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1.4k · Jun 2016
Jay Dee Jun 2016
More poison please.
It makes me forget everything.

I need it so the sad will go away.
You are my poison.
Whether or not I choose to be forgiven.

You have never let me down.
Poison you will always be arround.

I love thee.
You make me free.
You are my.
I am you.

You are so bad.
But how can something so bad.
Feel so good.
It must be.

For thou is far beyond thy.
Past the sky.
Into the unknown.
Is where you take me.
But this time I can't go.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
Interpret however u want.
1.4k · Aug 2016
Wasabi Mango
Jay Dee Aug 2016
You remind me of a spicy wasabi mango
Just like ice cream covered in lobster shells.
                   So hard and spicy on the outside.
So soft. So sweet on your inside.
       I really want to ask you if you had a           good day.
             Longing to be the good of your day.
                                  We are not different.
         We are not the same.
    Do you ever muse on how tight we.....       could be.
               *Conceptualize a wasabi mango embrace.

         And see in your minds eye...........

it's only you and me.*

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
You and me
Wasabi mangoes
1.1k · Jun 2016
I Got You.
Jay Dee Jun 2016
No. I have no terror I will avenge you.
You say karma will but I'm not waitin' on it. Besides I'm not afriad to.

You were my eyes when the fog I couldn't see through.
Tell me now. And tell me the the whole truth. Did he harm you?

No. I've never been here before. But you I will do it for. If I don't stop him he will try and do it more.

Ohhhh. Ohhhhh. Ohhhhh.
Noooo. Noooooo. Nooooo.
No. He won't do it no more.

My sweet friend. I promise he wont
do it again.

My pleasure was inside his pain. I took retaliation in your name.

I'm the champion. I'm your defender. I will be your watcher...your preserver.
It was easy. ***** threw his hands up. Tried to surrender. But that didn't work...was already over.

You said that he harmed you.
Ohhhh. Noooo. Noooooooooo.
He won't do it no more.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
Goes good with sick guitar playing.
When someone you love needs help.
974 · Aug 2016
Soul Tribe
Jay Dee Aug 2016
I do not post my writings on here for likes. and attention.
Nor is it for shares or follows.
I am not seeking the crowds who applause.
Cheering and ranting for more.
I do it to simply find and intertwine with my soul tribe.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
#SoulTribe #JustAJott #IFoundSomeOfYou
931 · Jun 2016
To Love A Poet
Jay Dee Jun 2016
To love a poet
Isn't always rainbows and sunshine.
For we are oh so passionate
about everything.
If you've won the heart of a
Poet ..remember you
Never actually leave
Their mind.
Don't forget it is you who
Makes their heart spin.
It is you who they
Depend on to be an unwind.
We will dress you with words and
Show you our way of viewing.
Keep this as a token for
The dark times.
Try not to wonder why
Your poet is constantly stewing.
Mostly we are trying to connect lines.
The ones to this. And the ones to that.
Your poet loves you forever deeply.
Even after you leave. Even after
Time stands still.
You will be tattooed to their soul.
And that is a certain fact.
Everlasting you will roam through
The corridors of their mind.
Even after.
You have.
Run out.
Of time.

- Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016.
896 · Sep 2016
Jay Dee Sep 2016
For a while we flew side by side
Soaring....Beautiful in the sky
With you; you had me one thousand feet off the ground
I was so high
Then that's when it happened
That's when you shot me back down
Pain so real; In my tears I drowned
My heart splattered on the wall
My legs were shot; couldn't even crawl
You kept flying
*And my feet were impaled to the scorching ground

I was dying
And you kept flying
While I couldn't get my feet off the ground

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
#Flying #Love #Heartbreak #Dying
872 · May 2016
Jay Dee May 2016
She blows through the wind
Ever so free
She's not bothered by not having
She could light up the universe only with her smile
But only if she wanted to...
She's not sure if she has her key but
She doesn't mind to be locked out for awhile
She drives with her sunroof open
Because she finds comfort in the suns  warmth on her
It sets her shivering inside at ease.
She's unthoughtfully honest and dearly protects her kin.
Her heart feels cold.
She owns the fact that its no longer there...just an empty black
Finishing her cigarette as she ponders on whats next.
She has misplaced her emotions and forgot what love is
Perhaps you can show her.
-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
#Thoughts #Danger #BlackHole
804 · Aug 2016
Jay Dee Aug 2016
She is moon queen of the darkest night.
She makes unicorns in the moonlight.

