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Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
Her eyes were so empty.
There were not even tears to be shed.
Light did not exist
Colors were dull.

Those eyes will haunt me.
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I don't believe in Heaven,
but hell is for sure.
I've looked a demon in the eyes,
and spent a life time in hell.
A sweet facade,
a happy exterior.
But I cannot hide the haunted eyes.
I cannot hide the brokenness
left from a dance with the devil.
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Have you ever held your breath,
Just to know what drowning feels like?
They told me that you can't
reach out and touch death,
but death has ghosted his hands
across my fragile skin.
Life is a delicate thing
and it can so easily be lost.
His cold hands on my cheek,
his frosty breath down my neck,
Death is watching.
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2015
You're a monster.*
He looked at me for a moment
and muttered,
I know.
Without a thought,
He went back to his beastly ways.
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Nothing good ever happens there,

The kids go there to smoke,
The drunks go there to fight,
And, well, everyone else avoids it.
Except for kids like me,
Who go there to die,
and never come back.

Every town has that place,
Nothing good ever happens there.
Stay away.
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
They've found me guilty.
Today I will die.
Are you coming?

I know you do so love to watch death.

The beat of the military drums
And the bitter stench of fear,
It all falls quiet as I am led to the end.
The grim silence of death is looming.
As the glinting steel of the axe falls,
My cold laugh echoes in the heavy silence.
I'll be seeing you again, soon.

Everything freezes as the axe hits it's mark.
Goodbye, for now.
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
I ripped open the night sky
to see the mysteries behind the facade.
But the constellations wrinkled
and the moon was torn
the stars winked out
and fell from the sky
and I ruined the beauty
looking for something real.
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Did you think this was Romeo and Juliet?
Did you think I'd give up everything for you?
I have not known men to be kind
or love to be lasting,
So I think it's better I stay alone.
At least I know that loneliness is lasting.

I have never believed in love,
But I believed in you,
Until you asked me for all I had.
You know I can't give it.
Lately my poems aren't right. Something's missing.
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
They threw me from heaven
when the pearly white of my wings
Faded to ashen grey
and darkened further with my mind.

They say the white feathers mirror
an angel's purity and righteousness.
That my blacked feathers reflected
a rotting heart and malice in my mind.

But what righteousness is there
when one being decides
the everlasting fate of many?
What is right and what is wrong?

An angel with blackened feathers
is no longer welcome in paradise.
For once I understand,
There is no justice in faith.

The fallen shall remain fallen,
The disgraced angel shall not return,
But shall instead find the truth and
take comfort in knowledge no longer forbidden.
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
Lately, she sighs with the passing hour.
Time crawls by at a snail's pace,
and yet it is a whirlwind of activity.
She watches as the day passes her by
and her limbs move slowly
through the heavy fog of exhaustion.
Dark circles hang heavily,
shadowing her eyes from the world.
Her jagged nails are her only source of comfort
as her nervous habit of biting them has returned.
The world is cruel to the innocent,
and only ceases when
it has broken those who least deserve it.
In Fate's spiteful eyes, she is sufficiently broken.
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
You told me you want
to go back to sleep.
I'm sorry you fell awake.
Go back to sleep,
With your dreams
and your hopes,
Where reality cannot reach,
Go back to sleep,
It'll be okay,
You don't need to fall awake.
Go back to sleep,
Where life is okay,
And pain is bearable,
and brokenness is nonexistent.
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
So, this is fate.
It is not what I thought it would be.
I must say,
I never understood it,
but now,
I understand even less.
So, this is fate.
I don't like it.
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
He told her she had a beautiful scream.
She tried to be defiant, not to scream again,
But he did unspeakable things.
When he let her go,
She never spoke again.
A little scary, I hope,
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
You would have fought.
You would have fought
until the death, until the end.
Until the sun burned out;
And the world fell cold,
You would have fought
And I'm sorry I cannot be
as strong and fierce as you.
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
I am a figment of your imagination.
A product of your creation,
a mere fabrication,
your own fantastic notion.

I'm not real,
I'm not real,
I'm not real.

I felt so real, so live.
I just wanted to survive.
Let me come alive,
something for which to strive.

I'm not real.
I'm not real.
I am real.
Liz And Lilacs Sep 2015
If I could breath fire,
I'd inhale,
And never let it go,
Just to feel alive again,
Just to feel like I was burning
with passion like I used to.
Liz And Lilacs Jul 2015
The touch of the sunlight,
the warmth of the water
dancing around our ankles,
smell the salt in the air,
fresh and clean and pure.
Little tastes of happiness.
But it's never enough for you.

You think that happiness is a state,
like liquid or gas, something you stay in.
But happiness is in the fleeting moments,
the laughter of friends,
hot chocolate, sweet and smooth
with little marshmallows.

