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 Sep 2019 KaylaMarie
I find myself straightening out the welcome mat and making sure the door is unlocked
Dusting the stairs and changing the sheets on the bed everyday
Painting the walls fresh in dark green in hopes that it feels safe for you to come home to
I've always been told to prepare for the things I want and I swear we'll be closer one day
Tracing each others fingertips with our lips and learning the nuances of our voices woven together
We could be like oceans falling into each other and scientists can argue where we begin and end
Tie little memories you have of me to your feet like shadows that engulf the entire room at night
You can be my sun and I'll be your moon waiting to be eclipsed with you
Forgive me when I stumble over my words I just want to tell you everything
I know it will all come out too fast I hope you understand
While I will continue to shake violently I'm ok now I can live with this
The door is unlocked and I'll leave the lights on for you
You're free to come and go as you please as long as you know you can call this home
We can stay up all night holding cups of coffee just to enjoy the smell
I think I could start to associate some other feeling with it if I tried
When it starts to rain I hope this is the first place you think of even if you can't arrive just yet
Just picture those lights and know you can come inside when you're ready
 Jun 2019 KaylaMarie
Dr YumnaKay
Love is
never truly
 May 2019 KaylaMarie
Edmund black
I lived a large
part of my youth
carrying things
that didn’t
belong to me
Indeed I’ve carried
their loads for
too **** long
The load of how
they felt about me
the load of what
they’ve said about me
the load of how
They’ve perceived me
for far too long
These load was never
mine to carry
to begin with
Today I am free
free at last
from criticism
fears , insecurities
and other people’s
These loads
are no longer mine
to carry
how desperate
and foolish
they may seem
Set yourself FREE .... This load ain’t yours to carry!
 May 2019 KaylaMarie
How many times are you supposed to give someone a chance before you stop wasting time
I've been looking for answers to all these questions like why you painted your room black to keep the shadows out
Like why you burned everything if you didn't have every intention of leaving everything the way it was
You pushed me away and locked me out for two weeks and If I had waited any longer I would have died
I would have bleed out on your doorstep and the last thing I ever wanted was for my blood to stain your home
But if I leave you with anything at all let it be that you were wrong when you said everyone always leaves
We could have talked but I know you've been tired of fighting for so long and there is nothing I can do for you
I can't be left for so long on such unstable ground without putting my own life in imminent danger
And if I'm telling the truth it wouldn't have deterred me in the slightest if I had just one sign you would do the same
You never knew me any differently than anyone else and I gave you every chance
If you had wanted it you would have taken it but there was always someone else for you
But the worst part was that when there wasn't you had me and I can't live like that
They say not to make homes out of people but it would have been better to be your home than to be your hotel room
I want you to wake up with a smile on your face again because you know everything is better
But it will have to be somewhere else because you never let me come close to you

— The End —