People say we look good together
Like we're not friends, but instead we looked like lovers
I also want to think the same way
But I've discovered something to my dismay
I've learned that you only see me as a friend
And now, I am wondering when will this stupid feeling end?
I know I'm not in the position to demand
But can you be mine because I wanted you so bad
This is all your fault! wanna know why?
Because if not for your sweetness all of these will just pass by
It's just that you made me feel that I'm the one
And I was just so stupid to believe that you are my man
I wanted to forget you but how can I
If every time I do, I just want to die
My heart is in deep agony every time you're with her
Can't you just leave her and let's be together?
I may sound so desperate but I do not care
What's important for me now is you'll be aware
That the person I admire all this time is you
And please believe me because this is true.
created: Aug 20, 2011 @ 0353HRS
dedicated to: 6mt