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LeV3e Nov 2018
Where does compassion meet justice?
Where does tolerance meet judgement?
When does innocence meet violence?
When do the sinful become righteous?
Why do we dismiss what others find precious?
Why are destroying our only environment?
Humans are so full of contradictions...
LeV3e Nov 2018
This used be a breath of fresh air
Ventilation when I felt suffocated by
My overflowing thoughts and ideas
Racking my mind for the words to
Express what I feel about *******...
Being alive...
Now I just hear echos in the endless
Caverns of data, stacking numbers
Became too important and it's like
We've sacrificed what it meant to
Just be human.
The depth is beyond comprehension
Crushing darkness all around us
With nothing more than glimmers
Hung just far enough to wet your
Thirst for knowledge
And still, with all of this death circling us in a seemingly endless abyss
We can't seem to grasp that it is life
That is the splendid exception to the
Laws of physics.
We'd rather toil over our individual
Perceptions of what it means to be
Good or Evil, on a rock that frankly
Doesn't give a flying **** about
What we think.
LeV3e Nov 2018
I guess I'll just
Try my best to
Play both sides of
This never ending argument cause
I can't resist the  
Temptation when I
Talk to my demons
About what we're really capable of
Deception isn't my
Preference, but still
At this point I'm just
Trying not to resort to something
More destructive since
It's painfully obvious
That we prefer our own
Illusions over the grueling climb
Towards Truth.
LeV3e Nov 2018
While contemplating
My ethical take on
Conflicting desires
Between individuals
My children playout
Imaginary tragedies,
Attaching to things,
Building an identity...

I wonder what exactly
I have to teach them
When I'm still deciding
What it even means
To do Good in such
An abused and broken
LeV3e Nov 2018
People think they've come
To know God speaks to them
But still haven't learned where from
The message came through
LeV3e Oct 2018
I seek Justice
And I'm cast down in the shadow
Of my own imperfections.

I try to be humble
And I'm seen as coward who
Only acts towards their own ends.

I'll defend the weak
But then I'm demonized for
Being the one to take things too far

I cry out for help
Yet, even those closest to me are
Unable to recognize when I'm suffering.

I give what I can
But when I take for myself to
Keep myself sain, I'm being selfish.

I call out to God
But demons have always been
Better at getting the job done.
LeV3e Sep 2018
I wish I could write about everything beautiful and all of the people who I love while sounding genuine and compassionate.

I wish we could talk about all the strife in the world, to bring evil doers to Justice, while helping those lost find their way home.

I wish I could voice all these feelings I have about the problems we face and the destruction we leave in our wake for the sake of progress.

I wish people could put their pride aside and see how God is all the same regardless of how you pronounce the Divine name.

But what's the point in shouting into this vacuume, a chamber we created that echos opinions despite any facts so we can continue stroking our fat ******* egos.
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