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A broken heart isn't to be dreaded.
Not when the tender lobe of your ******* sway divine in the silky wind.
A fresh caress of your velvet brow, undercropping my twisted heart.
Let not the heart grow weary, for it isn't a bug that is crushed 'neath booted foot.

Because I cannot stray from you,
Ever bound to your tide,
And never to have you again kills me,
Don't act like you don't know me,
Silent destruction is in and of me.
John Cena Feb 2016
chihauhua with cheseburgers for feet
why do u have cheeseburgers for feet
i could get it some cleats
to put on ur feet meat
and so there will be cleats on ur feet meet
and then ill feed u some beats
so u dont have to eat ur delcious cheeseburgers for feet
John Cena Dec 2015
there once was a man who could run at break-neck pace

he could even fly through time and space

he was so sneaky he was invisible on radar

his name was captain pronin, superstar
John Cena Jul 2015
kappa kappa 123

wont you come sing with me
John Cena Jun 2015
Two memes diverged in a dank montage,
And sorry I could not watch both
And be one memer, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it memed in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as dank,
And having perhaps the better meme,
Because it was dank and wanted memes;
Though as for that the meming there
Had danked them really about the same,

And both that montage equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden african american.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back to 9gag.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence: ******* kiddies
Two memes diverged in a montage, and I—
I took the one less memed by,
And that has made all the dankness.
John Cena May 2015
there spider once
spider sad
spider **** small child
spider prad
spider crawl into dead child
lay baby spider
momy pick up child
explode in to baby spider
mommy cry
cry spider in eye
John Cena May 2015





of dead children

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