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sweetycandy Sep 25
In the twilight mist where shadows entwine,
I met a girl in a white T-shirt, divine.
Her eyes held secrets of worlds yet unseen,
Whispering riddles where darkness had been.
We wandered through echoes, where time seemed to bend,
Each step a mystery, each glance a new end.

“Follow me,” she beckoned, her voice like a spell,
“To realms where the magic of night softly dwells.”
Through the veil of the forest, we danced with the unknown,
Unraveling dreams in a language unshown.
In the depths of the night, where the hidden hearts roam,
Together we ventured, in shadows we’d smiled
She is beautiful, not like some world standards, my intuition whispered she has more than she expressed today. Oddly, I still find she is so pretty even though she has 12 fingers.
sweetycandy Sep 25
In the quiet corners of my heart,
No hatred lingers, no bitter part.
Yet shadows whisper of those I’ve wronged,
With silent sorrows, my spirit’s song.

I’ve seen the pain in their weary eyes,
A glimpse of truth beneath their sighs.
Though my actions weren’t what they believed,
Innocence lost, and trust deceived.

I stand with shadows, some false, some real,
Caught in a web, emotions conceal.
Regret dances softly on the edge of my mind,
For the hurt I’ve caused, though unaligned.

So here’s to the souls I’ve let down,
I wear my remorse like a tattered crown.

I am sorry!
I would say, there were things that I did not do like people believe, something, I was blinded by false faiths. After all, I hurt people, no more excuses. I’m sorry!

I don’t hope people will forgive me, just hope they continue their life, and no looking back. Let me die slowly.
sweetycandy Sep 25
In the mirror of his choices, he sees his own face,
No longer a pawn in this intricate race.
The roles he has taken, he wears like a cloak,
Not shackles that bind him, but armor bespoke.

He owns this journey, the paths that he treads,
Neither saint nor sinner, just the words he has said.
Good or bad for another, that’s theirs to define,
But the power he holds is solely his design.

He won’t let the titles dictate who he is,
Not a king nor a beggar, just a man with a vision.
These labels are fleeting, like whispers in air,
He breathes in the moment, letting go of the care.

What he has is temporary, a gift in disguise,
Each day a new canvas, painted with skies.
So he slows down the tempo, finds peace in the flow,
Embracing the present, wherever it goes.

No rush to abandon what life has bestowed,
He’ll walk with intention on this winding road.
He’ll savor each heartbeat, each laugh, and each sigh,
Living for now, letting time slip by.

With every decision, he carves out his way,
No chains on his spirit, just freedom to sway.
In the dance of existence, he’ll find his own song,
For he is who he chooses, and he’ll carry along.
I love my old photos. I did not feel shame, but guilty because I did not appreciate my fragile time. Still fragile now, but I don’t hate it like the past. He, hated his past decisions, also forgave himself, why can’t I?
sweetycandy Sep 25
We stood together, side by side,
Watching the apple trees far and wide.
A family tended them with care,
A simple life, without despair.

No crowns to wear, no battles to fight,
Just the quiet peace of fading light.
You and I, we shared the same dream,
To be nothing, to let go of the gleam.

No burden of names, no titles to hold,
Just the warmth of the earth, a story untold.
A wish we carried after all these years,
To live without weight, without our fears.

We looked at the trees and whispered aloud,
Maybe this was their wish, the first and proud—
Adam and Eve, in a world so wide,
Longing for peace, with nothing to hide.

To return to the soil, to live and to breathe,
Without the sorrow, without the need.
We saw it there, in the family’s hands,
A life of simplicity, not by command.

And as the apple trees swayed in the breeze,
We felt the truth, as soft as the leaves—
That we and they, through time and strife,
Only ever wished for a normal life.
Hoping people will read it as an audience, no matter if it was right or wrong. It was just one of my good moments.
sweetycandy Sep 25
A man spoke today, with wisdom in his eyes,
Saying we are both angels and demons in disguise.
Half-blood creatures, born of mud and light,
Walking in the gray, neither black nor white.

We live between worlds, where shadows blend,
Near to the divine, where heavens descend.
Like Lucifer, who once soared so high,
Now walks among us, beneath the same sky.

We strive to be near the gods, though flawed,
Half-believing, half-doubting, we still applaud.
For even in darkness, we see the truth’s gleam,
Agreeing He is there, as real as a dream.

In this gray life, we rise and we fall,
Both cursed and blessed, yet connected to all.
Angels and demons, in a dance so divine,
Seeking the godliness we know is mine, is thine.
sweetycandy Sep 24
He sat beside me, quiet and still,
His hands on the keys, with a hidden skill.
No one knew the song he could play,
But in that moment, he led the way.

His fingers moved with gentle grace,
A melody soft, filling the space.
He said, “I find it hard to show,
The feelings inside I barely know.”

So he taught me how the music flows,
How in each note, a story grows.
Through keys and chords, his heart was revealed,
A language of sound, long concealed.

He wasn’t one to share his mind,
But through the piano, we intertwined.
Each lesson more than just a song,
A way to express what felt so wrong.

No words were needed, no voice to speak,
His emotions poured in every streak.
I learned not just the notes he played,
But the silent thoughts he’d never say.

And as the melody lingered on,
I felt the depth of what had been drawn.
In teaching me, he found his release,
Through music, his heart had found its peace.

Now when I play, I hear his soul,
The quiet man who made me whole.
In those lessons, I came to see,
That music was how he shared with me.
He played you are my destiny
His fingers moved like magicians
He shares same aspect of my dear old friend
He stands still differently, in an odd way
sweetycandy Sep 24
He was born into power, a family so grand,
The eldest of three, with the weight in his hands.
Two younger brothers, with hearts full of light,
He swore to protect them, to shelter their flight.

His dreams were once vivid, of stories to tell,
With a camera in hand, he’d capture the spell.
But duty called louder, the legacy clear,
So he buried his wishes, without shedding a tear.

Each day, he smiled, though the ache never ceased,
A secret he carried, a longing unreleased.
For the world saw strength, but his heart held the pain,
Of dreams left behind in the shadow of gain.

He gave up his passion, became their shield,
To guard their ambitions, his heart never healed.
Sacrifice noble, but it weighed on his soul,
For every lost picture, he lost more control.

But love has a way, like a whisper it grows,
His brothers could see through the mask that he chose.
They pleaded, they begged, “Let us carry this too,
You don’t have to break for the dreams we pursue.”

He faltered, then yielded, and shared what was real,
The burdens, the sorrow, the weight he could feel.
And in that moment, he found what was lost,
The love of his family, whatever the cost.

He had been strong, but in sharing his load,
He realized true strength was lightening the road.
His brothers stood with him, no longer alone,
In love, he was lost, but in love, he was home.

Now the dreams he once hid no longer seem far,
For family’s love is the brightest of stars.
And though he still bears the legacy’s name,
He’s found his own path, and it’s never the same.
My legacy, His legacy.
We have the same legacy with different meanings now
I don’t think that I am something
I just feel his heaviness on shoulder
I feel good and bad for our wings
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