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376 · Jun 2018
Jake Jun 2018
Like the last ember
of a dying cigarette
Away floats the worries
that clog today

Clouds as dark
as night itself
Wander effortlessly
in search of crowded skies

What was once
Taking life
Is now graceful
and returning peace

The melodic chirps
of creatures near and far
Embrace the space
around the table

I watch
gaze fixed
On that last ember
floating into the moonlit air
268 · Jan 2019
Jake Jan 2019
Blank screen
arises quickly
only to be
splattered with rage

Descending, defeated
there rises
blank and waiting

But no rage
this time
only love
is given to its canvas

And up it stays
not defeat but acceptance
for what it shows
176 · May 2018
Over and Around
Jake May 2018
It's over me
towering tall
with possibilities

Its architecture
its foundation

Sometime I can't
see the sky
other times
the sky sees me

But what do I do
if it collapses?
Raining emotions
all around me
Written in Rome
174 · Jan 2019
Jake Jan 2019
The fleet of motivation
Its fleeting nature
Fleeing from my immobile feet

To quicker waters
Faster beats
Leaving a shell
Of distant falters

Upon its head
A feather of weight
Lays gently pressed
Like unnerving sleet

But at what cost
Will it be
And when shall I see
The only best version of me?
171 · May 2018
What's next?
Jake May 2018
Tomorrow brings
thoughts of the past
hopes for the future
but presently zilch

I try to be big
but sometimes I fall
and mostly it's hard
to stand up again

And my feet dig
into the ground
as my hands
crawl to the sky

And I make it out
but barely
for tomorrow
will soon be the present
163 · Jan 4
Out the window
Jake Jan 4
are the trees waving
or simply moving with the wind?

are they shaking with laughter
or dancing to the music?

twisting, resonating, alive
grounded but free
154 · May 2018
The Farmer
Jake May 2018
Above the barn the moon hovers
Laying its gently shimmer upon the land
He rose from the comfort of the bed
And pulled on his boots with a grumble

His heavy steps trod on a path
Walked hundreds of mornings prior
Down to where the lives lie
To give life and love away

The sweetness of hay covered
So slightly in morning dew
Arises into the nose of the beholder
And emits a drop of simplicity

The rising sun snuffs the moon's glow
Giving rise to a new day
Allowing the blind to see
That the man had love unlimited

Across the trail, among the fields
Sat the many soy beans tall
Expressing the drive of the farmer
Reaching towards the sky so blue
About my Grandpa.
152 · Jun 2018
The Answer
Jake Jun 2018
As the clock ticks
The melancholic realization
Digs deeper
Into my flesh

You still laugh
Your voice
Soothing like water

And here I sit
An emptiness within
Without knowing
Why or how

But I see
The answer
In your touch
And your love

For you are
Always the answer
And you will always
Remedy my fears
151 · Jun 2018
Sat Above
Jake Jun 2018
Sat on stools
Sit the sappy
Sipping coffee and
Starting conversations

Loud voices
Lap the place
Listing places
Lovers live

Typing keys
Tap the air
Trapping words and
Tracing emotion

Above all
Although abrupt
Aims the arrows of many
Across a sky of avery
Written in a cafe
134 · Aug 2018
Jake Aug 2018
Breathe deeply for
tomorrow may only
bring terror

Exhale slowly for
you never know when
you need another breath

Collect your thoughts
before they leave
your memory

And live them
again and again
until the fear ceases
117 · May 2019
Cheers to the hero
Jake May 2019
Cheers to the hero

clink clink go the glasses
vibrating a radiance
equal to that of the vocal cords
that ring out his name.

Cheers to the hero

click click goes the gun
that offered him solace
in the place the Holy book
calls home.

Cheers to the hero

Fallen to earth
in pain but in reverie
to be spoken of
and remembered for
that which was done
in sacrifice for the multitude.

Cheers to the hero
Rest in Peace Riley Howell who died protecting others from the gunman at UNC-Charlotte.
115 · Nov 2018
Rain of Purple
Jake Nov 2018
The warmth, it emanates
from the crevices of the cloud we sit
as my head turns to you
the soft guitar plugs away

Your profile, silhouetted
against the window rained
purple neon lights twinkle beyond
illuminating each separate drop

You look outside, eyes wide
the corner of your lips slowly rises
the mellow drums beat my heart
as it thumps with adoration

I’m reminded of our travels
I think about lying next to you
snuggling next to your warmth
and watching it fall, the purple rain
Inspired by the first time I heard Purple Rain by Prince
87 · May 2020
sunday afternoon
Jake May 2020
With each clack
of the track
the room trembles
as if in fear

Shaking at the
roaring engines
blasting into endless
paths of gray

Marveling at the
passing birds
of aluminum
looking down as gods

But then silence
and stillness
overtake the sunlit
lair of solitude

And the only
sound, sight, touch
is that of peace
and comfort
44 · Jan 14
Untitled 2
Jake Jan 14
The winter's scent of snow
and a healthy dose of fireplace smoke
can only be likened to the nostalgia
of being enveloped by your warmth

— The End —