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Gabriel Mallory Feb 2020
There was a boy who swore he was in love
He prayed for help from those up above
He really thought things would be different
Met a girl and she was quite magnificent
Told his mom and all his friends about her
Even stayed up late nights writing love letters
Put all his time and effort into a relationship
Thought she was helping him get a grip
On himself and how life was going on
He had no clue the trap that was upon
His near future was in for a real twist
Butterflies after every time they kissed
She truly made him happy to exist
Except her reason for loving him was wrong
She just wanted to feel a reason to belong
She thought loving him would help herself
Wanted a different reason to live life itself
Her ex taught her that she wasn’t worth it
Played with her mind, so her wrist she slit
Her ex got bored and cheated multiple times
Now pay attention to these next rhymes
She doesn’t want to cheat but she does
But it’s not her fault and it’s because
She just can’t control herself around her ex
Especially when he texts her for the ***
He doesn’t know but she sees him every night
It feels good to her but she knows it’s not right
She should break up with him for his sake
She just can’t put him through that heartbreak
It’s not that she doesn’t care for him
She just doesn’t love him
She still loves her ex, yet she hates him too
Forever on her skin like a tattoo
The boy who cried love to his mom is clueless
He’s noticed that she’s down but feels useless
When he asks she shrugs and says it’s nothing
She wears long sleeves to cover up the cutting
He pulls her in for a hug and says I love you
She stays for a bit but then she withdrew
He’s badly concerned this girl is his world
He’d fight anyone once she gave the word
Every night he slowly sinks into depression
Wonders why he can’t make a connection
They used to be so happy together
He pictured a perfect life forever
A few weeks later, he’s having a breakdown
However he gets up, tired of having a frown
So he decided to take a walk to his girls house
He’s there, all lights are off, quiet as a mouse
He goes to knock on her window
But he hears something real low
He watches as his girlfriend kisses her ex
He doesn’t know what to feel or do next
So he takes pictures and returns home
So many thoughts clouding his dome
He sends her the pictures and starts crying
Already dead inside but he feels like dying
So he takes his moms gun, runs to the woods
Never ever thought that she could
He doesn’t look back, he continues to run
His phone buzzes, she said it was just for fun
He’s screaming, a year and half wasted
He can’t breathe, he’s too irritated
He’s texting her, knowing this is goodbye
He’s on the bench where she first walked by
She noticed he’s texted really weird like
Then she realizes and runs for her bike
She checks his house but he’s not here
There’s one other place he’s gotta be there
She’s peddling faster no time for air
She’s close to the place where
They first met, she’s crying her eyes out
She see’s him sitting, so she goes to shout
Wondering if this hole in her heart got bigger
She cries as she watches him pull the trigger
She never wanted to see the end of
The boy who cried love
Gabriel Mallory Oct 2019
Everyone has their own kind of therapy
I listen to music when nobody is there for me
People latch on others and become dependent
Absorbing life from someone, leaving a dent
But what happens when you’re that person
Helping others out while your life worsens
All you do is give and never bother to take
Your love is real but you only receive the fake
Grow tired of all the people on the earth
Confidence sinks now we question our worth
I want to get back into therapy again
Talk to Dr.Davis to take away all this pain
Sitting on his couch telling him all my problems
Having him around always seems to solve em
I don’t see him anymore and life changed a lot
Doing drugs alone passing out in a parking lot
Keep telling myself I shouldn’t do suicide
I’m breaking down at random straight horrified
What’s my replacement for therapy now
I want to be okay but I just don’t know how
Ever since it stopped my life’s is a rollercoaster
Going up and down until suddenly it’s all over
How do I stop feeling easily replaceable
How do I stop feeling like I’m incapable
Of feeling love and loving myself
Dr.Davis asked how do you feel about yourself
I stared at him with a blank expression
Thought back and looked at my progression
Trying to find words that share a connection
Think about all the things that need correction
How do I push through this depression
How do I answer Dr.Davis’s question
I think that I can get somewhere in life
I just gotta focus and keep doing what’s right
I just have to get through day and night
I just have to find the some possible way
Without therapy I won’t be okay
So I take drugs cut my wrist and drink nonstop
I’ll cry my eyes out until these thoughts drop
So I can smile and laugh and be loving
When is my next therapy session is coming
Gabriel Mallory Jul 2019
Wake up next to you in our own bed
I couldn’t picture anyone else in my head
Wouldn’t want anyone else instead
I’ll love you before and after we’re dead
When I’m all alone and it feels like it’s only me
I see you and smile, for your love is my therapy
I could be broke down and crying on my knees
It’s like your love is the cure to my disease
I’ve been stuck with depression most my life
But that all changes when I see you as my wife
You say you aren’t perfect but that’s all I see
Everything about you is how it’s meant to be
You’ve got these beautiful eyes and smile
I’d go ever farther than the extra mile
To hear you laugh and make you go crazy
I’d even be here on the days where you’re lazy
Bring you breakfast, lunch, and dinner in bed
Lay down and talk about the book you read
I can’t wait to laugh, argue, and love with you
