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sweetycandy Sep 26
Though I say, “I trust you,” it’s untrue,
While “I love you” reveals what I knew.
To ease all the strife,
Let’s part from this life,
For forgetting is best for us two.
“I trust you” is the lie that cloaks the pain,
While “I love you” holds the truth; better we part and refrain.
sweetycandy Sep 26
In a world of voices, I stand alone,
With a heart open wide, my seeds have been sown.
I hold no grudges, no spite in my chest,
For every soul dances, seeking their best.

I cherish the laughter, the stories they share,
Each life a tapestry, woven with care.
Why question my heart, is it light as the air?
I prefer to uplift, to nurture, to spare.

Let me witness the triumphs, the dreams come alive,
In the warmth of connection, our spirits can thrive.
So let go of the burdens, the weight of the past,
For in kindness and joy, true freedom is cast.

No hate in my heart, just a wish for the light,
To see all souls flourish, to nurture the night.
So I stand in the silence, a witness, a stranger,
In a world full of love, where all hearts can mend.
People often ask me if I judge them. Actually, I don’t mind what they do or think. I care, but I don’t concern myself with everything they’ve done or are doing for their plans.

People also ask me to keep their secrets. I won’t spill anything for two reasons: I don’t remember what they say, and second,  I believe their stories aren’t mine, so I prefer to interpret them metaphorically, leaving no one acknowledged.

People can say I’m heartless, I want to change it in positive way. It is hard and painful when I have to express emotional sides. Anyway, I’m not perfect.
sweetycandy Sep 26
I met two men beneath the sun,
Each shining bright, yet they were one.
The first would smile on darkest days,
A light that cut through shadowed haze.

His warmth was soft, his laughter kind,
A balm for troubled heart and mind.
But now he’s gone, his glow is past,
A sun that set too soon, too fast.

The second man, a different flame,
Still warm, but never quite the same.
His light is calm, though shadows stay,
A sun that drifts, yet holds the day.

Detached, he stands with quiet grace,
No smiles, but peace within his space.
Two suns I’ve known, both bright, yet far,
One lost to time, one distant star.

Now he’s my mentor, guiding me still,
He teaches with patience, each lesson a gift,
In moments of doubt, it’s his light that I lift.
A beacon of calm under ever-changing skies.
I am wondering why I meet a lot of shining people; they shine a lot, but they give humble, silly words like I am not like that. But I think people have both sun and moon sides; what they show off is their unconscious choices.
sweetycandy Sep 26
I heard his name in winter’s chill,
A whisper soft, but lingers still.
He taught me all the strange and rare,
A mentor lost to rain-soaked air.

He gave his legacy, then went,
His love, his wisdom—both well-spent.
He’s now the scar I wear with pride,
A mark forever by my side.

My amore, in death’s embrace,
Yet always with me, not a trace
Of you will fade; you stay instead,
A love that lives within my head.

In mind, in heart, you’re never dead—
You live forever in my head.
He has been dead since 2022 but I always talk with him in dreams. I have a “magic” that I can talk with my dear death people whenever I miss them. Only two people, my dear best friend and my amore.
sweetycandy Sep 25
At a young time, he learned to keep
Crazy moods as cold as stone.
No tears, no cracks—just balance.
To protect his soft heart,
He must behave the right way.

Madness stirs, but he holds it firm,
A dance between calm and chaos.
Sometimes, the sun needs to rest,
To give space, or else burn too bright.

Planets drift, seeking their safe place,
And he, too, needs trust or distance—
To protect himself, he steps back,
Until he can come close again.
He is like the sun, woke people up, and also drained people out if they got too much. I realized that I also caught his little moments, being cold because of same reason. It is not the right thing, but time would solve if we tried.
sweetycandy Sep 25
I have all the things I can hold,
But seek something deeper, untold.
He laughs through the screen,
Says, “You’ll see what I mean,
Just give it some time to unfold.”

Though I plan and I think every day,
He reminds me, “There’s no need to stray.
Life moves at its pace,
In its slow, steady grace,
Don’t worry, you’ll find your own way.”
He has some cool advices, but he is really a cute *******.
sweetycandy Sep 25
T hrough empty halls, he walks alone,
H earing only the quiet’s subtle tone.
E very echo fades, dissolving in the night.

S tillness surrounds him, sharp and bright,
O nce more, he feels the weight of time.
U nseen currents flow, almost sublime,
N othing stirs, yet something deeply moves.
D ark rivers course through veins, he proves.

O n the surface, calm — within, unrest,
F or silence hides the shadows unexpressed.

S lowly, he listens to the silence speak,
I t hums in hearts, both strong and weak.
L iquors black like night flow through each vein,
E ntering his thoughts, deep and arcane.
N ow, alone, he finds the quiet true,
C aught in the space where nothingness grew.
E very soul hears silence in its core.
I remembered a time when I created this poem with my man. I have just completed the last part of it. It was inspired by a song named The Sound Of Silence.
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