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Jordan Soriano Sep 2019
all our life we are told to tame our mane
told to tie up that tangled mess
or cut it because people cannot stand to see it go past our butts

they scream savage at the sight of our luscious hair
mothers even tell their daughters to keep their hair up when they are around us
as if every woman with long hair harbors head louse

they tell us we look like jungle women
little do they know that its who we are
we are the descendants of powerful jungle women

women who lead tribes
women who bore chiefs
women who were the hearts of the family

men are challenged when they see our long straight, wavy, or curly hair being worn so openly
these are the men that tell us to chop our beautiful locks

I want to tell you, my sisters
keep those locks
grow them till they touch the ground
adorn them with flowers
let your mane smell like the ocean
show your power
to all my pacific island sisters, never cut your hair because you are ashamed of its unruliness. do what you want to your own hair and never because of someone else, especially a man. in my culture, the women only cut their hair when the island was threatened by a big fish who was eating away at the island. all the women knew that only a net of their hair could capture the fish. they wove the net and captured the fish faster the men ever could.
Jordan Soriano Jun 2019
Day feels like mere seconds compared to the infinite night
My hands are colder even though I have the blanket to myself
My cheeks no longer have the rosy hue of a girl who is in love
My laughs are quiet, it might as well not exist
The **** night is filled with little dreams of us walking along the shore
Filled with the memories of secret glances and goofy smiles
I wish these lonely nights were filled with life and parties and people
But all I have is the extra blanket you used to bundle up in and the void in my bed where you used to sleep
Jordan Soriano Feb 2019
You drew me once
It feels like forever ago
You were able to capture all the curves of my face
You knew me like no other
You looked at my face with love in your eyes
I gave you a genuine smile because you truly made me happy

Now you no longer draw me
I am not your muse
But I can only hope that the next girl you draw feels the love I felt
I want you to capture her face with your pencil perfectly
Make her smile
Make her as happy as I was
Jordan Soriano Feb 2019
I remember how beautiful the morning sun looked when it peaked through the coconut trees
I remember the sound of the birds perched upon the ifit tree
I remember where latte stones stood tall as it had been for centuries
I remember the color green that took me in its arms like my mother
I remember the sound of the wind that made the trees dance like my father

Now I see no coconut trees waiting for the morning sun
I hear no birds
I see no latte stones
I see no green
I feel no wind making the trees dance
All I see is grey
Jordan Soriano Feb 2019
Saina forgive us
Forgive us for letting the white man continue to steal our lands
Forgive us for teaching the children his language and teaching them CHamoru "when we have the time"
Forgive us for allowing our sacred lands to be bulldozed by the soldiers
Forgive us for not defending the culture you died for
Forgive us for not asking for your guidance
Forgive us for not venturing to the sites of the lattes and giving offerings
Forgive us Saina for we your children were tricked by the white man
When you call someone Saina (sigh-na) in my culture it is referring to someone who is your elder. The latte (la-tee) are stone pillars used to build huts on.
Jordan Soriano Sep 2018
You are
a friend
a lover
a helper
a seeker
a traveler
a comedian
a light
a dark
a truth
a lie
a painter
a dancer
a singer
a fixer
a breaker
You are mine
Jordan Soriano Sep 2018
what is it like to wake up and feel beautiful in the mirror
what is it like to do something without thinking twice
what is it like to be with the person you have longed for
what is it like to make someone proud
what is it like to be confident
what is it like to not be afraid of rejection

I have faced these questions every single day for the past 16 years of my life and still have not found an answer
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