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To whoever thinks that life is a disgrace
Full of failure and unending anguish
With no thought of ever surpassing depression
Here is a beacon of hope

Life is akin to a wave
Its got crests and troughs
Never straight it is

But only one thing is for sure
There is always a way out of every challenge
That comes our way

Whilst we put God first in everything before us.
Only then we shall have our eyes wide open
About the resolution to failure

Failure like success
Is part of our lives
And never can we eliminate it
But we can overcome it
And have it vanquished

Waiting to take on the next big challenge
Persistence, perseverance and above all positive mental attitude can render failure hapless in our faces.

Consequently you'll realize
That only three little words can make a difference in our lives
They will help you cement your post
In the realm of excellence

These words are, "Never give up"

Don't you ever despair in this life
And all shall be well with you
And like in psalms 93,
"You'll crush mountains under your foot"

Embrace the life
That the most predominant Lord beyond compare breathed into you
Be grateful for thy life
With a smile every passing day
For its no mishap
It's life with a purpose
And EXCELLENCE is the reason for life.
#Abeacon of hope
Edward Lear
Quaffed beer after beer,
When they said, Lear you're gettin' queer,
He replied, "how pleasant to hear."

William Shakespeare
Always held a golden spear
When kids said thou can't hunt,old sage,
He did by locking them in a cage.

Robert Frost
In a wood once got lost
When lads asked what led him to stray
He replied, with age no brains can stay.

Sir Walt Whitman
Hid his Captain's mead can
When the Captain learnt all about this,
He threw all oars and sails into the sea.

Edgar Alan Poe
Once climbed a paw paw
To reach one for his love-dove, Lenore,
A raven snatched it croakin', "nevemore."

William Blake
Stood musing at the lake
But all water creatures came to the strand
And said, "bard this ain't dreamland."

Lewis Carroll
Penned a Christmas carroll,
Unto little birds by the echoing green
That mocked him: "Perhaps to the queen."

Sylvia Plath
Ambled by a woodland path
Crying should have loved a thunderbird,
But one squeaked, "it'd be more bad."

William Cowper
Once bore a wire of copper
But one day rats away ran with it
Thus since yon day rats he decided to eat.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
Once was asked by kids so keen
What inspired his mysterious tales of old
And in a mellow voice replied, old is gold.

Rudyard Kipling
Once was asked by a king:
"What brings about thy wisdom,"
Quoth he, "such are fruits of boredom."

William Wordsworth
Once cast eyes upon the earth
By a hill when came he across daffodils
That prompted him to dwell by the hills.

Edmund Spencer
Was a pure miser
But one thing he loved most, a wreath
Of roses, that costed him all his wealth.

Emily Dickinson
Had a sick son
Who always told her, "You aint a Poetess,"
She retaliated by ever buyin' him dresses.

John Donne
Had no gifts like a phone
To win a lass's heart but only a bonnet
And many a pleasantly weaved sonnet.

Percy Bysshe Shelley
Once strolling by the sea
Was asked to pen a poem by Ozymandias,
But upon failing, He ate his pancreas.

John Keats
Claimed to know secrets
Of mermaids in the mermaid tervern,
When they said nay, he hid in a cavern.

Lord Byron
Walked in a gown of nylon
Singing she walks in beauty like the night,
But replied a voice, "if only by daylight."
Good friends, greetings unto ye all, fellow bards..., hope thou art perfectly splendiferous. First and foremost I humbly apologize for my absence for quite a while as I'm racing with tides of time and destiny. But though been absent for a while, been missing ye all that while. God bless ye all and hope thou hast enjoyed my nonsensical clerihew about some of my fave bards of all time.

If by any bad chance I left out thy fave bard, below comment his/her name and I'll weave one out of his name...Loll.
Thou art not only more beauteous
Than effulgent night stars in a cluster
But thou art more pulchritudinous
Than the beauty of queen Sirius's luster

Every night whilst thou art sleeping
Like a thief in the dead of night
To thy slumber shade I come creeping
As to feast about thee glowing so bright

Sorry I am like lonely stars to the night
I can't help it spying oftenly upon thee
Just as an enemy keeps an eye to a knight
Or like an apiarist to the honey of a bee

Thus just like the morning dew to grass
My heart doth crave thy magical touch
Though to thee, I'm but not thy class
A heart of mine you torch!

©Kikodinho Alexandros
27th August 2016
#Pulchritude #Her #Sirius #Craving
after second

after Minute

after Hour

after Day

after week

after Month

after Year

after moment

after time

I've Been Longing
Longing to catch a glimpse
A glimpse at
Thy Bewitching Eyes
Eyes that did flicker
Flicker like clusters of stars
On a moonless night
All along in vain
#Pulchritude #Heart break  

#Bewitching eyes #Stars  

#Longing #Despair
All that glitters is not gold,
All sailors this understand best;
Halcyon seas many a secret hold
In their ***** wide as east to west.

The brightest cloud of the sky
Culminates not into rain shower,
But the gloomy unto the human eye,
Her tears dost kiss the garden flower.

The bat flies through the ebony night
Though day is pleasant to behold,
She doth choose never to take flight
For all that glitters is not gold.

© Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angeles, Aug 19th 2019.
This aphorism hath been told in many a different way but meaning the same in days even before William Shakespeare by great poets like Geoffrey Chaucer, and later on John Dryden, J.R.R. Tolkien, and many more however 'tis William Shakespeare that gave us that famous line in his play "The Merchant Of Venice"

P.s. In his play, the King of Morocco craved to marry the beautiful Portia but before his wish was to pass, he had to choose one box that bore Portia's portrait hence three boxes were brought unto him: One of gold, the second of silver, and the third of cheap lead. He then chose that of gold only to find there was a scroll with words emblazoned:

O hell! what have we here?
A carrion Death, within whose empty eye
There is a written scroll! I'll read the writing.

All that glitters is not gold;
Often have you heard that told:
Many a man his life hath sold
But my outside to behold:
Gilded tombs do worms enfold.
Had you been as wise as bold,
Young in limbs, in judgment old,
Your answer had not been inscroll'd:
Fare you well; your suit is cold.
Cold, indeed; and labour lost:
Then, farewell, heat, and welcome, frost!
Portia, adieu. I have too grieved a heart
To take a tedious leave: thus losers part.

P.s.s. Portia's portrait was in the box of cheap lead...Loll.

And yet again, there's one more by J.R.R. Tolkien:

All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.

Hope thou hast enjoyed mine as well. Besides, unto the east a great day, and unto the west a great night.
Some where amidst
Sanity and insanity,
Some where amidst
Agony and ecstacy,
Some where amidst
Canyons and alps,
Some where amidst
Dusk and dawn,
Some where amidst
Fantasy and reality,
Some where amidst
Spring and summer,
Some where amidst
Autumn and winter,
Some where amidst
Sun and Moon,
Some where amidst
Mercury and Venus,
Some where amidst
Earth and Mars,
Some where amidst
Jupiter and Saturn,
Some where amidst
Uranus and Neptune,
Some where amidst
Pluto and the unkown
Dwells a Lonely poets soul.
And how could I ever pen a sonnet?
So cried a lad's voice tinged in despair
At his mother who smiled in a Bonnet.
Dear child, 'tis as easy as flys birds of air:
First, always think about the poem's theme,
And let it echoe throughout three qautrains,
Like as a sweet dream in thy mind doth chime.
Always write freely as falls Summer rains,
Each line in iambic pentameter,
Ressolve the poem's theme by the couplet,
A tough but easy rule thou must remember,
For that pays off thou must never forget.
   Now go pick up thy quill, poetry ink,
   Let thy hand in a Well of sonnets sink.

#Shakespearean sonnet
#Hints of penning a Shakespearean sonnet.

*Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Jumeirah, Dubai, 1st Jan 2018.
Dedicated to so dear a friend—"Kim Johanna Baker."
Dear Kim, though well I know thou art aware of the rules of a shakespearean sonnet, just wanted to add some infinitesmal ash of garnish... for after much pondering, i thought myriads of Bards who dwell  'neath clouds of curiosity on penning a Shakespearean Sonnet might find it a gem.
Thank thee for reading! Hope thou hast enjoyed such a gift from a lowly Bard. Please allow me take use of this golden happenstance to once again wish thee a blissful new year pervaded with timeless joy none canst ever destroy. And hey, just cant wait feasting about a sonnet penned by thee.
And what poem might suit thou, love?
When at once I thought of a nonet,
A voice whispered from clouds above,
"Nay, better would be a sonnet."

In a while before thinking twice,
Another sharply pierced mine ear;
"Better would it be in free verse,
Lend no ear unto Shakespeare."

When I thought of one of a kind,
Another said, "better would be a ballad,
And if thou art not mentally blind,
It goes down well while takin' a salad."

Shortly after I'd employed this clue,
Another said, "better would be a limerick
Whilst taking some gin and rotten stew,
To win so fair a maiden that's the trick."

Nay, quoth another, obsolete are all rules,
To neither lend no ear nor Lear,
For he's the chief of the realm of fools,
A crown he holds for many a year.

"Screech no more like a wingless bird,"
Quoth another. "Thy queen's beauty
Is but peerless and thee, blind bard,
Thy quill canst not tell of her beauty?"

At this , I bethought of her raven hair,
Her ivory skin gaily than a silvern moon,
Her eyes that no luster of star doth near,
And I- I fully drowned in a sea of shame.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angels, California, USA.
Ain't sure about one till now!!! Loll
Serendipitously there she was
Peeking just around the corner,
From behind the moon;
Breathing softly, but


But softly breathing;
The moon behind, from
The corner around just peeking;
Was she there serendipitously?

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward or forward.
It was coined by the English playwright Ben Johnson in the 17th century from the Greek roots palin ("again") and dromos
("way, direction")
The winds are howling,
  The rains are softly falling,
The skies are cloudy,
  The clouds are hoary,
Lofty trees exuberantly frisky,
  And I in this weather must bask
Like a romping glade unicorn,
  And dost grab some popcorn.
A rill runs through trees on yonder but apparently tis covered in green, it can’t be seen...but come winter it’ll kiss roots of those trees again. Isn’t God really amazing???

Not far from here, in so fair a clime,
There doth dwell a rare songbird
That ever hath sang time after time
Mellifluously only not to be heard.

Her songs reverberate sheer lurve,
Not of here but of heaven’s sphere
Though blind as a bat in day skies above
Myriads have been, her songs not to revere.
But she keeps on singing beautifully
Her charming notes every now and again
For her songs she hath held for eons gleefully
With freshness like whispers of summer rain.

