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Jumbled Words May 2018
If I’m simple,
And you’re complicated
Take all my simplicity and complicate it
Let me take all your complication and simplify it.  

They say opposites attract,
I don’t agree.
I believe they collide and fuse
To create something
Something extraordinary
Let’s be opposites and make our love unconditionally extraordinary
Jumbled Words May 2018
In the midst of havoc
he found her ...
Jumbled Words Apr 2018
He lays there in her arms
Shivering from the blood on his chest
with his last breathe,
He looks up at her
and says "forgive me..."
She looks down at him with emotionless eyes
and says,
"I don't forgive you and I never want to see you again"
and with his heart broken,
he did as she said.
Jumbled Words Apr 2018
I write with sadness as my pen
And betrayal as my ink...
Jumbled Words Apr 2018
Maybe he wasn't meant for you
but as the longing of being with someone
consumes your mind
you are forced to be with someone
who doesn't know your worth
nor the definition of "Worth"
Jumbled Words Apr 2018
is when you come,
knowing you're going to leave.
When you fill me,
knowing you're going to make me empty.
When you make me attached,
while you're detached.
When you tell me "I'm special",
when everyone else is special to you.
When you say "I'm the only one",
but you say the same to her.
When you tell me you love me...
just as you open the door

— The End —