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Laelie May 2017
What if I start the mission though
I go somewhere I never knew
I take a risk
I take a chance
I forget my fears and let myself dance
But I can't go through
I fear it's fate
I stay on this side of the closing gate
Laelie Apr 2017
Bitter sweet
I'm in too deep
Her hair
Her eyes
The way she looks at me
She's not in love
But I sure am

I'm *******
Laelie Apr 2017
She's wonderful
Absolutely beautiful
Gorgeous, fantastic
And completely unforgettable
I look into her eyes
And I see the whole world
Not what it is
But what it should be

She not doing well
She's going through hell
Clinging to her death bed
Pain too horrible to tell
I look into her eyes
And I see surrender
Not what she deserves
But what she has

She's dead
Too much is left unsaid
What was once perfection
Is cold and lifeless instead
I look into her eyes
And I see nothing
Not what it should be
But what it is

— The End —