do you really love me i said to him filled with hope and anxiety i wait for him to respond with sincerity if only i knew his truth was not what i wished for he broke the news and told me no he said no words that refuse to process in my mind no two letters that broke my entire being no but only then did i realize that neither did i.
i bring myself to my knees and tell the woman in front of me please take me to the other side then she tells me why are you here at my feet you should be over there enjoying life. and that is when i start to cry and tell her its because they broke my heart and im burning inside that is when she takes me and tells me it gonna be alright.
I fell in love with you last night, I couldn't let go of you all night, I never thought you would be mine, but now we are here dancing in the moonlight.
you made me miss many moments of my life moments i cant get back moments where i could be happy and live life moments where i could be with my family moments where i wouldnt have to hide but i traded them for moments with you moments where i felt the happiest in a long time moments where i cried moments i felt excited moments where i was neglected moments i felt safe moments of hatred moments i was filled with so much love moments i should regret but their moments i cant forget
That day in my car You turned your back to me Without uttering a word While tears fell down my face You left me like you were in a race And sadly you won first place
ive been holding on for something, far greater than what you ever felt for me, but then again i thought you and i would be for forever but that never happened You've left me for someone or something or just to make yourself feel better.