Hark! Now is the time her voice to be heard
By the young, the old, and the very wise,
The poor, the rich, the good, and the bad,
Hear the voice of a bird I’m proud to call, Bernie.

Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angeles, California. 01/16/2020.
My queen,* *In the realm of beautifuls
Was but the fairest lady that ever walked
She who was as eye-popping as mew gulls

Her visage nothing but a complexion of roses
Beaming exquisitely with rainbow colours
A fire deep within my heart she'd arouse

She whose silvery smile could  unfurl
Like beauteous lotus blossoms in bloom
My heart deep within couldn't help it twirl

A queen with a gaily yet opalescent skin
As smooth as the blanket of the night skies
Blanketing her from the toes to the chin

And the fragrance about her breath
Could directly transport me to paradise
Whenever in her warm sweet embrace

Like whispering trees in a lonely breeze
Her voice was such soft and euphonious
Honestly, captivating yet bursting free

Whilst in darkness I craved not a lantern
For her starry eyes effulgently scintillated
With ethereal light that ceased not to stun

All birds in the heavens could cease to fly
Only to marvel at such novelty pulchritude
Whenever my queen dared to saunter by

Many said she ascended from the sky
Because once next to her you'd feel so
Yet some said from fairyland she did ply

Peerless was such my Queen's beauty
Thus all mankind, all animals and birds
Christened her
 "A reflection of beauty!"

©Kikodinho Alexandros
18th August 2016
#My queen #Poem #poetry
#Novelty pulchritude
Love doves
Deeply in love
Began to write
A lullaby in delight
Reflections of their history
Nothing but a fantastic story
Promises of being each other's number
One, always beside each other as they slumber
Whilst listening to dulcet tunes of harmony
Of Nightingales whispering a symphony
Giving each other a life of joy and laughter
Promising to love each other for ever after
To each others ***** embrace as to fly
Merrily towards velvet skies up so high
Only alone by themselves to a paradise
Where the sun doth beautifully rise
Upon streets paved with green and gold
Such ethereal pulchritude to behold
Surf evenings of carnal pleasures
Thus delve into all the worlds' treasures
Naked in the aura of the midnight luster
Undulating to the rhythm of stars in a cluster
Whilst lying on verdant greener grass
Under a silvery crystal clear moon as a glass
Neath sycamore shadows
Beside  beauteous meadows
Exploring moments to forever stay
And never to ever, ever fade away
Having a splash in a cool fresh stream
Of everlasting love now but a dream

Since one dove did fly away
Mercilessly to the very far away
Left the other to languish
In a world of relentless anguish
With a heart shattered beyond repair
Where he drowns in a sea of despair
Whilst reminiscing of a golden chance
Once he had tasting of sweetest romance,
Plus golden days and nights whilst together
In a paradise of exquisite pleasant weather

And high above frisky clouds
Stars now come in crowds
Painting their history
Now but a mystery

Left with nothing, as he prays
Whilst gazing at leafy sprays
Extremely lovingly embellished
Inscribed with poems she relished
He thus feels the pain
Alone in the heavy rain
And nothing but tears
Drenching him in fear
Whilst sitting underneath the sycamore
Longing for his love now and forevermore

However, serendipitously one night
Whilst drenched in despair, an ethereal of light
Appeared, touched his heart with Hope
Shadows of fear, afraid of light couldn't cope
Mustered courage to go beyond all measures
Neath to the Atlantis for his lost treasure

Thus like Pluto, distant from the sun
Relationships he chose to shun

Only longing for his only dove
She who was but his true love

© Kikodinho Alexandros

Jumeira, Dubai
20th July 2016
#Love #relationship #melancholy #heartbreak #sad #craving #Longing #poem #poetry
Like an ***** addict
I was addicted to your eyes
Eyes which did spark
Spark like clusters of stars
On a moonless night

Like an ***** addict
I was addicted to the luster
The luster about your skin
A skin pale unblemished
Gaily yet opalescent as an opal

Like an ***** addict
I was addicted to your lips
Lips so sweet as nectar
Nectar distilled from
All flowers of heaven

Like an ***** addict
I was addicted to your voice
A voice so fresh
And euphonious like
Whispers of a nightingale

But most of all

Like an ***** addict
I was addicted to your love
A love so indelible to me
Love that had me glance
Past beyond

Atop the stars
#***** addict #Her #Retrospections #Addiction #Beauty
At the sea, on the run, on a quest
On a sailing ship decamping
Sailing far to the very end
To the end of the world
Only to free my soul
On a quest for
The unknown

At the

Kikodinho Alexandros
#Nonet poem

I'm alone at crossroads wandering
But its time to dream a new dream
Spread my wings and fly again
So high like an eagle
Only to seek release
From unfairness
Please dear God
Bless my
In here
In my world
Ever since you
Slipped out of my sight
Out there in the
Distance, away
With thy

That shone
Bright to my
Wild blue yonder
Like rays of sunshine
Parting glowing
Clouds on a

Which I
Will always
Crave perdurably
Whilst incandescent
Stars seldom dost
Shine athwart
The night
(A Series Of Ninette)

A ninette poem is a poem made up of nine lines, each increasing in one syllable, then at the mid point, decreasing again. The first and last word may be the same, antonyms or synonyms.

