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keepsake7 Nov 2021
I find reasons to message you
Only to get a one word reply
Why do I try to get you to see me
I just wish you’d see me
keepsake7 Oct 2021
I’m sure you like me
like I like you but
I’m unsure of myself
we had this conversation before
we said I like you before
but if I ask you again
am I hoping you do
or feeding my ego
keepsake7 Oct 2021
I wish to know if you miss me but I
Can’t ask I’m to afraid of your answer
Tell me on your own so one day
You and I will be happy together but
I know dreams are just dreams I’d
Love for mine to come true but
You will always be so far out of reach
Because someone else deserves you
I’m waiting for you but I’m
Afraid we will miss the timing.
I’m still stuck unsure if I can really ask someone else to love me so I’ll hold off on telling you for now
keepsake7 Mar 2021
I’m dancing in a club to forget you our song comes on and I stop breathing how am I supposed to move on if I stand still at the memory of you.
keepsake7 Nov 2020
I could fall for your smile
I could fall for your charm
I could fall for your face
I could fall for your voice
But they do not belong to me
And you are not happy because of me
I could fall for you
But you are loved already
keepsake7 Nov 2020
You were everything I wanted to be but you were not me
keepsake7 Oct 2020
This chess game of ours will end in a draw  Neither a win nor a loss just a game with no outcome
Even the right moves will not always end in checkmate
But with you I’m stuck in place
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