Eons ago, there once was Mr. and Mrs. Owl
Who went shopping with so large a bowl,
Without any money
Yet wanted honey,
Those thieves cursed to rove at dusk whilst they howl.
#The mystery why owls move at dusk....Lol
#Limerick #Owl #Nonsense
Edward Lear will always be one of favorite poets forevermore. He was a poet known for his literary nonsense in prose and poetry especially the Limerick—a style he popularized.
Besides, thank God Eliot was able to fix the site. Hopefully that won’t ever happen again. I greatly missed ye all. Can’t wait reading thy wonderful poetry once again. I hope this Limerick doth paint a warm smile upon a visage of thine. Love and light, Poet Of Nineva.
Nineva is an enchanted kingdom in my legendarium that is nighly akin unto The Lord Of The Rings by the great Tolkien. Those of you who’ve known me for a while well know some my of legends and yeah I’ll be sharing more soon.