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“My grief story is long and it lives within an infinite symbol that has long been created, throughout many lifetimes.
Just as Love and Light have been created along side with it.”
Jessica B Feb 13
Love is a price we learn to keep.

Jessica B Oct 2024
When I see you…
It brings back all of these emotions of something I once knew.
In a time of a great Love….
A Love I merely touched, and had to let go of.
A Love many never get to experience; in this lifetime or two.
It’s rarity so deep, that only the stars knew the answers to.

If there truly are any.
Answers…to a Love like that.

But be as it Be, and let it Be as it Be.
And that I know that kind of Love is Real.
I Recognize it.
It’s Beauty and its pain.
They synchronize with one another.
bringing Light and darkness alike.

The yin and the yang.  

Symbolizing all of the things that we can not see.
#It’s when you breathe in that faith of light
#just falling in and out of us
Jessica B Jul 2024
As we teach ourselves,

We can teach others,

as others can teach us.

🩶 ☯️
Jessica B Jul 2024
It’s not about how you Play the


It’s  how you Express it.

Jessica B Jul 2024
I have lost myself many times over.
But my faith; it never fails me.
It burns with a light that never goes out.
Dancing along the flames of a distant fire….
Always Reaching for the stars.

But Can you feel how thin this line can be?

My axis’s on a tilt, I’m guiltless and free, but this is not an easy fete.
This Life we live and leave.

But If I fall, would I be lost forever?
I think I’ll take the latter.

As I sit beneath these trees that are filled with golden flowers, and roses of every color.

That’s when I saw you,
Sitting there, next to me.

My axis’s on a tilt,
I’m Guiltless and free.
#believe #godisgood #🩶🤍
Jessica B May 2024

Life is more than who we are….
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