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 Feb 2019 Kelly Anne
Stephen S
613 200 Hours
25 550 Days
13 Cars
11 Jobs
9 Dogs
6 Surgeries
5 Children
4 Grandchildren
3 Marriages
2 Siblings
1 Weary soul.
No regrets.
I wasted my time.
Drowning myself in my mind.
Rationalizing my demons.
Forgetting not to feed them.
I grew weak.
Everything inside of me started to shriek.
Like an alarm warning me, so to speak.
I was blindly running.
Bumping into everything, and my well fed demons found it funny.
Not one edge of my world was clear.
So I kept running out of fear.
I tried to find a way out.
I did everything I could.
But I lost sight of myself.
No one could save me.
I had to make a decision.
I had to finally be free.
I woke up from this dreary dream.
My demons still haunt me.
They scratch and they scream.
But I hold them prisoners.
Just as they once held me.

— The End —