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 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
Austin Skye

Canyons chiseled by rivers old
Morning sun bathing mountains in gold
Their peaks hit the sky
Stirring the clouds ever so high
Standing on the summit
Dreaming I could fly
Gazing down upon the rest of the world
Trees with their branches
Distorted and curled
Cover the ground laying below me
Seeming a carpet of moss
All the way to the edge
Of the ocean, it's water half frozen
And a solid white
I wish you could see
This magnificent sight
Sending shivers, almost of fright
I'll always remember
The end of this Alaskan night.
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
Austin Skye
October 3rd, 2013

Warm bodies intertwined
Closeness between them
The sheets hold in the heat
Keeping out the winter chill

The music drifts over them
Washing away whatever doubt
Has creeped into their heads
Comforting them in the night

Candlelight crawls to the corners
Casting shadows across the room
Dimly lit they lay and kiss
As the light flickers around them
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
Austin Skye
Dark jeans. Deep blue.
Blue V neck. Light hue.
Silver chain. Curling too.
Golfing hat. Grey as you.

This is how I dress tonight.  
Not who I am.

So ponder your words
Before you slam
The doors that could
Lead to something new.
It could last a night
Maybe even two.

Who knows what happens
After I simple smile
Or a quick hello
Or it's been a while.

Take the chance
While it's here
And hold this moment.
It is very dear.

After tonight it is gone.
Like the things I wear
Left on the floor.

Do not disregard my kindness.
It's not a chore.
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
Austin Skye
Peaceful trees, covered in swarming bees
Dot the coast of a rugged land.

Every spot on a leopard's coat
Gets reflected in the words I wrote.

Padded paws pleasantlfy plod
Through the countryside.

Bounding through beaches of yellow sand,
Blaring trumpets from every band.

Herds of elephants marching across my page
Of journal entries lost in grasses so high.

Frightened by yips of hyena sentries
Guarding the thoughts poured n m this ink.

Tickling birds crowding the sky
Singing so loud, barely able to fly.

Crocodiles sink back into drying mud,
Swimming towards the forsaken, stuck in crud

Of filler words
Cramming into my mind.

A rugged land filled
With creatures of every kind.

Lost among the peaceful trees,
Drowned in the sound of buzzing bees.
This poem was written after staring intently at my friend Ariel’s book mark for the book Kite Runner. She had colored it in with shades of blue, then purple and green, yellow then red. I looked at it flat, perpendicular to my eye, from the blue corner. It seemed to me to resemble and African Dreamscape
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
Austin Skye
I don't know where I'm going.
I've stopped caring where I've been.
All I know.
All that matters.
Is where I am now.
And it is wonderful.
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
Sia Jane
Biting the lip
the same place
as a

Ever since that
fall, she had
always bit

When she fell
a scar cut
deep, leaving behind

Never healing it
was always so
raw, ripped and

The blood tasted
of metal coins
cold and sweet

Now in her
thirties, she chews
on the same

Despite the surgery
the wound remained
old habits

Tonight she bites
down, and tastes
her childhood

Even now she
cannot escape all
the masochistic

The pain, though
dull, reminds her
she is here

© Sia Jane
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
Sia Jane
Her heart is an
empty concave space
with nothing beating or
it's not red with blood and
instead it's in the palm of
her hand
pale and shrunken
and as much as she
wants it to pump
there's no energy to even
be herself
let alone
save her heart

© Sia Jane
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