He is ruler of both dark and light.
He uses dragons breath when he has to fight.
He turns it into an angels hum.
Beautiful whispers for her ear drum.
*** pum pum pum.

In the dry desert sun.
They are devine.
Two of one kind.
Together they can scribble outside the lines.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
For the ruler of dark and light.
Who writes his blessings and fights.
786 · Jan 2017
Jay Dee Jan 2017
They wonder in the universe.
As I write each line.
As I ponder, As I imagine you and I
We were somewhere that we'd never been.
Dancing underneath the moon's dim.
Upon the hills where fairies fly.
They let glitter float arround us in the sky.
And you said to me..
You are la luna
You are the moon
I replied...
Se sorvano di buio e luce
You are ruler of dark and light
Then in my minds eye
We were dancing in the sky
The fairies sang to us and we had no fear
We were not afraid of the end
But lost in the moment as our souls became*
One in the same
Oh where they take me

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
724 · Jul 2016
Jay Dee Jul 2016
there is never a dull moment with she
for she is two..going on three
always on my seats edge
but i love her more than me..that i pledge
she throws the cat food everywhere..everyday
got to clean crayons off the walls once more?...okay
eating lotion again? This marks more than ten
but if  she  needs me..
just tell me where..tell me when
because her hugs are the sweetest
they come when i most need it
when she soul soars
no love more pure...she makes me open locked doors
these moments i cherish..good and bad
wont let them perish
to my heart she has the key
she is my*

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
For my beautiful daughter
Jay Dee Jun 2016
I saw you today.
I saw you.
Still the same ol' you.
In a big fancy caddy.

You seemed surprisingly happy to
Bump into me.
Considering how we  crashed and burned alive.

But I saw no need to stick arround and chit chat about the weather.

So...I kept it movin' after politely saying hi.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
#Ex #DontWantToBuildASnowman
646 · Aug 2016
Jay Dee Aug 2016
What is it?
What is it about you?
Your mind
Your body
Your soul
I'll take all three
You are so beautiful
Beautiful you
Without trying
Intriguing you
Talk to me
Touch me
Desire me
I know you do
Take me to the stars
This time
I want to stay*

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
619 · Jun 2016
Jay Dee Jun 2016
Some days I walk high..
My head in the sky.
Others, I am low
Endless tears I cry.
Sometimes I am loud, oh so proud.
Others I am dying inside a crowd.
There are days where my eyes hold a happy gaze.
Others..I find me in an everlasting maze.
Searching for happy. Looking for content.
Counting time wasted and spent.
But its not over in the search I will find.
Whats truly mine. How to be happy. Why must I show how I am so kind?
Why is it so I need the proof?
Maybe its because...
How I wish you really knew...
Days like this my date of birth I rue.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
607 · Jul 2016
Jay Dee Jul 2016
I hate your big feet..I'm always tripping over them
I hate that stupid smirk you wear when I'm trying to be serious
I hate your enticing smile
I hate the way you stare deeply into me
I hate how sometimes you know what I'm about to say
I hate the way you lie
I hate how I want to believe them
I hate your selfishness
I hate the way you are
I hate that you think your always right
I hate that I'm tied to you for life
I hate that you are not with your daughter and I on the daily
I hate that no matter how hard I try...I can't hate you
I hate that I want to drive the Delorean
I hate that I never stopped loving you*