Its structure is 123454321 syllable format
                      There she was
                By serendipity's sake
                         I beheld her
             With all her glimmering rays
                 Beauteously peeking
              Just around the corner
             Grinning  with enormous

                 ­  The luster about her
               Manifested her grandeur
       Across wish-washy velvet skies

                     Only to turn round
                        As to behold
               Such novelty pulchritude
          Pulchritudinous than anything
                Anything i'd ever beheld

               Than when it dawned on me
          She was discreetly decamping
                        Fading yonder
          Yonder glamorous horizons
                  Leaving me a desolate,
Down the dumps
                And a lonesome wanderer
                           Only wishing
                Ever to catch her glimpse
                              Once again.
#Twilight  #sun   #Pulchritude
                       #Heart break
By serendipity's sake,
There mine eyes beheld her
Grinning with serenity about the lake,
Peeking from just around the corner;

Ineffably with a novelty luster,
Treading about wishy-washy skies,
Epitomizing all her ethereal grandeur,
That felicity exuded about mine eyes.

Alas! Only to turn around as to behold,
Vividly behold such novelty pulchritude
About her gown and crown of gold,
Than when it didst dawn upon me:

"She was discreetly decamping yonder,
Leaving me a desolate, in a vale of pain,
Down the dumps & a lonesome wanderer
Wishing to catch a glance at her again!"
#Twilight #Pulchritude #Her.

#A repost of one of my older poems with a slight change of flow.
Be wise and brave
Enough to always
Go for all you crave and
In such a way, you'll live
Never to regret

Nor despair in life. Always be
Optmistic & positive. Only then,
W**e can sail to a realm of ecstacy.
#Acrostic #Begin now #Hope
Procrastination culminates a silhoutte upon a bed of roses.
Now that thy birthday is here
Can't wait whispering into thine ear
Sweet wishes for thee to clearly hear
Thou art the one I truly dost revere.

Smile radiantly like the evening star
That evermore smiles from afar
With a splendiferous novelty luster
Upon Heaven's ever gorgeous shore.

Dance lively like wild lonely trees
Beautifully swaying in a gentle breeze.
May joy rush thy way like a sea wave
Or like as wild roving clouds above.

Let from Heaven's stairs peace
Climb down, and flood upon thee
Every fleeting day, every fading night,
So thou mayst dwell in timeless delight.

© Kikodinho Edward Alexandros
Los Angeles, California, USA.
Dedicated this ode to a friend so dear unto me and now here 'tis unto anyone who's celebrating his or her birthday.
Bring me the scent of the fairest wild rose,
Bring me all hues of a heaven's rainbow,
Bring me charm dawn bird's melodies arouse,
Bring me effulgence of yonder star's glow,
Bring me splendor of a moon-kissed sea,
Bring me gentleness of the morning dew,
Bring me sweetness of honey of a bee,
Bring me iridescence of a bright moon,
Bring me majesty of a starry night,
Bring me freshness of a verdant meadow,
Bring me allure of a fading twilight,
Bring me the luster of the whitest snow,

Bring me oh bring me all of the above,
For such was the texture of my lass's love.

**Kikodinho Edward Alexandros. Jumeirah, Dubai. 27th.10.2017
#Attempt at a Shakespearean sonnet
Bring me thou my *** of poetry ink,
Oh bring me thou my quill of a pheasant
And in a sea of beauty I'll thus sink

In a helter-skelter than stars dost blink.
I’ll give up my rubies, pearls and bezant
And in a sea of beauty ill thus sink,

To deepest ends where no mortal can think
And pen my Lass poetry so pleasant.
Bring me thou my *** of poetry ink,

Fair violets, jasmines, and roses pink
So I may brew the finest philter scent
And in a sea of beauty ill thus sink.

Since all near not the perfume from her cheek
That no Eden’s flower bore till present,
Bring me thou my *** of poetry ink

Ere maidens upon the heavens dost wink.
Oh bring me thou my quill of a pheasant,
Bring me thou my *** of poetry ink
And in a sea of beauty I’ll thus sink.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angels, California, USA.
A villanelle is a dance song coupled with pastoral themes.

In literature, 'tis a nineteen-line poetic form consisting of five tercets (first 15 lines) followed by a quatrain (last 4 lines) that hath a couplet towards the end. There are two refrains and two repeating rhymes, with the first and third line of the first tercet repeated alternately until the last stanza, which includes both repeated lines.

Lines may be of any length, but are often written in iambic pentameter.

#Villanelle #Decasyllabic
As luck would have it,
there she was
peeking just around the corner
from behind the moon
breathing softly
but breathing love

As luck would have it,
for she smiled at me
and every time she smiled
God spoke through her eyes
conveying everything
through her eyes

As luck would have it,
her visage of gold beamed
with chalcedony colors
that pierced through my heart
and I couldn't help it
exuberantly smile with sheer joy
every now and again

As a strange dark fate had it,
it dawned on me
she was discreetly decamping
fading yonder onyx skies
leaving me a desolate
down the dumps
and a lonesome wanderer
only wishing to ever
catch her glimpse
#Twilight #Her #Lonesome
#Love at first blush

