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My heart plummeted to the ground, and I couldn’t do anything to save it.
I saw it shatter into tiny pieces and couldn’t feel a thing.
But I did feel tears fall down my face rushing to catch it hoping to keep it safe.
However, they failed and held it in despair thinking they could repair.
Kelly Diaz Jan 24
I wont confess that I love you but I'll show you with every word I say and every action I do.
Cause I've found that Love is a word and I Love You a phrase that anyone can say.
Nor can it express how much I feel for you.
So forgive me if I don't say that word or phrase to you.
But I want you to know that I will always feel so much for you.
But in case you want me to say it
Here it goes, I LOVE YOU
Just so you know I will only say it for YOU.
Kelly Diaz Nov 2024
I'm sad again
let me enjoy it
don't wanna have fun
just wanna lay here
and cry all my tears
until I'm swimming in an ocean
full of my sentiment and fears
I just wanna drown
for couple of minutes
until my mind
can fix itself and become clear
cause only than can I get this feeling off my chest
and let myself rest
Kelly Diaz Sep 2024
i fell in love
with your smile
with your laugh
with the way you told jokes
with the way you said my name
i don't want to say i fell in love you
because i only met you once
but with that small interaction
i think i fell in love
Kelly Diaz May 2024
Since you have left
I'm looking in every corner for you
I'm looking in every tear that I shed for you
I'm looking in every laugh I gave you
I'm looking everywhere I saw you
I am looking for an old Ford Ranger white truck with bumper stickers all over
I am looking and looking and looking
until i finally found you
in a room full of a thousand memories
memories that never left my head
Only there I could kiss you one last time
to say goodbye
as i felt myself cry
because i knew you were never mine.
Kelly Diaz May 2024
We were tossing and laughing at all those stupid little jokes
i never thought it would be the last time i would see you laugh
and the worst part is that i was alright
when you said goodbye and left me at night
you thought i was dreaming of you baby
but between me myself and i,
i knew you would go away and i would be alright
and it felt kinda nice hearing the door slam behind your back
cause i knew that you would never come back.
Kelly Diaz May 2024
i pushed him away
while he told he was going to stay
i told him to go on his way
and one night
he finally did what he was told
and went out of my sight
i wonder every day and night
why i pushed him out of my life
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