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
606 · Aug 2016
Satan and I
Jay Dee Aug 2016
Satan and I on our prowl.
Satan and I cookin' up somethin' foul.
I got lucifier right by my side.
You can't run, no you can't hide.
It's commin' down like hail and rain.
The devil and I are servin' up  sorrow and pain.
There is no refuge. No place you can go.
No. There will be no shelter for you.
No. No. No.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
Trying to contain my dark feelings so i wrote an angry poem.
591 · Jun 2016
The Cruds Of Yesterday
Jay Dee Jun 2016
She let that water flow at luke warm.
As she squeezed the rag to drain the
excess soapy water.
She scrubs so gentle but so potent.
She washes the cruds of yesterday.
Feeling gloom because she remembers
Things he used to say.
How he loved her so. And she was
Always the only one.
And how she had thought it would be fun.
Soapy. Sudsy. Scrubs.
Tears inevitably flow vigorously.
She remembers there will no
Longer be betraying hugs.
She knows nights up waiting
Will be no more.
Because this time she chose not to
Follow him out that door.
Suds consume her everything.
As she washes the cruds of yesterday.
For it was yesterday he seemed so sure.
And today no more. How could it seem
So pure and today nevermore?
She remembers the good and the bad.
As the soapy water heads down the drain.
She decides to send with it her
Sorrow and pain.
For it is much too heavy of a
Burden to bare.
And a slight crooked smile appears as she
Washed. The. Cruds. Of. Yesterday.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
586 · Aug 2016
Jay Dee Aug 2016
It was a dark night
When she told a story of her fight
She spoke the coldest words I've ever known
Her feet blistered from the road
Knuckles torn apart from using all her might
Shreds hung from her clothes
As her icy story was told
She drove me up and down the hills
She showed me where she defeated it
And smiled as she said now leave your fear
As I looked back at her I realized I was talking to the mirror

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
#Icy #Fear #Fight #Mirror #RowYourBoat
575 · May 2016
Jay Dee May 2016
Heart beating fast, my plams are sweaty.
Petrified. But totally excited.
Thoughts fill my brain like water fills the levy.
I feel like im going to i lost my lid.
Hmmm... do you ponder the question why?
I love this feeling its exhilarating.
Its not that im shy.
Its more deeper than that..more graduated.
Let me just get the nerve.
Ill just say it...Hello..hi
I enjoy your enegry as i watch and observe.
Beautiful nerd

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
#Hello #Hi #SayHello #AskAQuestion #Nerd #Unique
568 · Jun 2016
Jay Dee Jun 2016
You are so interesting to me.
Your every move. Your everyway.
You are in my fantasy.
I look forward to see you there everyday.
As I write this poem I imagine you right
Next to me.
I think of what I'd do to your body.
And the things I long for you to
Do to mine.
Conceptualizing the effleurage of my tiny hands on your strong working
Mans shoulder.
Oh how I'd rub and caress them until
Your masculinity grows bolder.
You are in my fantasy.
I can feel you inside my poetry.
I visualize you ravishing every inch of me.
Thinking about my body under yours.
Not even caring if we shut the doors.
Daydreams of you and I
Together in an everlasting braid.
This vision of mine can not fade.
You are in my fantasy.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
559 · Aug 2016
Jay Dee Aug 2016
I am a dimpled sky of emotion.
I ponder for ages making decisions.
But when it is made it is chizzled in stone.
Being a libra and a poet combined.
Intertwined. Sometimes I am..
Others I am not fine.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
Inspired by a poem i read of the firey aries
548 · Jun 2016
The Weeping Mother
Jay Dee Jun 2016
She carried him through the valley.
She headed towards the park.
It was his favorite after all.
If he was allowed he'd stay way after dark.
She told him she loved him.
She told him again.
And again.
For it is he who truly has her entire heart.
She admires every piece him.
Like a very fine work of art.
She pushed him on the swing very high.
It was his favorite to touch the sky.
This went on forever. Grab a kleenex because you might cry.
For she was his mother.
And he her son.
His heart no longer beats she did deny.
His skin was pale blue.
His body so cold and stiff to touch.
But she had refused to give up.
It is not I who judges you.
Sad..sad oh so weary mother.
For I am certain you both loved one another.
She weeps with the coldest sorrow.
I've ever known.
As she pushes her dead son.
She pushed him as high as she could.
So maybe he'd finally touch heaven.
It is there where she can't wait to.
See him again.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
My interpretation of a very sad story
548 · Jun 2016
My salute
Jay Dee Jun 2016
This is for all the single mommas.
This is for all the single poppas.

