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In my heart
I have a lot of
I need to heal
And find me again
Because if I give in
Let my heart make that
Decision for me
I’ll fall apart.
My heart needs a pure
Not everyone is pure
Not everyone could do
What I could do
Not everyone as giving person
Not everyone does everything
Out of there heart.
I’m not ready
To give me
I’m not fighting for someone
Will just play with my heart
 Jul 2020 jasmine
John Destalo
I am simple
an idiot

like Dostoyevsky

you cannot

understand me
I am outside

your scope
and scale

I do not want
from you or

to be you

I do not absorb
your threats

or insults
I am immune

to your world
I know

you want me
you know

I can’t be
Inspired by one of my favorite books
 Jul 2020 jasmine
Nature Boy
 Jul 2020 jasmine
I’ve lost my mind a thousand times,
I don’t know why

My spirit you’ll find
In the pines, in the pines,
Where the sun never shines

Where wolves devour my corpse
And bend knee to the source

Where my will is dissolved into ethereal vapor
While the wraiths sing and dance in mysterious caper

— The End —