it's like my mind is compelled
      and I'm going against my free will
                 but a decision had to be made
                  for my chaotic mind to be still

                            I'm laying myself bare
                 exposing every part of me
  see kindly please, my nakedness
   as you're now seeing all of me

        I watch you stare into my eyes
                       urgently trying to see it all        
                            glancing at bare white skin
                          searching deep within my soul..
Louise Jul 2014
Don't be fooled into thinking
that I care more than I do
The feelings I express in ink
are never actually about you

Some emotions I still carry
passions from the past
They're more about me than you
I've sentiments to fill a space so vast

I will continue to compose
our experiences shared
Remember, it's not you that I miss
please let your feelings be spared

I hold onto the emotions
the 'idea' of the man
I enjoy the false fantasy
of a world with it's perfect plan

It's just that sometimes it feels so long
since I felt truly held dear
and in my times of loneliness
I'll pen sentiments and release tender tears
This was written last year for a contest to write about a fantasy.  I had a bit of a twist to mine.
Louise Oct 2014

Who fancies coming to a party
as a pirate?

My friend convinced me that we should go as pirates,  now she's not going!!!!!
: /
Who can get to England by tomorrow night? Lol
Louise May 2014
I fell
and continue to fall
into fantasies
of me and you

I fell,
not just part
but all
and it's all I seem
to do

***** moments,
bodies wrapped
in desire,
passionately intense,
burning feelings
creating fire

I'm kissing reality
I'll stay
in my imagination,
as each time
you pass me by
I'm resisting
a torturous

; )
Louise Aug 2014

I have so much fight
to get me through this life
my tongue, I sometimes bite
it can also cut like a knife

Many a determined fight, alone
although I never always realised that.
Fighting my corner at home
and at work, about this and that

Slowly realising, that alone it is
but I'm strong, so I won't submit
never showing my fears
not a single fight I would quit

It seemed like a good disguise
to carry around at the time
no one heard me cry or saw my tears
the many battles were 'all mine'

So now, there's no one there
who thinks I need defending
although there are many who care
just not aware that I need mending

I've created this situation myself
it seemed a good idea at the time
only I do often need help
and so long for a hero by my side

I wrote this because for so many years I would not show a vulnerable side to anyone. I'm softening as I get older.
Louise May 2014
She can still recall
       the footprints

that were made ..

oh, so long ago

    Left behind
a thousand footprints ago

Footprints on a path
walked in another time

     Invisible to others

She knows they still remain
      'out there'

   she remembers.

They are eternal ..
       invisible footprints ..
                on a path ..

                        she ..
                   will never ..
                      walk ..
Louise May 2014
My mind is full of thoughts of you
   Green eyes, readily searching
       Lips still laced with your taste
          Neck exposed awaiting your kiss

              My whole body alert, ready for your touch

Fingertips stretching, exploring
   Hands desperately grasping a memory
     Arms hopelessly clutching a vision of you
       Legs striding eagerly in your direction

             Bare feet retracing the steps ....

                  of our forgotten love.
Louise Jun 2014
My heavy heart feels so fragile today
I'm sure it is leaning to one side
I hope this feeling doesn't last
it's affecting the clarity of my mind

I'm pretty sure the beat is slower
and it's affecting the way I move
struggling to manoeuvre limbs
I soon hope things will improve

I've decided just to lay here
to let the feeling fade
I hope my heart's healed tomorrow
so I can begin a brand new day
Louise Apr 2014
All the laughter
all the screams
these things built
on friendship dreams

All the tears
on laughing faces
pushing the fears away
from the scary places

All the hugs
that are squeezed
into me
I save them for later
in my hour of need

All the talking
about our lives
our intimate details
saved for these times

All the love
that we give each other
anything we need
we'll look no further
inspired by a friend of mine that I've known for about 30 years
Louise May 2014
  just throw away
the restraining order
and marry me!
I can't sleep and this appeared in my mind ****
I do love him though
; )
Louise May 2014
Hearts get broken, once and then again
without receiving love we'd go insane
  Like a sponge, it soaks up all the feelings
   confusing our head and leaving us reeling
    Our 'one true love' or 'infatuation'
     the one we worship and give all our devotion
      We give our 'everything' over and over
       all to our beautiful, enticing lover
        Giving our all and then we pray
          pray, they wont' take it all away
           If the day comes, the one we dread
            taken is the food of love we were fed
             Our soul is destroyed, no fight to defend
               hearts are broken once, and then again
written last year
Louise May 2014
Each word
around my heart
like smoke shaped, teasing
wispy fingers

I don't see it ..
               or feel it ..

                     but then my heart begins to tell me.

It moans
                and creaks

                             demanding that I listen.

I can't ignore it now
                            as it hurts.

I lay my hand upon my wounded chest
                               telling my heart,
                                            reminding it

   that we cannot feel this way
                    ­                          not today ..

                                                      not tomorrow.

                 My heart calms ..

                                     for now


                           but I know that it won't be for long.
♡For all you writers who pen words that pull at my heartstrings♡
Louise Jun 2014

I can feel his heart
at times,
often, beating slowly
to a familiar tune.
My heart
tries to match
his rhythm
although he,
is not aware

The thickness
of the red
from his bleeding heart
through my soul.

