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Feb 2019 · 126
Lost Indeed Feb 2019
Tonight I am banned from Heaven.
Tonight there is no angels to protect.
There is no demons to hunt or man to pray.
Tonight the lions of the apocalipse run free.
Tonight Time will take a day off.
And God and the Devil will play chess.
Tonight nobody will run the show.
Tonight we dance in the rain.
While ecstasy of dying touches my lips.
Nothing before matter and nothing after will ever exist.
Because for one night we are who we were suppose to be.
We are clouds and water, fire and smoke, sapphire and dimonds.
Tonight we are Chaos and Infinity.
3/5 Of the series "Let me be your Devil"
Feb 2019 · 192
Gravitational Pull
Lost Indeed Feb 2019
I can feel it from the other side of the globe.
The Gravity that calls me to the sea.
Like a constant curse in the wind.
A memory of your last moment with me.

When I am with you everything disappears.
And I feel time passing like a friendly wave.
I let the blues consume my soul in a silver tray.
Constant dying Impaled by a million spears.
2/5 of the series "let me be your Devil"
Feb 2019 · 286
The paradox of me.
Lost Indeed Feb 2019
I am here consulting my dreams, hoping to find a memory of you.
The nicotine runs into my veins like wild horses in the wind.
I look into the infinite dimension of the mirror in your wardrobe.
And the Devil looks back.

I am exhausted now I cannot fight.
I will give in and open the door to my soul.
Because I the exuberant form of not being.
I am chaos.

The moon knock at my window but I will not anwser.
Not tonight, tonight I am will let my heart dance at your beat.
Tonight You are everything that ever were and will ever be.
Tonight my Darling YOU are infinity.
1/5 of the series "Let me be your Devil".
Dec 2018 · 172
It is time
Lost Indeed Dec 2018
The sad part always come too soon.
We did not have the chance to live on the moon.
I was too scared of surviving.
And truly terrified of dying.

We are the eccentric way of the universe speak.
Created to observe the infinite and live in constant ending.
Always laying on the edge of existence.
Going with the wind without any resistance.
Dec 2018 · 160
The last Poets
Lost Indeed Dec 2018
Do not take per granted the art of writing.
Do not neglect the power of words.
The constant war without swords.
The intense fear of internal fighting.

We are the last poets of a broken society.
Like every generation before us.
Time is a impossible collection of fuzz.
Finding pearls in the mud and shaping this atrocity.
Dec 2018 · 86
Lost Indeed Dec 2018
I am a ******.
I'm addicted to rhyme.
The condensed power of words.
In a eternal poem that beats time.
Every verse like pure ecstasy.
Every word a single bliss.
In each strophe a piece of me.
But I cannot stop now.
My eyes are used to the abyss in my soul.
I am too deep.
I can't see the sun.
In every drop of rain a single verse.
In every look in the street a poet stroke.
Welcome to my lost life.
A simple man addicted to rhyme.
Dec 2018 · 263
Be kind
Lost Indeed Dec 2018
Kindness is poetry in itself.
Is the borderline that divide us from deities.
From all the gods and devils that we invented.
From all the mud and blood that we live.
There is one thing that shines.
One thing that redeem ourselves from our crimes.
The thing that causes us to shiver upon fear.
That motivate without love.
That destroys without guns.
In the end I beg you to do what is right.
Love yourself and the others and PLEASE BE KIND.
Dec 2018 · 110
Lonely gods
Lost Indeed Dec 2018
In the end of everything.
When time becomes blue.
There will be a Crypt in the infinite hall of history.
On that rock some words to the inter-dimensional visitors.

Resides here the last breath of lonely gods.
Gods that unveil time.
That overcame death.
They won all the fights.
They defeated all the enemies.

But everything was not enough, infinite was too little.
To cease they own pride they went too far.
And even with all the power they died against all odds.
Because that is the destiny of all lonely gods.
Oct 2018 · 300
Ex sociopath
Lost Indeed Oct 2018
I was young when I first realized.
That I felt nothing even with tears in my eyes.
I understood that there was no happiness behind my smile.
The burden of living made every day become a single trial.