Wake up in the morning and think time will tell.
Oh ****! I over slept again? What the hell!
Got to make breakfast. Lets go get dressed.
Before you wake up your baby you stare at them in awe thinking I'm so impressed!

Got to pack lunch. Don't forget a snack.
Practice your abc's and don't talk back!

Thank God it's payday we need it so much.
Checking your account like what the ****!
This barely covers half of everything.
Don't flip is watching.

I see you going to work.
I know you're going to class.
I see you cherish that time with baby because it goes so fast.

You want to call up your *****/egg donor.
Tell em whats going on. What they need to do. They make up every excuse. And you'll never fathom how they really dont care. Screaming inside. This **** ain't fair!

I see it everyday. I see how hard you try.
May I give some advice? Don't hold it inside...if you have to let out a cry.

You know we are strong.
You know we all get along.
Because at the days end we are our own nation. For eachother. For one another.
Try to keep your chin up when u get fed up from rainy weather. I promise you the sun will shine. So look up at the clouds and reach for the sky.

Walk loud.
Walk proud.
We are single mommas.
We are single poppas.
I salute you. We have a code of honor.
I salute the single mommas.
I salute the single poppas.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
#Children #Single #Parent #Love #IWillGoToTheBottomOfTheSeaDefendingYou
527 · May 2016
Jay Dee May 2016
Here we are
Sitting on the side porch
Wrapping your arms arround me
Calling me angel
You said I'm your angel
I'm not sure it gets better than this.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016.
#Love #Beauty
Just something i wrote
Dedicated to anyone that is  in love.
Or has been.
501 · Aug 2016
I Drank Of You
Jay Dee Aug 2016
I drank of you.
And savored every sip.
I want all of you.
So I can savor every bite.
When you speak.
I stop the world..
So I can listen.
And savor every sound.
I feel the vibration.
I've waited way too long for you.
I want it all.
Give me all of you.
Just the way that it is..
Please no substitutes.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
494 · Aug 2016
Fairy Dust
Jay Dee Aug 2016
There is glitter in the air this morning.
I swear I saw fairy dust today.
Little speckles of sunshine and moonlight  intertwined.
They linger there with beauty so fine.
They linger like the skylines.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
#beauty #justjottedthisone
481 · Aug 2016
This World
Jay Dee Aug 2016
Looking at the word through my window.
Feeling like I don't fit in.
People in the crowds..they are all the same.
I don't want their fads, I don't want their trends.
Holding my double XL heart out to this ugly word in my tiny hands.
Listening to my heart, ignoring my brain.
My courage has grown through my pain.
Seeing this world's beauty..lives in my veins.
I was made to be part of the change.
Cut from fabric you can't find in stores.
It must be bred.
My mind and my heart both not set up to*  make pretend.
Birds of a feather..
I make sunshine from stormy weather.
It's going to be a long journey but I...
I have visions of better.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
#World #Change #New #Ugly #Beauty #Better
459 · May 2016
Little light of mine
Jay Dee May 2016
I wake up every mornin' and get out of bed. Learned how to play it cool when it feels like im dyin inside my head. Smiles everyday..i joke i laugh. Dont know what im writing its just a rough draft. Somethings deep inside me..i try to turn the key, i try to unwind.  I set aside my feelings..had to get em' out the way. But i didnt throw em' out because maybe ill need em' one day. Whats the difference between being weak or being strong?  I can't tell..its been kind of long. But even in the darkest shadows i still have a light. I got my reason to get up and fight. She's watching everyday. Imitating in everyway. My minime. So young. So free. Naa.. I'm not givin' up I'm not stopin'.  Like i said my babygirl is watchin'.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
My daughter is my reason
456 · Aug 2016
Candied Hazard.
Jay Dee Aug 2016
R.I.P. to me I know that you're danger for me.
Where's the caution tape. Ill wrap it all over you.
Your words. Your touch. Your feel.
All a candied hazard for me.
Look at me looking at you.
Can I indulge in you.
You are my sweet honey kyrptonite.
Everytime I surrender the fight.
R.I.P. to me.
Caution. Caution. Here comes danger.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
#Danger #Hazard #Seducion
455 · Aug 2016
Jay Dee Aug 2016
Let the wrong one in.
J you will love me he said.
Now I write haiku.*

