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BardOfTheNorth Apr 2015
It's strange when people pass away.
One day they're there, the next they're not.
Where do they go after they've fought?

But back here we're grieving.
Back here confused.
It was all so sudden,  
we never thought we had something to lose.
BardOfTheNorth Apr 2015
Thinking now, I miss the late night talks about nothing.
I miss the late night talks about something.
I miss staying on the phone all night playing kingdom hearts.
I miss singing and dancing over skype wanting to never part.
I miss the unsecure security.
I miss your laugh, and I miss your crazy stories.
But most of all,
I miss the simplicity we once had.

The unlikely friendship we shared,
Until we found out we both cared.
I believe everything happens for a reason,
But what if our time has run?
What if it's only just begun?

Is this meant to happen, is it just fate?
Or is it time we closed the gate.
I don't know what path is right.
I'm just so scared to mess up this life.
I wish there was a manuel, or I could see into the future,
Maybe then I could make the suture.
BardOfTheNorth Apr 2015
I read all of your poems, and I think they're beautiful.
BardOfTheNorth Apr 2015
She tells me logic is the way to go.
Honesty is her meaning, analytical is her kind.
I still can't seem to make up my mind.

Should I keep my promise, or risk it all?
For a couple of lies, that could make me fall.
The risk is too great, or is too small?

Replying is all I want to do,
But logic and fate say its too soon.
BardOfTheNorth Apr 2015
Times are hard, this is true.
I want you to know, I made this for you.
Days go by, through and through.
But it'll always be us two.

I look to the stars and see you so far away.
Thinking of you almost everyday.
I'm torn between my word and these feelings.
I'm bound by a promise to keep my silence.
For myself, I just can't let go of you.

My mind, my heart, my soul and logic are all tearing me apart.
Not sure what to do, I sit in silence doing my part.
Safety has always been where I have hid.
When I make a leap from safety, it's big.
Too scared or too shy, to make the wrong move.

I'm sorry for this, i'm sorry for silence, i'm sorry for the pain, i'm sorry for my cowardice.
My paopu will always be with you.
  Apr 2015 BardOfTheNorth
Cheryl Tan
We are all but stars still searching
The constellations of our souls
Seeking who we are and who we should be
Watching, as our galaxies unfold

Though change bursts constant through this light
Where two fearful broken hearts collide
Ethereal wonders light the universe
When the stars are you and I.

We're still searching for ourselves amidst the edge of chaos, and while we both know certainty and  broken insecurity rarely collide well... maybe, just maybe, this is the start of something new.
BardOfTheNorth Apr 2015
There once was a robot who was proud and strong,
She knew her master would never do her wrong.
They lived in a lighthouse, so far away,
To save the secret of her, it shall stay.

He loved her with a love none can say,
While she could never feel that way.
No one would understand how he loved a bot,
But he did it without a thought.
He built her from scratch, with love
And things he found in an old hatch.
Alive she came to grace his day,
Lonely no more, he had his way.

Until one day she was not the same,
A ***** was found in the hay.
The night's sunder came about,
Wind and rain with a shout.
An axe flew through the door,
"Get out, you blasted *****."
All night he tried to hide,
With no hope that he'll survive.
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