But then you came destroying my conception of reality.
Breaking every piece of my soul and distorting my normality.
This must be some kind of witchcraft.
Because you transformed me into poet from a sociopath.
Oct 2018 · 269
Lost Indeed Oct 2018
If there is something like a perfect piece of art.
It is hidden in the most untouchable of the places.
A place so unreachable that only the unluckiest and the saddest of the humans can go.
A place that connects heaven, hell and earth.
The only place that connects God, the devil and us.
Death keep the most amazing and beautiful piece of heaven that exists.
Because if that wasn't so, God wouldn't create an angel just to keep it safe.
And even if there is no God above the clouds or devil under the earth.
We still are walking the unstoppable crusade to the end.
So enjoy the last seconds of your brief infinite called life.
Oct 2018 · 92
Above us
Lost Indeed Oct 2018
Lately I've been wondering if there is something above the sky.
If there is a consciousness that knows everything.
Because if there is I need to ask.
Why create smart monkeys just to suffer?
I see good people dying of hunger in the streets.
But I also see bad mans rising above the sky.
Is there any justice or just a lost concept of judgment?
Because if there is someone up there I need to know.
And hell I don't know a lot.
But buddy if life is scripted there is a huge hole in your plot.
Did you created us to die in mud?
To drown in our own sins.
Because if that was the reason.
If with all that power you abandon was to live in pain.
So I prefer to stay...
I prefer to die with man, honored man.
Than live the eternity among the gods.
Oct 2018 · 89
Lost Indeed Oct 2018
We are the fire that burn inside all lovers.
We are astronauts diving into the infinite.
Our love was made by the stars.
And written into the cosmos.

We are the inevitable consequence of time itself.
A perfect mixture of life and death.
Of paradise and hell.
We were designed to be who we are.
Because I am chaos and you are Infinite.

And when time crumble into itself.
We will be there to watch the end of everything.
That were, is and will be.
Because time is not for those that love.
Oct 2018 · 302
Lost Indeed Oct 2018
I am who I am.
I am me.
I am the best at being me.
I am nothing more, nothing less than just me.
I am chaos.
I am submerged in entropy.
I am the answer of all odds.
I am the void.
I am me.
I am the pinnacle of my own evolution.
I am the culmination of all my doubts.
I am the last one of my kind.
I am and I will ever be me.
Oct 2018 · 104
Lost Indeed Oct 2018
You were infinite.
I was chaos.
The world burned.
We kissed.
The sun gave up.
The moon ran away.
I dreamed.
You laughed.
All the things converged to this moment.
Our first moment.
An unlimited amount of eras.
Packed in one second.
Oct 2018 · 93
Lost Indeed Oct 2018
I fell in love.
I did not want to, but It happen.
I tried to run but it got me.
I cried and it shot me.

It wasn't a bullet but a smile that putted me down.
Another simple man ****** on the crowd.
I know it sounds vague.
But love is like this, mortal like a plague.

Like poison it hurts my mind.
Like water it blurs my sight.
It slowly destroys my conception of what is mine.
Breaking every single piece of what I used called life.

There is no much left to say.
Because on that cold night of winter.
You were the hunter and I was the prey.
Oct 2018 · 71
Lost Indeed Oct 2018
Sitting in the edge of the night.
Waiting for the end to pass by.
Thinking about the day that you said goodbye.
And even though there was no light in the sky.
We both knew that angels know how to cry.

I shout to the endless dark of a starless night.
And I realized that I am just lost in plain sight.
In the middle of everyone but the only one to hide.
That life is sad and we all going to die.

The only thing that I ask is that you love me on more time.
Let the dark in and consume what is mine.
Let the fire burn what is left of your life.
And then, just then love like we are sinners in the middle of the night.

— The End —