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Nothing brings more joy to me,
Than dark skies and thunder claps,
Heaven's sprinklers dousing the land,
Pounding on roof tops, surging down drains.
The dark skies casting down life's very sustanance,
Bring on the floods of torrential rains,
I'm dying to dance in the streets,
And feel the water soak into my clothes,
Drenching me to the very core of my being,
Because I just can't get enough of dark skies.
We spend each day waiting for the day when we won't have to wait.

But what happens if we miss it because its one of those days when we just cannot leave the house.
I am scared of being scared and this fear if mine is killing all of my dreams.

I write about wanting to be loved but how is that going to happen when I push everyone away?
I am a frightened fool.
I want someone to make the first move because I am so scared.

Why. Why. Why.
What difference does any of this make anymore?

I am not good. I can't write well. I can't love well. I can't live well so why do I even try.

This is so jumbled like my heart.
Yet the sun's coming down to earth,
and walks the fields and the waters
Yet the great man's willing to be little
Neither those raised heads
Nor those unguarded egos
Mismatching the faces and matching the souls
Can this heart ever show
look beyond the imperfections
There lies this perfect soul
where this heart has had ached
where this soul has had cried
Now is the time
To show the world,
your built up glory
your glowing charm..
if you fill your pockets with stones
if i make a bed in my oven
if we fade into whispers
who will write for us?


your Blitz came in the form
of uterine invasion, tissue and blood
in ovarian prison camps,
red as the streets of London.

****** lives in the same apartment
with a beer gut and "paternal rights,"
sieg heil* forced into your mouth
and you are too weak to fight.

You close your eyes.
There has never been a door
to my bedroom,
you think.

Blood seeps from your thighs.

Every night, you sleep for so long
and waking up is agony:
what if-- what if i didn't have to wake up again--

once-verdant fields are dry,
dreams are dead,

and the stones feel smooth in your palms.


My world is a bell jar, a chrysalis:
I beat my tiny fists against the glass
until they are bruised as midnight.

They cried his name, cried "suicide,"
speculated on prescription cocktails
as they tipped back wine and thought nothing
of the ones he left behind,
crying on the livingroom floor.

Life was taken from me then
and I have no power to grant it now--
I am Rachel, barren, empty,
in need of a Bilhah.

I was born to a trailer park mother
and a farm-bred father,
and I am proud of them both--
their secondhand flatware was better
than any silver spoon

but here in the land of the stars and stripes,
you cannot break your cocoon
you cannot spread your wings
unless someone pays to crack your shell.

I am stuck.

My oven is apartment-sized
and the kitchen has no door
but it is small enough
that it wouldn't take long.


You and I have loved each other for years,
and the cruelty of distance has kept us
from touching each other.

Once, you said you hadn't given up
because we made a promise to each other,
and it hadn't yet been consummated.

Part of me never wants to kiss you,
if only to keep you breathing.


Or maybe--
we could hold hands
and walk into the ocean
for j.

title is a reference to sylvia plath and virginia woolf, in case that was unclear.

thinking about expanding the last two and letting this be a cycle of four stand-alone poems. idk i just spit all this out at 3 a.m. soooo... we'll see
 May 2014 Levi Andrew
Do you ever feel as though you can't decide?
People pushing you to what they believe is right,
Telling you they know what's best,
While you'd rather just take a rest,
Take a rest off this world for while,
It's hectic schedule does not accommodate your lifestyle,
You wish you could make a better decision worthwhile,
While you sit in indenial,
Telling yourself that everything will be okay,
In reality will never stay,
You wish those who were close cared for your wants,
Cared what you wanted in life,
I heard a great quote that I believe we shall all must live by,
"Don't let your dreams remain your dreams"
-And to this I say take your stand,
Fight for what you want on this soil and land,
This Earth may be of 7 billion people,
You've gotta know that crossroads and decisions sometimes
can not be equal.
In regards to competition between people and the struggle to choose within decisions
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