A poem embedded with lyrics to one of my cracking song by the title of
"I heard a faint whisper"
By celestial shores is there burnished gold
More fair than I see in my lover's eyes,
Or seraphs whose pulchritude to behold
Nears my queen's opalescence of the skies?
For though I know days will fade into night,
And nights will evermore melt into day,
But my love, like as hues of the sun's light
That ever glows the same, so shall it stay
With constance like as tides of gushing time
That neither man nor birds of skies above
Can dare grasp, but watch 'em roll clime to clime.
So, as far as lives time, so shalt my love,

   For like as water doth abound the sea,
   So doth her love upon a heart of mine.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angeles, California. 9/1st/2019.
#Shakespearean sonnet #Unto she who will never read it.
Chariot brimful of **Gold
Horse drawn from a realm of
Rainbows for us to Hold.
Ivory tower of felicity that culminate in
Stunning memories to be told
Till the sun to the skies toils no more, and
Moon's iredescence secrets doth unfold,
And all Heaven's mighty effulgent
Stars  undress no more us to behold.

©Kikodinho Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
19th December 2016
Fact that I walked down the isle to work, that special day might find me not here but please allow me take use of this golden happenstance to wish everyone a Merry Christmas in advance :-)
I dreamt a man descending from a cloud
Amidst birds in a lengthening crowd
Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
In merry notes did rejoice and cheer

Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
Amongst sparrows and many a pigeon
Leading the choir from region after region
Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
In merry notes heralding so fresh a new year

Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
There were robins and many a skylark,
Alighted upon so gentle a wind's back
Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
In merry notes gallivantin' here and there.

Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
Lets fly above the highest mountains
To go quaff nectar from silver fountains
Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
In merry notes were heard by the far and near.

Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
So sung the nightingale and cuckoo too
Till from gazin' sight vanished in clouds of blue
Singing hallelujah Christmas is here
Let the world rejoice and sing hallelujah

© Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angels, California, USA.
Honestly, been tryin' to voice out this ode but just can't do it the way I'd like it sound since ain't a musician...LOL. I truly need someone with a mellifluous voice to give life to my lyrics that are likely to go unheard.

Besides, a merry Christmas unto ye all and a happy new year in advance. God bless ye.
Effulgence of the brightest star
That evermore beams from afar.

Resplendency of the dawn dew
Beaming forth with a silvery hue.

Opalescence of a neon rainbow,
Or the luster of winter snow.

Glitter of a moon-kissed sea
Murmuring with sheer glee.

Hues of a polychromatic sunset
Upon heaven's stonking gate.

Glow of buds of a rose-gold sheen,
Or snowy lilies by meadows green.

The sparkle of a sun-kissed stream
Whispering along like a sweet dream.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angeles, California. 11/05/19.
#Eyes #Pulchritude #Lurve
I** miss you so much, but I  wonder
Don't you? Though that's why i really
Miss you terribly and i'll always miss
You forevermore because I still love you

© *Kikodinho Alexandros
#Double Acrostic
Not so many moons ago,
You and I in a star-ship

Flitting amongst stars, gallivanting
Whilst remeniscing of moments
Indelible moments trapped in time
Only flying-by, eloping to Elysium

Fancying fair lands
Lands pervaded with flowers
Flowers blooming in perpetuity

Lands with rushing rivers
Rivers serpentining with nector

Lands with novelty sea shores
Shores veiled with diamonds

Lands enveloped by lustrous stars
Stars painting words of desire

Lands with halcyon seas
Seas as smooth as a millpond

Lands where the only air
There is to inhale is love

Lands where love is woven by
A tapestry of truth not lies

Lands where love isn't bought by
Sapphires, Rubies nor Emeralds

Lands where all avenues
Are paved with green and gold

Lands where mountains
Are golden-capped

Distant was the journey
Though at length,
For what seemed a life time,
Our eyes feasted on

And from a distance,
There we gazed about her
In all her splendor
Ravishingly alluring yet resplendent
With all chatoyance
One could ever imagine of

Like any one else would,
At a speed of an eagle
Descending about her prey,
Fervently we gravitated

Only to touch down
Than when the luster about her
Had our vessel* 
combusted to ash!

© Kikodinho Alexandros
4th Jun 2016
#Fly-by: Is a flight by a space ship past a planet with regard to astronomy

#Touch down: if a space vehicle touches down, it lands.

#intergalactic space adventure
#Melancholy #Love #Lonesome #Elysium
Honestly** my shining star you are as
You're shining star i wish to be. In
My dreams you linger
Precious, all night long
And all day long. In
Thy arms i feel no better place. My
Love for thee oh precious
Is just as perdurable as
The amaranth. Truly you're the
Only one i think of, dream of hence thy
Love is my sweetest dream, all
I need and all i will always
Crave in perpetuity
#Acrostic #Love #Longing #Amaranth #Poetry
When sadly so fades the lonely night
To pave way to the golden dawn light,
In a while, not long, not so long,
Birds embrace the day with a new song:

"The night is fled, the night is gone,
Let us splash in hues of the golden sun,
Let us shake off yesternight's sorrow,
For night is fled, night is no more."
Come let's flap our wings and tails,
Entwined, we'll raise our sails.
Sail away to a rose scented clime,
Yonder beyond the restrictions of time.

Come let's sail where hearts never asunder
Nor ever fall apart, but always wonder.
Wondering the true magic of love,
Like an eagle aloft in skies above.