He does not know
I carry a piece of him
within me ..

I always have.

Louise Apr 2013
I'm unable to ask for help
What if I'm turned away?
Can't take rejection
So in this situation I'll stay
My fear of being ignored
Outweighs this pain
What choice do I have?
Feels like I'm going insane!
Why am I so stubborn?
Is this the price I'll pay?
Think everything is Black and White
Need to dissect the Grey
"God help me perfect this on my own!"
It will be my Salvation, at the end of the day
Louise Jul 2014

He wrote of
new  horizons
sensual sunsets
and a moonlight
that would touch her soul

He tempted her with
the freedom of the ocean
the wonder of the waves
and pulled her heart
like the tide

She danced
to his tune under the stars
immersed herself
in the waves of his wishes
drowning in his love

Louise Aug 2014

She loved a poet
who loved to write,
about her.

He scribbled,
took notes,
created stanzas
and perfected poems,
about her.

He wrote
about her sorrowful eyes
the way the moon
lit up the darkness
within her,
the way her hair
curled lovingly around his fingers
as if it was meant to be.

He wrote about the angle of her curvy hips
sloping gently from her waist,
the perfect fit for his hands.

He continued to write
during the days
her tears began to fall,
even as she left
for the last time.
He, sadly,
let her slip through his fingers
and continued to write.

Louise May 2014
She no longer writes about 'him'
she is without words
without structure
without rhyme

she no longer feels him
she is without sense
without emotion
without affection

she no longer wants him
she is without need
without lust
without love

She ..

      no longer ..

I know this was inspired by a song but not sure what I was listening to now!!
Louise May 2014
I always watch the way you laugh
the lovely creases around your eyes
sometimes you act tough
although you're not, despite your size

It's the most immature things
that you find so very amusing
making my heart sing
I just can't stop watching

It suddenly reminds me
that there's an innocence to you
laughing so heartily
any funny joke will do

Your laughter is so alluring
I deeply love that side of you
my little heart starts purring
I'll want to be in your arms soon

I don't know what it is
but I just need to stop and gaze
it's a moment of beautiful bliss
our surroundings are in a haze

Your handsome face lights up
a gorgeous smile displayed
I hope the laughter never dies
and will continue to fill our days
Louise May 2014
You knew her so well
yet didn't know
Picked her up when she fell
but the pain hadn't showed

Was it all lost?
Disappeared in the night?
Her mind isolated in frost
She'd lost her fight

Losing her way with no idea
which way to turn or go
Moving further away with fear
her mind without a sane flow

It stopped you in your tracks
made you sit up and stir
Clouds had turned so black
Were you losing her?

Set her free if you must
she needs time, this she'd prefer
Support her during rest
many weeks passed in a blur

Unravelling like a flower
she came back into view
Something different about her
a spirit, refreshed and renewed

Would she spread her wings
fly so very far away
Perhaps but see what this brings
and just pray that she'll stay
Louise Aug 2014
A break away by the sea
is certainly what I need
my curls will be ruffled wild and free
this place I feel I can really breathe

I'm just away for a few days
and I'll miss you all while I play
but I really need to get away
What I need to know is.  Will you all behave?
I'm away Monday to Friday by the sea!!!!!
: )
Louise Apr 2014
It was so familiar to me
walking across this empty land
lonely but accustomed somehow
was it really what life had planned?

I never questioned how it was
it just 'was' you see
I tried hard and carried on
knowing I was alone, it was always just me

Time passed as it usually does
yet it seemed reluctant in some ways
and if this was how it used to be
Why does it still feel the same these days?
Louise May 2014
How many times did I die
how many times did my heart fail to beat
How many times did I just lay
and just stay amidst defeat

How many times did I starve
how many times did I cry
How many times did I just want to sleep
when you left, when we said 'Goodbye'

How many times did I collapse
how many times did I fail to get up
How many times did I force myself to continue
when I knew what in me was not enough

How many times did I think of you
how many times, did you I search
How many times did I try to forget
and my voice could not say the words

How many times did you think of me
how many times did you care
How many times did you even realise
I thought I'd die without you there
been listening to too many Adele songs!!
Louise Aug 2014

If I'm unnecessarily hurt
I see no other choice
than to push you away
without even using my voice

I'll dig in my heels
I'm so stubborn it's true
can't even be bothered
to waste my anger on you

I'll immediately switch off
very quietly withdraw
wanting to be alone
and nurse these feelings so raw

Acting like a woman scorned
I need much time to forgive
won't be pushed to change my mind
not ready to say 'Live and let live'

It may seem an overreaction
but it's a curse from my past
I'll never take abuse again
there's no room for any more scars

Just a bit of a vent!   : /
Louise May 2014
I heard my name
upon whispers
within sighs
and wondered
if you'd remembered
the sadness of our

I felt a gentle touch
upon a breeze
within the night
and wondered
if you'd treasured
the love
in my eyes

I tasted a moment
upon your lips
within a kiss
and wondered
if you found pleasure
in us
as much as I

I inhaled a scent
upon a memory
within my mind
and wondered
if you'd surrender
to me
one more time
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