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Let all the masks confess

Shame the world

Let the bowstrings

Of love confuse them
 Feb 2015 Lilly
Francisco Lopez
I like boys
I love holding hands with him
Feeling his warm embrace
I love the feeling when I am with him
Watching the sunset together
Dancing, Laughing, and Playing
Running my hand through his hair
Tasting his lips against mine
Feeling the scruff of his beard
The feeling in his arms embrace
Whispering secrets to each other
Making plans for the future together
Dancing till the sun rises
Laying in the grass staring up at the stars
Waiting to be equals
Standing under the rainbow flag
Kissing under the rainbow
Holding his hand walking into a unclear future
Just what I was feeling sorry for any bad spelling or grammar it is like 3 in the morning wile I am writing this . . .  so sorry in advance. As always any feed back is greatly appreciated.
 Feb 2015 Lilly
addy henderson
I've come to the realization
that my heart I've held in a basin
can be opened instantly
unwillingly: my epiphany

For all the time I spent
being stolen so guys can look through me
selling my time and affection in debt to my knee
for all the effort they were applying
I won't sell unless you're buying

I'm containable like catching sand in a holy can
when I'm slipping through the cracks in your hand
I feel my rocky chest expand
as you can grip me again just as planned

To say I'd **** for you is more subtle
for millions die each year
I'd move you to Mars with only a shuttle
and visit every star that's near

My element has tangled with water and earth
but I never knew fire and fire could give birth
to an entire forest of flames
and still be tamed

A fool jumps ahead to trip on their own feet
but i'll keep falling in love with you
if you're still the concrete
 Feb 2015 Lilly
Turning Gay
 Feb 2015 Lilly
"Turning gay."
Oh how that term annoys me.
You cant just turn gay.
You're born that way,
Its the way you are.
You may realize it,
Or come to terms with it,
But you dont just wake up one day,
Out of the blue,
And say,
"Oh my gosh! I'm gay."
Because then it would be like a sickness.
Something that you can go get reversed.
Its not a sickness.
Its not something that can be changed,
With therapy,
Or meds.
You're born gay,
Or you're born straight.
Just like you were born with black skin,
White skin,
Brown skin,
Or whatever color skin you have.
You don't just turn to the other race,
Do you now?
You cant just turn to the sexuality.
You cant turn gay.
 Feb 2015 Lilly
In the night of twinkling stars,

I spied over a gorgeous man.

I wish if he would be interested in me,

So I spied over him through the binoculars.


He lives across the window, and I am not so far,

Still I watch him through the binoculars like watching a migrant star

I don’t want to keep him out of my sight.

No matter what I am doing is crime and is not right.


I sit and hide in the window curtain by the gable wall

Linger around for the night to fall

Just to watch him walking naked through the hall

That's the secret, and I am not going to tell you at all


I chuckle myself on what I see

And wonder if he is just like me

He jumps on to the bed naked

And that is what the interesting happening


So I keep watching him through the binoculars

And wish if he would be interested in me.
 Feb 2015 Lilly
Nigel Beckett
I’m sorry for the things I’ve said or stupid stuff I’ve done,
But I truly never wanted to be your one gay son.

I know it can’t be easy to hear those words out loud,
But I know that you still love me and I hope I make you proud.

I couldn’t live a life where all I did was lie,
If I couldn’t be honest I think I’d sooner die.

To understand it fully, I’m still not at that stage,
But to still be in the closet was like being in a cage.

To love another guy, to me it don't make sense,
And so around my heart I built a little fence.
Although as time went on that fence became a wall,
Built of solid concrete standing ten feet tall.
I try to take it down to let a good guy in,
But it always ends in tears I simply cannot win.

Then it starts all over and you think you have found one,
Until he turns around and says that all he wants is fun.

You can’t help who you fall for, it’s not a simple choice,
It comes from deep inside you, this little niggling voice.

So if you are still hiding don’t just live in fear,
For a happy life is worth it, the price of life is too dear.

Those who stand and judge me, will never be my mates,
Laughing at the fact with guys I go on dates

Sure who really cares, we can’t all be the same,
It’s like we have thrown a dice in this life we call a game

So take a big deep breath, it will be ok in the end
Oh hey parents this isn't my college mate, he's actually my boyfriend.
Written to raise awareness of the difficulty of coming out
 Feb 2015 Lilly
Meghan O'Neill
 Feb 2015 Lilly
Meghan O'Neill
An open letter
To all the pieces of ****
Who use gay as an insult.
You really need to stop
Pretending that you are better
Than someone else
Because you prefer to
Put your **** in a different place.
You really need to stop
Pretending that being straight
Makes you more worthwhile.
You really need to stop
Pretending that "no ****"
Is an acceptable thing to say
You really need to stop
Pretending that you're not afraid
That a man will look at you
The same way you look at women
You really need to stop.

Gay means happy
A ****** is a bundle of sticks
And you are homophobic.
 Feb 2015 Lilly
 Feb 2015 Lilly
A man
May want what he can't have

His heart may lack
What he desires the most

His smile may hide
His longing or feeling

But it is sin,
They say

So he will hide it all
For society

And pretend to be
"One of us"

Yet inside
He is different

In possibly
The most terrifying way imaginable

Let him have what he desires
For we are sinners too

If you don't think it's natural
Please open your eyes

Look outside and see the women
With their legs spread wide open

At one point that would have been "wrong"
But that changes

It all changes

So your mind should too
And accept it
 Feb 2015 Lilly
 Feb 2015 Lilly
Don't stand there and treat me with pity,
If you pity me,
Then tell me.
If you you hate me,
Then tell me.
Don't treat me like the lesser,
Because I'm not.
Don't treat me like I'm sick,
Or confused...
Because I'm not.
Gay does not mean lesser.
It doesn't mean sick,
And it doesn't mean confused.
It means that we are open,
Open and beautiful...
We can see the possibilities of love.
We have a different view on life.
We see things from a different perspective.
We're not lesser,
Or sick,
Or confused.
We're different.
Learn to understand that.
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