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
Was in a hakiu mood.
Don't let the wrong ones in.
453 · Dec 2016
Jay Dee Dec 2016
He rules the dark and the light
His smile; happy and bright
Just like me* he *writes and writes
His touch is soft but I wish I could have felt it twice
When he speaks..
I tell the world to
Because I need to listen
To savor the sounds
He rules the dark and light
He writes His blessings and fights
Diamond in the rough sure
I want to go on and on...
Want to say more
Poems are beside my bed for him---
I'm going to leave it right here for him----

Wonder if I'll ever see you again*

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyright 2016
Just a jot #Fantasy  
I can't help it i love to write love poems
449 · Oct 2016
Jay Dee Oct 2016
Sometimes we are mistaken..
Being a poet it comes within..
To trust the words that people utter..
Tired eyes....
Tired ears...
Tired mind.
Still not tiresome of searching for the one to truly call mines.
Perhaps I should be with the one who shares my love for words and perception.
Magma emerges..
She errupts..
At the very thought of finding
She yearns for the eruption that concludes in true.
Or inside..for the better she watches herself emerge out of you.

Jennifer DeAngelo
-Copyrighted 2016
449 · May 2016
The reaper
Jay Dee May 2016
Where is the reaper
Is he in the crowd?
Check all of the passages
And look down the isle
He prowls in the corridors
And barley gasps a noise
He wears a long black cloak
That never drags across the ground
You'll never know he's upon you unless he wants you to
Beware of the reaper
Keep out your third eye
Is he right behind you
Gazing in your every move
Waiting for the chance to prey onto you
Be cautious of the reaper
He wears a long black cloak that never touches the ground
He is deadly and never makes a sound

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
#Reaper #Beware #NoSound
433 · Aug 2016
Not A Poem
Jay Dee Aug 2016
Have you ever been so upset that you choke on your own *****? R.I.P. Jamil Baskerville Jr. Peace in paradise sweet boy. Please beware if you read his story.
Hold your kids close. And kiss them twice.
429 · May 2016
Little birdy
Jay Dee May 2016
Poor little birdy.
I saw you lay helpless in the alley.
Broken wing? I'm not sure.
I wondered as i watched you and my heart hit the floor.
You couldn't move. You couldn't even try.
Oh wonderful your birdy friend is here to help!.... I thought to myself.
Then he got on top of you and started to peck out your eye.
Oh myyy.
Whats happening? I can't let this go on.
So i chased him and away he flew.
But the damage was already done.
Poor little one.
Should i end your pain i ask myself?
Today was the first time i heard a bird whimper.
You're no longer in pain. Fly high.
And if i see that other bird again his wings i will fry.
Poor little birdy.
Fly high.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
424 · May 2016
Made it out alive
Jay Dee May 2016
I thought this was love what happened here?
When i needed you most you were nowhere near!!
I look at my reflection..its screaming fear even through the shattered mirror.
You don't know love! You've got it all wrong!
Now I'm crying as my blood stains the tiles on the floor.
And the stubble thorns are hurting more...
This isnt love!!! What happened here?
You never gave me love. It was always fear.
Vile disaster sets in your eyes. I cry as I remember your lies..I can see the wicked in you as it vastly prys..
I'm trying to get up so i can run but i can't move. Screaming to myself..GET UP!!!! You will behoove!!!
Daddy please don't cry, I've made it out alive.
Daddy please stop cryin'...because i never stopped tryin'
I should of listened when you warned me
And now your crys are my agony....
Daddy just smile because I pushed him from on top of me!!
Daddy please don't cry, I've made it out alive

