there is a sculpture she claims unsketchable of a woman in a mangled frozen pose
the people flock to kiss her pale lifeless feet and gaze up in such proximity to the angelic, unravelled woman who becomes something more in their gazes
but we sit from afar and she marvelled at those wings at the bends and swerves of that limestone or marble at the spine and the cracks
the prose of anonymity in beauty without a face, a fetish, just awe in raw skill
her eyes are deep stark like islands in an ocean murky tides misty waves things lost and conveyed a galaxy of clustered stars that have dwindled off so very long ago - yet not to us for no one has seen how floods corrupt the dam of her lashes, the downy of her skin so young and like a flower wilting she is guilty of another's crime but again, she sinks into sand into clay at the absolute bottom of the deepest abyss from sun-tanned to night-kissed she reaches out with a hand, a plea, a look
and the pressure of the water pulls you in with her so that you, too are lost in the expanse of those deep eyes
we dance a duet never touching but in synchronous we stir we are strings we splay music never ending thrumming so close do we sing the same notes do we dance to the same tune is it just me or me and you
I have waited for your winds to catch up with my sails I have waited for your harbor to hold my ship I have waited for your plank to push me overboard I have waited to fall into the depths of this ocean
and then she said she didn't like the colour of the bag and I realized I don't have a shirt to go with these pants but the pants go with the cardigan but what do i wear with them and he is so kind and he lives close by but i am not sure if i should and i promised myself to stay away from social media but its not so bad and I thought you told me but remember when...
it's just like how one collects water from a deep deep well, and by the time the bucket makes its way to the surface, no water is left and no one dare sees the hole.
it takes so much to stay away I am addicted but I say I can stop at anytime huh... remember when you were mine?
it takes so much for me to be smiling in this happy weather the sun is warm but I do not feel it rather, I think to when we were together.
it takes too much out of me but this is self inflicted like tides upon the shore, without my moon I am conflicted. with too much room, I am somehow restricted.
star crossed lovers as romeo loved juliet and a bird loves the dawn and a country song sings of carrying on as persephone loved hades and patroclus loved war and as children so love the dark of the moor as orpheus so honours the snake that took his love and as mourning in twilight is sung by the dove by and by lust turns to love turns to pain as prometheus looks forward to the raven in the rain