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  Apr 2014 Nadeah
Sam Dunlap
Hey darling.
It's been a while since I spoke to you,
Really spoke to you.
I've had you since I was nine
I picked you up at the local toy store
And said to myself,
"This one will be my companion."
And so you have been
A part of my life for five years straight
And though I've stopped taking you to sleepovers and vacations
Don't think I'm leaving you
Anytime soon.
The only reason I do that anyway
Is because I don't want to somehow lose
(Best stuffed friend)
And confidante.
While I'm too scared to tell you things out loud
I know you listen to everything
So don't think if I lost you, I could replace you
With a lookalike, because for the thousands of Moxies in the world,
There is only one that is my Moxy.
So, thanks for being you.
And don't think I don't notice
That someone somehow
Eats all of the Oreos while I'm at school.
This is for my darlin', Moxy, one of my BSFs. You can find her in my profile picture!
  Apr 2014 Nadeah
Sam Dunlap
I keep staring
For someone to like my poem
Or post
Or share.
I look at the vast number of people
Who have viewed other works
And I want them to do the same thing
To my works
But I don't know why. When did
I start caring so much
About what strangers thought?
Oh, social media.
Nadeah Apr 2014
Everything around me spends ...
As I'm sitting on the toilet....
Time stops for no one ...
How am I going to pass this class...
What am I doing with this ciggerette..
I hate being lonely...
I hate seeing other people together...
Let me get on Facebook ...
There is nothing on Facebook ...
Let me get on Instagram...
**** , no one liked my pictures ...
No one cares about me ...
How am I suppose to live my life ..
When am I going to be happy ...
When will I get a car...
Am I ugly ...
Do I smell..
What will people do if I die ...
How am I suppose to live with this ...
I am going to fail my classes...
My mother will kick me out...
My brother hates my guts...
Are my friends my true friends....
Will someone walk in the restroom ...
They think I'm *******...
They think I'm peeing..
They really don't care..
No one cares about me ...
Why am I African American ...
Do I have purpose in life ...
Well I need to study more....
I love skrillex so much ...
I love dubstep even more ...
Music and drawing is my life ...

Everything right now ***** but I guess it'll get better huh......
Nadeah Apr 2014
Let's start by having trust with  us
Having thoughts about lust
Yes we are together
But no *** until we are forever
You want me , but unsure
Unsure if I'm what you looking for

I'm trying so hard to break your code
To  figure out your shyness soul
You want to  tell me so much
But your mindless words are stuck

I love you ..  Did you feel that?
I am wanting you .. did you fantasize  that?

You taught me patience , and for that I'll be patient.
  Apr 2014 Nadeah
Jeremy R Frenette
Death told her
           her life should end
and he was her friend

Calmly, she stole my gun
     she walked outside in the sun
pulled the trigger, set the mood
barrel to her head to conclude

I saw her head come undone
,,, Reached down, for my gun
Eyed the chunks in her hair
Now to my head |
                               |I draw a rose there.
Of gunslingers
  Apr 2014 Nadeah
We make each other bleed
Searching for tenderness
Once it was need
Twice it was loneliness

On the edge of a knife
I ask for forgiveness
So much is Life
So many things are death

I see the horizon hazing
into the Sun a gazing
Your love, amazing
Six guns a blazing

I stand before you, true
Reality is a fantasy
Never would I want it for you
Intimacy is just a fallacy

Take shelter from the harm
I see you where you stand
Ignore the calloused palm
Please, take my hand

This song will never end
It's not like I would deny
If we part as just friends
I'm the one who will die
Now, read it backwards :)
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