Dancing in the rain,
wearing your favorite shirt,
a walk through the woods,
a hug just a little longer than usual,
the warmth of someone else's arms.
These fleeing moments are
where you find happiness.
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
**** you.
You and your beautiful wings.
My wings have been clipped
and my feathers are ruined.
There's no point in staying behind.
Don't bother waiting.
I'll never be able to fly with you.
Just fly away and leave me with my misery.
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
"Follow me, " she said, as she danced through the garden.
Flittering wings and a tinkling laugh,
I followed her, enchanted.
The flowers bloomed as she passed,
The air filling with the scent of spring.
She led me to her garden
and taught me to love again,
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
For a year or so, I was happy.
Comfortable with myself.
There were always the pervading fears
And the lingering self hatred,
But I was almost happy,
For a while.
But know I see myself again,
And I do not like what I see.
My hatred is back
And I think it's going to stay
For a while.
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
Of all things I've seen,
It's you that I want to forget.
Gone from my mind,
The pain would disappear.
The nightmares and fear,
The jumping when I'm touched.
I could forget it all,
Simply by forgetting you.
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2016
I found half of a best friend's necklace.
It's a simple chain, a charm that has "Best"
engraved in a piece of green plastic,
a pickle with ogling eyes.
It must have been an inside joke,
a friend I promised never to forget.
I can't remember who.
Just a forgotten memory,
a long lost friend
who I may never
see again.
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
So we beat on, boats against the current,
     borne back ceaselessly into the past.
I hope she is a fool, a beautiful little fool.
Absolutely real, pages and everything.
The loneliest moment in someone's life is when
       they are watching their world fall apart
       and all they can do it stare blankly.
And I sat there brooding in the old and unknown world.
You can't repeat the past.
You can't repeat the past? Of course you can.
They're a rotten crowd, I stated,
         You're worth more than the whole **** lot of them.
When you feel like criticizing, remember not everyone
          has had the advantages you've had.
I thought of Gatsby's wonder.
So we beat on, boats against the current,
          borne back ceaselessly into the past.
Some of Fitzgerald's most poetic lines from the great gatsby,
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I feel your eyes, trained on my back and lower.
Pretending not to notice, I keep a steady pace.
The click of my heels beat with the staccato of my heart.
I found this, unfinished... I don't feel like finishing it... but it started off well...
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Four AM
And five stitches later
I finally realized the
cold hard truth.
I never want
to see you again.
I can't keep showing
up at the hospital
when you've broken
me yet again.
Liz And Lilacs Sep 2015
He asked me about my scars...
And I could't answer,
filling the silence with
that disgust and fear welling up in my chest.
This would be the end of us.
That's how it always is.
You can fill cracks with gold,
you can paint over the streaks,
but it's not the same
and no one wants a broken girl.
Not even as friends like us.
but he just looked at me and said
You should know that you're perfect
and don't need any of that.

*...And you're feisty.
I've never known someone who can make me cry and laugh and feel so special like him.
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
We're friends, right?
I know I don't see you often,
but you can tell me anything.
You're such a beautiful person.
I know I never know how to make things better,
but, we're friends... right?

It's okay when you stop answering,
I know you're really busy.
I miss you so much though.
I get nervous, you know.
but, we're friends, right?
For a friend I'm missing, even though she's so close.
I just want you to be happy.
Liz And Lilacs Jun 2015
I'm so sick of being called cold.
I know.
I know.
I'm not like you.
Not anymore.
I know I'm distant.

But... I'm tired and empty
and I don't have the energy
to pretend anymore.

So go ahead,
Go ahead and call me a
Frigid *****
I did nothing to you but keep my distance,
But go ahead.

I know,
**I know I'm cold.
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
"I'm dying to see you *******."