O come, you'll be Queen and I'll be King,
To thee, sweet melodies I'll always sing,
All day long through the night,
Till the bursting of the dawn light.*

@Kikodinho Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
Jan 3rd 2017
My first poem this year
Thou, thou violent fires,
Though thou might rage
With all Hellish desires,
No more in a peculiar cage

Of fear, thou shalt shroud us.
At length, thou shalt calm,
And like as the tides of the sea,
Return whence thou dost come.

Thou, thou violent fire,
Though more fierce thy anger
Than the Dragon's ire,
Thou shalt lose thy power

But hark! Into the balmy air,
Rage nevermore to drag men
Into shadowy vales of despair
Like as the hungriest lion in a den.

For though thou might rage
With all Hellish eternal hate,
Nevermore to shroud us in a cage
Of fear, for death too is thy fate.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angeles, California. 10/28/19.
My boat brimful of prayers and well wishes sails unto all people that doth dwell in those rolling hills that have been a beauty to behold but now girthed in mere cinders and darkling smoke. God bless ye all.

I just opened my Facebook page and I realized people have embarked upon fundraising but since I'm not a position to, I came up with the poem above. What more could a Bard give?

However, I've not revised this dirge well, for I've just penned it upon watching the news though I pray it may act as a beam of solace unto the victims of such a great tragedy.
Ahem! My name is Doldrums
The mighty perdurable king of kings

King to the realm of despair
Loneliness is my lovely queen

So far we’re blessed with three kids
Our first born was christened heartache

The second born retrospections
And the last born nostalgia

We dwell in a beauteous wonderland
A world with beauteous flowers
Flowers that all bloom no more

A world with amazing rivers
Rivers that all ceased to flow

A world with emerald forests
Forests where birds never chirp

A world blessed with plenty of streams
Streams that all dried up

A world with eye popping mountains
Mountains that all crumbled to dust

A world blessed with soft rains
Rain that rains no more

A world with beautiful starry lit deserts
Deserts where you’ll find not a single oasis

A world with beauteous emerald islands
Islands all marred with despair hence desolate

A world blessed with myriads of stars
Effulgent stars that all ceased scintillating

A world blessed with beautiful seas
Seas where you’ll find not a single fish

*A world enveloped with glamorous clouds
Dark clouds of hate scudding
Athwart our wild blue yonder
Hence it never dawns
By Kikodinho Alexandros
17th June 2016
When things go wrong as they some times will
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile but you have to sigh
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must but dont quit

Life is queer with its twists and turns
As everyone of us sometimes learns
And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won had he stuck out
Dont give up though the pace seems slow
You may succeed with another blow

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victors cup
And he learned to late when the night came down
Oh how close he was to the golden crown

Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems afar
Hence stick to the fight when your hardest hit

For its when things seem worst that you must never
Q U I T.
#Helen Steiner Rice    #A bed of roses     #Hope
Doubt thou the Earth doth spin,
Doubt the skies not to be Heaven's chin.

Doubt that Heaven's green and gold,
Her pulchritude is a fairytale told.

Doubt thou we'll meet the Lord,
At the other side of life's road.

Doubt that in Heaven's pleasant glade,
Life shall dare never to ever fade.

Doubt thou the sight before thy eyes,
Infinite not to be the coyly sinking skies.

Doubt that a pulchritudenous flower,
Akin to any other flower loses her allure.

Doubt thou Hell ain't a woeful grave
But never doubt thy love I dost crave.

©Kikodinho Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
28th January 2017
Thrown like ripples of a star
From a dreamer's somber shade,
I gazed about frisky birds afar
In coats of blue, gold and red,

And they sang: Sky maidens we,
That dost float on high forever
Atop vales, mountains and seas,
Forests, and many a lonely river,

Lets flap our gentle wings and wing
Yonder the land of lofty mountains,
Where dwelleth the mighty King
In halls bedight with silvern fountains

Beneath temples of burnished gold,
Where golden run nectar streams,
Where beauty by any bard yet to be told,
Where leaves dewed by fair sun beams;

In a realm where naught doth ever age,
Where song birds croon loveliest lullabies
In a realm where love is the language
Unto all that walketh – unto all that flies.

And from there we’ll fly nevermore
But mellifluously whisper a paean
To echo golden from shore to shore,
Beauteously through many an eon.
©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angels, California, USA
In-between thy waking hours and sweet sleep,
May thee know, I'll always crave thee near.
Like a Shepherd doth crave nearing his sheep
Or like an ardent drinker to his beer.

Despite that our love was but love in vain,
You're like the cat that ate the canary.
But may thee know for I was but a swain,
Thus my love, safe grains in a granary.

In my heart, thee perdurably linger
Despite having thee back is but forlorn,
To no other lady I'll point my finger
But long for thy love, every night and morn.

So, in-between thy sleep and waking hours,
May thee know my love shall never sour!

©Kikodinho Alexandros
17th September 2016
#Attempt at a Shakespearean sonnet!!!


Despite for I maintained a rhyme scheme in which each sonnet line comprised of ten syllables, I could hardly escape the rule of stressed and unstressed syllables...may be next time...Lol.

Honestly, I believe he must be up there grinning at me....Lol
There I gaze at the ancient infinite sky:
And covet a bird's wings as to far away fly,
To where I'd splash in a cool fresh stream,
Of thy ineffable love now but a dream;

There I gaze at the ancient infinite sky:
And covet a bird's wings as to far away fly,
To where I'd splash in pools of joy & laughter,
Of thy warm sweet embrace forever after.