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
420 · Oct 2016
Jay Dee Oct 2016
I saw you grow today
I seen you learn today
I see you trying in every way
Sweet girl people will judge because your different
They won't like you because...frankly they don't have any sense
If they saw what I see
There would be no question..only the
potent essence of your monumental beauty inside and out
Even when you don't get your way; even when you pout
I will protect you from everything around you
And I will let you lead if you want me to
Im going to be your goggles if you cant see through
Sometimes I'm going to tell you things you don't want to hear
But baby girl have no fear....
Even when they judge you don't forget any better they'll never know
So here grab my hand and don't let it go
Make sure your holding tight
Mommy's going to show you whats wrong and what's right
404 · Feb 2017
Jay Dee Feb 2017
She used to think she needed a man
She needed a man to cater
She used to believe in no goodbyes
But I'll see you later
She wanted to connect with everyone she'd met
Without even knowing them yet
She couldn't be alone
Because she yearned for someone to call her home
Every time she was lied to
There was one person she could cry to
And one day she realized
She finally oped her pretty brown eyes
Standing tall holding her hand
Next to her was not a man
But her best friend
Her rock
Not born blood but it comes no thicker
She always had unconditional love
They stand together
Pretty as doves
She knows now she needs no man
404 · May 2016
Some deep shit
Jay Dee May 2016
I can make me feel so pretty...but no one knows me the way i know me.
When i feel love its extremely heavy.
I give everything..I give ALL of me.
For some it's too much...
But where's the one who says it's not enough?
I want him to want crave my everything.
Kiss me. Touch me. Feel me. Desire me.
Make me feel like the girl that rocks your world!
Are you out there? If so tell me where..
I want that real love, i need that inconvenient love...
Kiss me and don't care who's watching because time is not stopping.
I need that "never out of time."
I want that "you're my unwind."
Give me that crazy once in a lifetime.
One in 10 billion.
Feels like i hit the lottery when you're with me.
Want me. Need me. Trust me. Love me.
I want that "lets make love anywhere" ...."Lets do it everywhere."
Feel my heartbeat as we intertwine..does yours line up with mine?
There have been fakers...there will be imposters.
Those are the dangerous ones..the monsters.
What I'm tryin to say is that it'll be worth it at the end of the day.
When i find my king, I will give him everything!!
Everyday we shall wear marching crowns! And i promise to never let him down!
If he deserves it....only if hes worth it.
Because my love will be so heavy. I will love him high and dry.
But only if he never makes me cry....
Dare to harm him? A ***** ***** bet not try!!!!!! Because you'll regret it...yes you wrath's a giant pill!
Talk to me baby please don't be afraid. Lets find out if for eachother we were made.
Share, grow and love together..lets plan forever.
My love will weigh a ton. Its not just for anyone.
Look into my eyes baby...can u fit the crown?
I know that it's heavy..but will you wear it proud? Or would you let it weigh you down?
Are you able to carry with it both my love and yours?
I will be here for you..ill open up the doors!!
I will be beside I won't watch it weigh you down.
And if you want I will help you hold the crown.
Be my cement, be my brick house.
I promise to love with no conditions.
Lets build traditions.
Are you the one and only? Ill never leave you lonely and ill NEVER let you down!!!