Then die.
Keep your hands to yourself.
I'm angry.
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2017
Sometimes, i feel like a ghost.
I'm sitting in an empty train car,
staring out at a barren countryside.
It's winter, the trees are dead, the sky is gray,
there's no trace of life outside,
no trace of life inside the train,
no trace of life inside of me.
This is the train in which
they transport my coffin.
The box that holds all that was me
as I sit as stare out the window
Sometimes, I feel like a ghost.
Liz And Lilacs Sep 2015
Tis a curse to be gifted
by the muses.
Why is it that artists go mad,
and poets are broken,
writers get drunk,
and musicians find themselves
smoking in the back alleys?
Liz And Lilacs Jun 2015
Will you teach me
how to be brave?
How to hold myself
together when all
the my pieces are
shattered on the floor?
Do you know how to be strong?
Does anyone?
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Death like eyes knows little of listening to the cold love hardened words cupped in my hands.
It just wants a way to feel able to be held dear.
Words taken from my previous poems, turned into it's own poem.
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
I used to believe that achieving one goal was enough,
Be content that you could get there.
But that is wrong.
I will do whatever it takes to be the best.
For good enough isn't good enough for me.
I will never be fine with being good enough.
I must be the best.
As a musician, I know just how much being the best means and I know what it's like to be good enough. Even, not quite good enough.
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I was raised to keep quiet
and let life pass me by.
No one ever told me
It was okay to fight.
No one ever told me
They had faith in me.
I was raised to keep quiet
and life has passed me by.
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2015
soft light through curtains
yellow crumpled duvet
rain pattering on the roof
stretch and breathe
forget the dreams
smell of coffee and toast
Good Morning
I've not been feeling very poetic lately.
Liz And Lilacs May 2015
You always knew how to make
words mean more than a definition.
And here I am trying to emulate
Frost, Hemingway, Emerson, Poe
And yet I'm reduced to a string of letters and a name.
You always knew how to make things beautiful
in a way that I cannot.
Liz And Lilacs Mar 2016
You walk with such purpose
in a world where
I can see no purpose.
I wanted to talk you,
to ask how you manage
to appear like you've found meaning
in this monochromatic world.
but i am all shades of the same color
and how could reach beyond my place
to approach someone of so many hues.
"All the world's a prison."
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
I grew up fast.
I went to meetings with my father,
begged my mother to stop shouting.

I would lay awake at night,
listening to them argue.
My unversed brain not understanding.

I grew up too fast.
Relentlessly hoping for happiness,
always trying to be better.

I wanted to make everyone happy
And in doing so,
I lost my own happiness.
My words never quite match the emotions in my head.
Liz And Lilacs Aug 2015
She poured the liquid gold
from one hand to the other.
Scalding and burning
But oh so beautiful.
*"We were all that remained."
I never understood her, but who could hope to?
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
A whimper,
A plea,
don't let it go.
A tear,
A gasp,
why did it happen?
Why do I feel so guilty for what you did to me?
Liz And Lilacs Apr 2015
"Even your own body hates you,
enough to betray your mind."

The coldest thing
I could have heard
on that day
was what you said.

It was a bad day,
A hot day
full of my burning fear
and your scorching desire.

But what you said was so cold
So cruel
So utterly and completely terrifying
and absolutely humiliating.

"Even your own body hates you,
enough to betray your mind."
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
The horrid things that you have done,

                        Do they haunt you in the night?

                                          Do you lie awake  regretting it all?
                         I hope you're afraid of yourself,

Because I'm afraid of you, too.
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Forgive me.
Set me free,
Pray for me.
Hail Mary,
I'm on my knees,
Accept my pleas
Death is free,
But I have sinned.
I tried to rhyme? I'm aware this isn't good. Nothing ever is.
Also, I'm not catholic, so I did a bit of research to make sure I knew what the prayer was for. If it doesn't make sense, I'm sorry.
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I woke to his hot hands
resting on my stomach,
Just above the scars on my hips.
He looked down at me,
His eyes tracing my scars,
Sadness deep in his eyes.
You were crying in your sleep,
he explained.
His big tee shirt was pushed up slightly,
and he gently tugged it down, covering my belly.
*I wanted to comfort you.
As if this would happen.
It might be nice not to wake up alone after all my **** nightmares.
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I hated going to piano lessons
at first
Because my hands are ugly and scarred.
But the teacher,
Her hands were gnarled with age
And she still played the most beautiful music.
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
What makes me happy?

Playing my instrument
I wouldn't know what else.
I guess i'll have to learn.
The happy challenge in response to Raven
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
I asked for happiness on my sixteenth birthday.
That is far from what I got.
Sixteen year old me ended up in a dark place,
With frightening people.
And here I am, seventeen,
Falling ever deeper into the darkness.

Maybe if I'd never asked for happiness,
It wouldn't have been this bad.
Maybe I wouldn't have met that man,
And he wouldn't have done what he did.
Maybe if I'd learned to be happy instead of just asking for it,
I would be happy today.
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2015
I never felt safe in my own house.
Could never climb the stairs without
nervous glancing, gazelle fleeing.
Could never turn off the lights
without another light beckoning in the distance
to guide me to safety like a white moth to flame.
His voice still echoes in the dining room,
I never fixed the holes he punched in the walls.
I don't know how to fix the ruins he's made,
To undo the damages he's done,
So for me,
This home will forever be haunted.
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
He called me his lion,
even though I told him
female lions are lionesses.
I opened my eyes
and he held my hand.

but then I swallowed the pills
and he saved me life.
I sobbed, disgusted by myself,
that I was still alive.
He simply held me and let me cry.

He stopped the bleeding
and took care of me.
He dealt with my mess and
loved me anyway.
I just don't understand why.
but i love him back
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