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LeV3e Feb 2019
It's been two years now and
This is our third Valentine's day
But I still find it difficult to say
How you've impacted my life from the moment our journey began

I've always struggled to face myself
My shortcomings were haunting
Ghosts of past failures, stunning
I was ready to let the liquor take my dreams and bottle them on the shelf

Then a whim, a ray of hope
We met in such a rare circumstance
I knew I was given one more chance
To be with you I could, and I would, were my antidote

You are the cure to my depression
In moments of weakness and axiety
In moments of fear and agony
To be with you I could, and I would, face my demons and leash them.

You have brought out the best of me
And on this Valentine's day
I just wanted to say
That I hope you spend the next fifty Valentine's days with me.
LeV3e Jan 2019
You gotta do what must be done
To get what you want.
But be careful that in the meantime
You aren't sacrificing too much
Cause human beings have needs
Regardless if you like it or not
That new truck isn't gonna fit in
The burning pit in your stomach and
All that money in the bank account
Won't buy you more time with the kids
So be mindful of the work you do
And thusly where you invest
God forbid they burry you with all the gold, full of regrets.
LeV3e Jan 2019
Something's rattling within me
Shaking my rib cage
Increasing my heart beat
Pressing my vessels
Increasing the pressure
It's... Nothing in particular
Just the crushing weight
Of global disarray
Pushing me against the brick
Grinding my teeth to dust
Scraping my skin on cement
Anxiously awaiting the end
LeV3e Jan 2019
So the truth is
This universe is a black abyss
And all that exists, everything
That we would call "conciseness"
Is beams of light eternally swirling into deaths gaping mouth.
Now, which event would you say
Brings us back to unity?
To be made, or unmade all for
God's glory? Or... Is there something
Beyond this everlasting duality?
LeV3e Dec 2018
Over and over again now
A savior has come to us
With words shared by the crown
A weighted blanket of morals

And over and over again
We sold this golden blanket
For 30 pieces of silver coin
So quick to forget the lessons

We used this coin to build a wall
Surrounding all of our possessions
Praying to God that it stands tall
While children paint it with excuses

The desperate need a place to sleep
But we traded golden bedding for lead
Nothing left for them to eat or drink
So we cover their land in bloodshed.

The golden blanket now soaked red
Torn open on the side with our spears
too late to put these nightmares to bed
Even gold can't soak up a mother's tears.
So quick are those religiously zealous, to cast aside the word of their Savior in the name of their own selfish "prosperity". An ode to the immigrant caravans and all those innocents fleeing war
LeV3e Dec 2018
If you're too soft they'll chew on you just to prove you wrong.
If you're too hard the slightest change will fracture your brittle core.
Balance these concepts of gift and swallow to show them all that kindness can also be a force to be reckoned with.
LeV3e Nov 2018
Where does compassion meet justice?
Where does tolerance meet judgement?
When does innocence meet violence?
When do the sinful become righteous?
Why do we dismiss what others find precious?
Why are destroying our only environment?
Humans are so full of contradictions...
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