There I gaze at the ancient infinite sky,
And covet a bird's wings as to far away fly,
To where I'd splash in dulcet tunes of harmony,
Of early songbirds crooning us a symphony;

There I gaze at the ancient infinite sky:
And covet a bird's wings as to far away fly,
To where I'd splash in hues of Heaven's rainbow,
A realm to where our love would forever glow.
Eons ago, there once was Mr. and Mrs. Owl
Who went shopping with so large a bowl,
Without any money
Yet wanted honey,
Those thieves cursed to rove at dusk whilst they howl.
#The mystery why owls move at dusk....Lol

#Limerick #Owl #Nonsense

Edward Lear will always be one of favorite poets forevermore. He was a poet known for his literary nonsense in prose and poetry especially the Limerick—a style he popularized.

Besides, thank God Eliot was able to fix the site. Hopefully that won’t ever happen again. I greatly missed ye all. Can’t wait reading thy wonderful poetry once again. I hope this Limerick doth paint a warm smile upon a visage of thine. Love and light, Poet Of Nineva.

Nineva is an enchanted kingdom in my legendarium that is nighly akin unto The Lord Of The Rings by the great Tolkien. Those of you who’ve known me for a while well know some my of legends and yeah I’ll be sharing more soon.
Love is nothing but
a nicely penned palindrome poem
that needs not to be plagiarized
as it will loose its allure

Kikodinho Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
*June 18th 2016
Not so many moons ago dwelt a swain
Whom beyond doubt bore the fairest maiden
And they loved with a love that no other creature
Ever did or shall ever bear the same love-mixture.

Dreaming dreams of forevermore together,
But as all men know, love, as light as a feather,
As fickle as unfathomable weather,
From his maiden's heart did fell and wither.

Higgledy-piggledy, the winds of conundrums
Drove him unto mighty shores of doldrums
Where waves of regrets buffeted his pale face
Whilst he sank neath sorrow-sands deep as space.

Oh, now didst blissful memories of the past
Of golden honeyed moments that couldn't last
Upon his soul's skin hung like ebony plumes
As those found by shadowy sorcerer's rooms.

Eternity paused, for neither moon nor star
In shimmering garments were beheld afar.
Nostalgic winds sang him a dissonant melody
Whilst tides of despair swished by and by.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angels, California, USA.
#Lament #Nostalgia #Melancholy #Love #Swain #Maiden
Thou, thou poor sheep of the Lord,
Now that thou art still as a stone,
And to none thou canst not say a word,
To friends of thine all but forlon
As wilted marigold upon a grave,
With eyes melting with saddest tears
Galloping down like as a lonely wave
Doth rove from shores to shores,
May thee know wherever thee wander,
Thy ineffably mellifluous melodies
To our ears shalt always be a wonder,
Pleasantly sweet as of early songbirds
Till by celestial shores we'll meet again,
And there we'll shed a tear nevermore;
For there's no sorrow nor pain
But rivers of mirth forevemore.
Today on coming back from work, it dawned upon me that one of Uganda's greatest musician "Moze Radio" hath flown to dwell with the lord hence to the Eulogy that I wholeheartedly whisper out unto him. May the Lord have mercy upon his piteous soul. Amen.
Thou, thou, poor sheep of the Lord,
Now that thou art as still as a stone,
And unto none thou canst not say a word,
Unto friends of thine all but forlorn

As wilted marigold upon a sullen grave,
With eyes melting with saddest tears
Galloping down like as a lonely wave
Doth peregrinate from shores to shores,

May thee know wherever thee wander,
Thy ineffably mellifluous melodies
Unto our ears shalt always be a wonder,
Pleasantly mellifluous as of dawn songbirds

Till by celestial shores we'll meet again,
And there we'll shed a tear nevermore;
For there's no sorrow nor any kind of pain
But rivers of mirth for all to drink forevermore.

Kikodinho Edward Alexandros.
Tacoma, Washington. 3/21/20.
Kenny, I know you can hear me but can’t say a word...just wanted you to know that you’ll always be my favorite country artist of all time. Say hello unto Don Williams, miss him too and always will.
Hark! Hark! Kenny Rogers,
A lark at heaven’s gate sings
Sail away like galloping rivers
And spread thy gentle wings

To wing from the ****** earth
Unto a realm of opalescent skies
In the mighty land of worth
Where seraphs croon lullabies

Mellifluously day and night,
Where flowers dost shine
Ineffably long and bright
All bedight in colors devine.

In lands of novelty sea shores,
Lands of many a whispering river
That dost serpentine forevermore
With heaven’s sweetest nectar.

In lands of halcyon glassy seas,
Seas as calm as a millpond
With banks of multicolored trees
Yet all veiled with many a diamond.

Lands enveloped by lustrous stars,
Stars painting words of desire
And heaven’s ineffable wonders
Upon chatoyant skies on fire.

Lands where love is woven by
A tapestry of truth not lies,
Lands where love isn't bought by
Sapphires, emeralds nor rubies.

Lands where avenues are all
Paved with green and gold
Come winter, spring, summer & fall,
Such pulchritude is all to behold.

In lands where the only air
There is to inhale is purest love,
In a kingdom all but so fair
Beside the king of heaven above.

Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Tacoma, Washington. 3/21/20.
Every new day is a beacon
       A beacon of hope

Every new  day  is  a  chance
  Chance to live another day

 Every new day is a blessing
     A blessing just deistic
#New day #Hope #blessing
Fair rose, now that thou art picked in the prime
Of thy breathtaking splendour to go bloom
By strands of pearl of very far a clime,
Upon roads of life I deserve no room
But as the wind bids adieu unto hills,
The lonely woods, the indignant still cloud,
The silent vales, the gently rolling rills,
As such, I must vade to another world;
But hark! Fair star, though snowy angels fair
In countless numbers bedeck heaven's shore,
Eternal flames of brightest love so rare
By my soul shalt blaze for thee evermore.
  So, until then when we shall meet again,
  My love for thee as fresh as summer rain.

© Kikodinho Edward Alexandros, Kampala, Uganda. 13th.July.2018.

#attempt at a Shakespearean sonnet
#iambic pentameter
Written when news sprinkled into mine ear that she who kindled my soul with the brightest spark of love was going to walk to walk down the aisle.
There castles fair as a moon of June
Despite denizens 'neath a pit of despair
Like a night lit not by stars or moon.
Sweet is the silent whispers of a zephyr
When falls dew at the peep of dawn
Upon meadow boughs of emerald fair.

When heaven's ever fair golden eye
Doth sprinkle her very last fiery ray
To pave way unto maidens of the sky
That evermore bedeck heaven's bay,
In woods strange lonely things dost cry
In lament of the sweet melted olden day

Now 'neath the vale of time: In fairyland,
Where days once colorful and bright,
Where novelty gems bedeck each strand,
Where lofty towers shine than star light,
There naught remains that doth stand
And there dawns never but endless night.

Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
      Los Angels, California.
#Fairyland #Tales Of Nineva #Imaginations
Rolling hills, eye popping mountains,
Kissing the stonking ***** of heaven
With fairly capped eternal fountains
Of chalcedony and emerald sheen.

Clouds of opalescent birds in flight
Ineffably croon mellifluous lullabies
In their coats thrice fairer than twilight
Till emerald stars bedight yonder skies.

Silvery galloping rivers gush in ecstasy
On whose foam sitteth many a nymph
Whose starry beaming eyes are as sassy
As of knights upon their maiden triumph.

Gems, like dew upon grass of meadow,
Fairly evermore bedight each strand
In beauty like a kaleidoscopic rainbow
Doth hang in air with a colorful band.

Heaving tides, and many a glassy wave,
Evermore ebb unto the pebbly shore,
But making not a sound like as a grave
Or a peregrinator twixt an enchanted moor.

Soaring towers, paved with fair flowers
Redolent of a novelty loveliest scent,
That doth resemble nothing of ours
But of seraphic breath by heaven's gate.

In Fairyland, their roads of silver hewn,
And there falls rain of crystals of gold
Once in a blue moon, in noontide of june,
All kept in enchanted hoards of old

Beneath dungeons deep as yonder skies,
As dark as the darkest moonless night
By tripple headed creatures of three eyes
That evermore beam than the sun's light.

Their eyes fixed upon them day and night,
So wills their king, of him denizens sing:
O mighty king of lands beneath perpetual light,
Evermore shall we guard thy gems, they sing.

And this, our land, of strands of emerald sheen
Where naught doth ever age as the sun’s rays,
No mortal shall ever stroll by and leave unseen
For our eyes shall wink never till the end of days.

Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angeles, California. 01/18/20.
#FairyLand #Tales_Of_Nineva #Imaginations


Nineva is a magical kingdom in Kiko’s legendarium, a miscellany of tales of mystery, wizardry and macabre like thou hast never heard of Lol.

(This Poem hath been languishing in my dungeon of about 100 drafts for Two years nigh Lol. And today I’ve decided to set it free)
'Twas in the eventide of June
Whilst he didst lay in a pit of despair
When a lass fair as a silvery moon
Stately sailed his way as a zephyr
Yet majestically as drops of dew
Rollin' upon boughs of emerald fair.

Heaven's ever fair golden eye
Had sprinkled her very last ray
To pave way unto night maidens
That evermore bedight heaven's bay
With luster that in perpetuum gladdens
Naked eyes in a way i canst not say.

Radiant hope in his eyes shone bright
To potter beside a beauty queen
Whose eyes thrice brighter than light
Fair like as sails of diamond hewn,
Opalescent as robes of Sirius in the night
Whilst decamping at the fall of dawn.

Euphonious lullabies into her ear
Mellifluously he didst sing and sing,
For her to know she's all he did revere.
A fair diadem unto her he did bring,
For her to forevermore hold it dear
Queen unto him she's, and him her King.

But yonder stars in lone splendor
Coveted him and the beauty queen,
For her effulgence surpassed their luster
That as passes a fiend with eyes unseen
When the wind is hushed into slumber,
So did spy upon 'em with eyes keen.

Alas! As we all know naught lasts forever,
The looming veils of night began to vade
Whilst stars in a splendiferous cluster
Upon celestial shores coyly didst wend;
And his visage grew pale by dawns luster,
For far off with his queen they'd eloped.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angels, California, USA.
#Tales Of Nineva #Swain #Maiden #Fairy whispers #Imaginations
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