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
All i can say is whoa #True
403 · Nov 2016
Jay Dee Nov 2016
There was a road of broken glass leading to my paradise
With every step another cut that dripped
It twists and turns up into a mountain
On the way up there were goblins, dragons, rats and snakes
In the dark I'd use my lantern
Yesterday the goblins tried to consume me
After the snake told them where I wander
I was not unprepared
Which led to their despair
Onward I walked with bloddied feet until I had to climb
The rats scurried about*
Swaying across my feet
And that led to their defeat
My hardest battle was still to come
And I was not unprepared
So I walked proudly into the dragons lair
He waited there
And used every last breath
Until there wasn't a single one left

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyright 2016
#Defeat #Life #Journey #RowYourBoat
397 · May 2016
Fuck a'll get it
Jay Dee May 2016
Yea, I seen it...caught u red handed with a ***** you claim not to know.
Give up already on the deception...wrap up your show.
It's not this..It's not that. All sounds the same to me so **** whatever you tryin' to say.
Stomping arround town, pounding the ground with my heart on the bottom of your shoe.
Your fabrication is staring at me right in the face, but im lucky enough to see right through.
Once epic memories are now sullen.
I gotta go pick up my pieces before they start flyin.
As i look in your blank eyes you fill my mind with those beautiful lies.
Captivating! Stop captivating me.
Extraordinarily thoughtless you are
Remarkably narrow you will forever be.
But here's the thing you dont get to do it twice.
I won't let you get me. So don't bother to come back arround. Don't come back for me.
You will never get me back. Bet your bottom dollar it's a fact.
It took ages to find the pieces of my heart you left scattered and stuck to the ground.
On the way back I left an ocean of tears filled with the deep dephs of my fears
How about you go for swim. **** it I'll be honest...I sure hope you drown.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
#Lies #Betrayer #ReapWhatYouSew
392 · May 2017
Jay Dee May 2017
I am queen of moon
Decider of darker nights
Defender of fireflys in the moonlight
Fighter of wrong and right

He is ruler of fire and ice
Warmer of frozen nights
Giver of precise
Cooling the fire
But only if need be
Just enough to let her see

Watchers of moon, night, fire, ice
Manifesting in words
Triumphing in intellect
Wanters of the next
Without the moon there is still night
With no fire no need for ice

Together there is balance
Combination of galaxies
Creating moon
To live in night
Making fire
To melt ice

In the all arround
Whispers are in the air
Quiet words of precise
Humming whats wrong and right

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyright 2017
388 · Aug 2016
5 Seasons
Jay Dee Aug 2016
In the summer I was so hot that i couldn't breathe. I couldn't move...gasping for air on my knees.
There I was stuck in that burning hot place where you left me.
There was no cool breeze and comfy hoddies  in that fall for me.
I was still burning under the merciless sun.
But winter I felt. So surely I was cold and grey. Frozen. Wishing upon a star for the summer sun to melt the iceberg I became.
So I could start my search and find it again.
Seeking comfort in those who are not my friend. I had chased the untrue because it was better than you.
Then there was spring. It rained and it poured. Certainly I was drained but thankfully I had found a new door. I was allowed to dwell no more.
Now summer is here once again. But this time it is my friend. The summer sun kisses my skin. I flow through effortlessly. I have found my serenity. It never left....I had to find it inside of me.
-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
#life #journey #RowYourBoat
381 · Dec 2018
Not a poem
Jay Dee Dec 2018
Hi friends

Im so glad to see all of you still writing..i took a long break from posting my poems. I have alot still in my note pad. I have been battling depression for a year or more give or take a few months. But now that i recognize it and know the problem and have cut the problem out I will be better soon. And that means I will be able to reconnect with my soul tribe.
380 · May 2017
Wilted Flowers
Jay Dee May 2017
Wiltted flowers are not ugly
For they have lived fully
Bathing in the sun
Nourished by water
Until one is overwhelmed
Too much or not enough
Is never good for us

