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  Nov 2015 Lb
Windsor Flex
Your Heart;
Your heart circulates more than the blood it supposedly pumps.
No wonder you're so cold.
Around it goes, until it's lodged itself in your skull;
Right between thoughts of her and you.
Where is it?
I hear it beat loudly somewhere in my chest.
"Get out"
It's been so long since I've even heard it.
Is this what I've been missing out on?
I suppose it's better than what I'm missing now.
  Nov 2015 Lb
Joshua Haines
White american men with
gold retriever dogs
smoke black hatred,
not recognizing a grey smog.
Scared of black, brown --
all atheists are ill --
but not afraid of greenbacks
or guys named Bill.


Here's your day job. Here's your pay, Bob.
America the great.
If terrorists equal Muslim
then Christians equal hate.

You say it's not victimization.
You say it's not a hunt.
You say it's not intimidation,
but sometimes I think you
see people as witches, ****.

Christ is the answer, indeed.
Without Him we're all lost
and our souls will never be freed.
Like tears frozen in the frost.
Bibles, crucifixes to fix the diseased mind.
How much does a prayer have to cost
to be genuinely kind?

Chemtrails stain pages
and bleed as curses.
Gay rights to be denied,
according to bible verses.

Nursery rhymes and cult games,
all in the good old King James.
Archaic and inane,
like an alter sheltered brain.

Here's your day job. Here's your pay, Bob.
Use the check to pay
angels and evangelists.
Protect yourself from ideas,
and buy a white picket fence.
As the rain washes Ashland
Lb Nov 2015
Poverty stricken
Looking for a sign?
Constrained , Confined?
Nothing here is divine

They look at me as if i were a ***
But what i am is a mother’s son.

Hard to tell who here isn’t a victim
Of the political capitalist system

No need for a new flags
We already have enough
Glam rags

Money spends fast
Poverty doesn’t live in the past
A commentary on New Zealand's current flag debate and that it shouldn't go ahead due to the waste of the money just to fuel John Key's ego. Nearly 60% of New Zealanders' want the flag as is and unchanged.
  Nov 2015 Lb
Melody Claire
After meeting you, I felt that a thin, silver thread of a connection was made. Barely there... but there nonetheless
No matter how far from you I stray, no matter who I replace you with, This thin little thread won't give.
Believe me I tried.
I’ll always be tied to you.
So forgive me for trying to keep you for myself
It's in my nature to possess what I desire.
You echo in my bones like nothing I've ever felt before.
I have never been more certain about something.
You belong to me.
This I know.
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