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Oct 2018 · 169
Me and You
Kyuti A Oct 2018
When I first talked to you
I felt I had known you forever
Telling you my problems
And what I didn't want ever

You listened to me
I bet you thought I'd never end
Who would've thought
We would be the best of friends

Over a period of time
I got to know the real you
A guy so charming and gentle
With a heart so true

You've survived your life
With me by your side
I told you I'd never leave
Because of the feelings I have inside

There was a time
I wanted to explore
What would happen
If I would only open the door

I love the way we are together
You can always make me smile
Will it ever be forever?
I guess I have to wait a while

Time will reveal what lies ahead
But always remember what I said
Meeting you has changed my life
And I really love you so

The feelings I feel for you
I am never letting go
Remember me always and I will too
I will always think of me and you
Created on 061011
Dedicated to: I forgot who
Oct 2018 · 266
One Day You'll See
Kyuti A Oct 2018
The first time I saw you
I knew you were the one
There was no question in my mind
After having that much fun

There's just something about you
That I've never found before
And now that we're good friends,
I found myself wanting more

I never thought it's possible
To care for someone so much
But every day that pass
I long to feel your touch

To look into your eyes
Would make my day complete
'Coz everytime you look at me
My heart just skips a beat

Everything I wished for
And every dream I hope would come true
I never thought would happen
Until the day that I met you

Although it hurts to know
That you don' t feel the same as me
Hopefully one day you'll realize
One day you'll wake up and see.
A poem from 2011
Nov 2016 · 120
Expired Loneliness
Kyuti A Nov 2016
Feeling happy
Feeling inspired
No longer lonely
since it has expired
Aug 2011 · 1.1k
Because We're Friends
Kyuti A Aug 2011
Because we're friends I've been secretive
Because we're friends I've been selective
Selective of things I have to share and those I don't have to
I have become cautious with what I say or do

Because we're friends, I tried to hide what I feel
A feeling not ordinary 'cause it's something real
Every time we're together I see us as a couple
And I have to hide this feeling until it's over

Because we are just friends we can never be lovers
You might ask what's with you to be above the others
Well, I'll tell you this: You are perfect in your own way
You are you, yesterday, tomorrow and today

But please if you feel the same way too
Don't hesitate to tell me that you want me for you
But if not, Don't worry, it's okay
At least you now know what I wanted to say.
created: June 4, 2011
Aug 2011 · 1.4k
The Person I Admire Is YOU
Kyuti A Aug 2011
People say we look good together
Like we're not friends, but instead we looked like lovers
I also want to think the same way
But I've discovered something to my dismay

I've learned that you only see me as a friend
And now, I am wondering when will this stupid feeling end?
I know I'm not in the position to demand
But can you be mine because I wanted you so bad

This is all your fault! wanna know why?
Because if not for your sweetness all of these will just pass by
It's just that you made me feel that I'm the one
And I was just so stupid to believe that you are my man

I wanted to forget you but how can I
If every time I do, I just want to die
My heart is in deep agony every time you're with her
Can't you just leave her and let's be together?

I may sound so desperate but I do not care
What's important for me now is you'll be aware
That the person I admire all this time is you
And please believe me because this is true.
created: Aug 20, 2011 @ 0353HRS
dedicated to: 6mt
May 2011 · 1.0k
Game Over
Kyuti A May 2011
I did everything you wanted
Because for me you are sacred
But I think you never really cared for me at all
Because you've done things that just made me fall

What should i do to make you mine?
Oh.. It's really true that love is blind
I was blinded by your love and It's not right
But this stupid heart says "It's right to fight"

Days passed and it's still the same
You ignored and snubbed me again
Every time you do that, I just want to sigh
But sad to say, it just makes me cry
May 2011 · 707
Kyuti A May 2011
When I see the stars at night
I remember those days so nice
When your love was still endless
I can feel all the happiness

I know your love will end soon
And it starts from this day on
I know it won't last forever
And you could find another lover

Everywhere I look around me
There's just no one could take your place
Because you are perfect in many ways
That's a fact I cannot erase

Maybe you're not the one for me
And with that, I won't be happy
What will I do to forget someone like you?
Too bad, I still love you

I found you with another girl
And I think you are happy
But here I am feeling sad and lonely
It seems that no one loves me

Jealous is killing me
And it won't set me free
Every-time I see you with her
Seems like a torture

Pain won't set me free
And it's a burden for me
I wanted to forget you
But how can it be?

maybe it's time to move on
Even though I would be alone
I would try to carry on
Until my love for you is gone
Dedicated to JIVK.
May 2011 · 547
If Only..
Kyuti A May 2011
It's gone away with the past
If only you knew
Things I never got the chance to tell you
Questions, I never got to ask you

If only you were there to help me
I have kept it for so long
If only you realized how important it was
You were there turning your back away

I am here trying to reach out for you
Things changed and so are you
If only you were there when I needed you
And when there was nothing I could do

If only you knew the feelings I had inside
But you were never there
You judged me
And it really seems unfair

If only we were given the chance
To understand the feelings that existed
If only we made the right decisions
It wouldn't be this much

If only we did our part
It wouldn't be this hard
And taking each day saying...

— The End —