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyright 2017
379 · May 2017
Jay Dee May 2017
I want to write a poem of love
A poem about two destined souls
Finding their fate and united as one
Something so beautiful to bring a tear
To the most unloving eye
So magnificent it makes you cry
A poem of butterflies
And exotic beaches
With sands of gold..
Waters of rubies
Words of pure love
But there's nothing but crumbled papers
Callused fingers
Scribbled lines
And its because I do not know love
I haven't even begun to crawl

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyright 2017
376 · Aug 2016
Dark and light
Jay Dee Aug 2016
I imagine you and I soaring through the night like flying stars do.
And I picture you taking I on a magic carpet ride.
Through your city and mines.
Into both of our beautifully dangerous minds.
Tell me your secrets..and I'll tell you mines.
Tell me I'm beautiful again.
Please no lies.
Show me your demons..and I shall reveal mine.
For they reside in my eyes.
I'll look into yours if you look into mine.
Beautiful poet until you die.
I won't tell you a lie.*

-Jennifer DeAngelo
*Copyrighted 2016
For the ruler of dark and light.
He who writes and writes.
Im listening. And reading.
369 · Jun 2016
Jay Dee Jun 2016
For twenty seven days he rocked her world.
For twenty seven days she felt like the it girl.
Talking for hours. Because he wasn't close by but he had never left her mind.
Then they made a day. They finally had time.
She couldn't wait to see him because he was so fine.
They laughed. They touched. They hugged.
And when they kissed the world stopped. She thought to herself this moment cant be topped.
Then came the dreadful morn.
She saw it in his eyes as her heart was torn.
"Penny for your thoughts." She asked.
Because he was different. " I have a few cent." She told him in the night you opened for me. Without a doubt you seemed so free. You told me over and over how im so pretty. She had wished for an endless night. Wish upon a star? Wish you may, wish you might?  On day twenty eight the awful sun had risen. It blew cold air like the walls of a prison. Months later and she's still reminiscin'. On day twenty seven they shared evermore. And on day twenty eight she became his *****.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
Dedicated to anyone that has been here.
366 · May 2016
Jay Dee May 2016
I watch you grow everyday,  I try to make you smile all the way.
I can see you learning, I can see you try.
I can see the love in your eyes..even when you cry...
I will be your music, when the raido goes out I'll forever sing your favorite song.
My sweet child your're right where you belong.
Little girl i love you and you know it's true.
Yes.. I know you're different but it only makes you better!! A special kind of colorful dove.
So innocent, so pure..I couldn't ask for more.
Mommy's here to help you, I saw you grow today.
It was the sweetest sound you uttered away.
Come on baby say it..Mommy knows you can. I'm here cheering for you..your #1 fan.
Take my hand and hold it tight. Mommy's gonna protect you with all her might.
I saw you grow today. I seen you learn today.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
Shes my reason
362 · Jun 2016
Jay Dee Jun 2016
Thank you Hello Potery.
Im am greatful to have been given this corners key.
I am so glad to have heard of you.
My love for potery had never died. It's stuck to my soul with gorilla glue.
What a glittery gem you are!
Thank you for the inspiration to take my poems out of that old jar.
If you will allow it..I'd like to hang them on your wall.
Filled with talent you are. More in love with potety I will fall.
Joy is beautiful. So are you. As am I.
My poems are always honest. They never lie. Sometimes they are happy. Other times they will make you cry.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2016
Taken from my bio and edited.
361 · Feb 2017
Jay Dee Feb 2017
As I hear the crackle..
The smell of cedarwood flows
Brimstone in the air
From one hundred miles away
As the hearth hold the inferno...
Inside the everlasting burn...
Resides the flame
That used to say my name
Then a cloud of smoke appears..
Over it all..
It consumes everything
But it leaves behind fears and tears.
This fire remains..
The crackle soothes me.
The smoke consumes me.

-Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2017
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