I’ll be right here when you’re feeling a bit blue
We can go hiking in the big old mountains or
We can go on walks along the shallow shore
We can go to a scary park and get a scare
Or we can stay at home and I’ll do your hair
We can go bowling even though I **** at it
Or we can play laser tag where I’ll get every hit
We can stay inside and snuggle real close
Talk about children and see how that goes
I’m so happy that it was me that you chose
I’ll bring you chocolate with a big red rose
And when you aren’t expecting it I’ll propose
I want to make you the happiest girl alive
But first in my life you have to arrive
Gabriel Mallory Jan 2022
I’ve been being selfish for so long
Stuck in my head i’ve got it all wrong
On the sidelines while my family is in pain
Wish we’d talk more but I refrain
Don’t want it to seem like I don’t care
It’s unfair, this responsibility i bear
I know it’s not my fight
But it doesn’t feel right
Sitting here doing nothing for you
Maybe that’s why i’m so blue
I feel so helpless and I don’t know what to say
Scared that you won’t be here someday
I can’t find those special words
Or sing a beautiful song like birds
Something to take away all your trauma
Hopefully someday you’ll forgive mama
I hate seeing my family so torn apart
Physically feeling those tears on my heart
Hard to celebrate holidays being incomplete
Wish i could shake this feeling of defeat
What i’d give to be back at that wooden table
I know we might not ever be stable
But i miss laughing as a family
Maybe it’s the insanity
Going through another heartbreak
Everything you do feels like a mistake
You’re so much more than you seem
The MVP on my team
You’ve done so much for me
Someday you’ll see what i see
We’re all outcasts
Not the first or last
But you’re my older brother
Held it down without our mother
Without you I would’ve been so scared
Thank you for the love you’ve shared
Foster care was no match for us
So many things we need to discuss
Like why we stopped playing ball
Or how did i get so tall
I wouldn’t be who i am without you
I wouldn’t be alive without you
Never told you but you talked me out of trying
When the only thing i felt like doing was dying
We’re all so hurt
We’ve been dragged through the dirt
Yet we always had each other’s backs
I just wish we could have that back
I wish I could help.
Gabriel Mallory May 2019
I don’t wanna live a life without you
Can’t fall asleep until around two
When I wake I think about you
They say every day brings something new
But baby all I can do is picture you
Yelling at the phone “yeah, we’re through”
Somehow I can’t seem to get over you
They can’t name a **** thing I wouldn’t do
Just to be back in that theater with you
I look at all the pictures that you drew
I smile every time I think about you
And how your eyes were so beautifully blue
I can’t believe I’m listening to this without you
Researched some of the things you were into
I could use one of those great hugs from you
Can’t believe from my life you withdrew
You’re so **** beautiful and I miss you
Why do I feel this way still, i don’t have a clue
“Do what makes you happy” words from you
But you’re what made me happy so I pursue
“I think you should move on” again from you
I guess our relationship you outgrew
That girl was my best friend, yeah that’s you
But if what they’re all saying is really true
Then I can’t be the one who gets to say to you
Goodnight babygirl, I love you too
Then they shut their eyes and dream bout you
Gabriel Mallory Mar 2020
There’s no point in throwing an insult my way
I’ve told myself the worse things there is to say
Yeah I’ve done some terrible things in the past
And each time it’s worst than my last
I’ve casted aside my feelings
Dove into a bottle for new beginnings
Attempted on multiple occasions
Hate the fact that I’m seen as a caucasian
Grow out my hair to cover up my face
I’m insecure and more fragile than a vase
On the brink of depression and insanity
Can’t find love so I stay in a fantasy
Been in conflict yeah I’ve been in fights
Inside my head at night there’s only fright
Torn apart from my suicidal thoughts
Blood on my wrists red like tomato sauce
I wonder how long I have left before I fall
Til cops have to clean my brains off the wall
Until the haters get what they want this year
Until my friends hear what they really fear
That little old me finally isn’t here
But let me make something clear
I don’t wanna die well me as a majority
Part of me is dead even if it’s a minority
It’s growing very slowly but it’s still growing
Trying hard but these thoughts aren’t going
Dream about my death two times a week
People think I’m strong but truly I’m weak
Could die today or in years it could be either
What’s that, you don’t like me? Me neither
Gabriel Mallory Dec 2019
I wish I had a prescription to your drug
I’d breeze through life like a shoulder shrug
Your love is a drug that id overdose on
When I’m feeling down it’d cheer me up a ton
I’d love to call you nicknames like my baby
Someday we could start a family maybe
You’d be the best doctor the world could offer
Our best times stored in a mental coffer
So baby give me a chance at a prescription
You could be my new favorite addiction
We’d rule the world, love being the novocaine
Your love has already taken most my pain
Been through a lot but with you I want more
Trapped inside your maze without an exit door
Honestly I don’t want to leave it feels amazing
This love is something I’ve been craving
When I’m all alone I take another dose
Baby you’re all I need please hold me close
I don’t want this to end
A helping hand I’ll always lend
To you, the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen
To you, my gorgeous and mighty queen
I wanna be a part of your daily routine
I wanna be with you even after we’re eighteen
You’re my favorite star in this galaxy
And I think your drug is meant just for me

— The End —