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Fed me an omelette for dinner, oven-roasted tomatoes,
Smoked mozzarella, my fav, sliced so thin and layered in.
A focaccia roll, watermelon dessert.
It was her poem for me.
But that love devil kept refilling my glass, with her beloved
Summer rose wine.

I cleaned up for that's our deal, the one she never asked for, but is only
Fair in love.

Made it to the bed and Pandora.

About 30 seconds later, someone took my tablet from my arms, from my closing eyes, kissed me, and when I awoke at 4:00am, I recalled this from my sewing box.
Now, the poem*

There are kisses to keep

(Oct. 2010)

as I am laid to sleep,
there are kisses to keep,
gently placed on my
neck and head,
as I am tucked into bed,
travel packed,
well stored,
like important facts, safe kept,
as into the nether world
of the subconscious I am swept

Mid eve, tween nine and ten,
this runner's forward motion
is stopped short of the goal line,
but his mates, second surgers,
carry him on her shoulders,
his body do they extend,
victory celebrated with
eyes shut and
body prone,
his dream skills
well honed,
with kisses to keep,
he, dispatched to the battlefield,
Poetry Gods to meet,
daily actions,
submitted for peer review,
and perhaps!
promoted and gifted a daily add-on or
perhaps! Death's tenure secured?

Unwavering to sounds of song,
ancient paths retread,
till the front edge
of danger reached,
the TSA soul search commenced,

the child of ten times six,
drugs taken,
memory enhanced whispers of
revolution(s), circularity,
in headset stereo whispered.

his comrades George and John,
wounded to the death,
nighttime friends
greet this nightly stalker,
sojourner to the middle nether-lands,
with water and refreshments

Doth he survive,
Doth he return?

Of course he does,
dear friend and **** fool,
this nighttime essay,
his just reward
and another curse for
your forbearance

His safe return,
In need of tending,
kisses he receives from a
grateful nation of one,
kisses to keep safe as he
forwards on into
daytime battle of
interest rates,
to multiple fronts dispatched
and in ten long hours
he passes thru Ontario,
turns round, heads down
to samba in Rio De Janeiro,
and on his way to
New South Wales n' Sydney,
stops for herring
on the wharves of Oslo,
washed down with a pint
from his favorite pub in London town

He is short and caught?
He is long and wrong?
For sure he is stressed,
head messed, and when the whistle blows,
the words of his
prior excursion, the night version,
call and comfort,
for he attended again with the relief
of fresh and new
kisses to keep

Words of this ilk
have been penned before, by me, I am sure,
but too bad for you
and me too,
newer versions will continue
to appear, in order that
I may deserve
fresh kisses
to keep.

This will end when one of us dies.
August 2013
I do not lack for intimacy, real and touching.
Perhaps, so blessed, I reach out to those in need
To those semi-known, but never met, never realized.

Perhaps, so disfigured by experience,
Compelled, self-commanded, self-anointed,
I venture to parts and people unknown,
With all that I have, my only possession,
Words of comfort, which is my trademarked craft,
And my true purpose... Here on earth.

But when entreaties refused, misunderstood,
Rejected, I am stunned by the hurt, the rejection,
Which makes one tired in ways that

How allowed, who gave me permission
To increase my vulnerability to one more, only
Imagined, only Internet real...
This foolish tirade, in words, my stock and trade,
The only way to expiate my grief
For caring,

I Am that I Am

My instincts good, I will continue.
Disregard the brain, regard only the

To Be Who I Be.
August 2013
I keep telling myself to take a break from poetry

But then life
And you, insert yourself
Into me,
Pincer and Fist,
I am ****** once again.
I am broken once again.
Poetry patches me up, sometimes....

But any addiction is bad, even poetry, even caring.
August 2013
No one try's to sell you anything,
Everyone keeps giving themselves away for free.
And know what free is?
One-half of

August 2013
I blame you, yeah that's true
I blame you for making me fall in love
with you
It was since ther first day
The first sight of your presence
It was like a dazzling light
you came above everyone else

Your hair shone like pure gold
and your hazel eyes got me trapped
Now, I can't get out
But I don't want to

You, the one that's makes me shake when close
I blame you
I hate you, because I'm in love with you
Laying on my bed, tired of fight another day
I want to rest, sleep. I close my eyes
I find myself in a beautiful place
At the peak of a mountain
Where the sky is at dawn
And the wind softly blowing through my hair
Carrying with itself the most pretty cherry blossom leaves
I've never seen
seem dancing with the soft wind's blow

Marveled, I stay
I've ever seen such a place on earth
I feel the light heat of the sun but
the wind makes me shriver from its cold blow
I across my arms
trying to make myself a little warm

From the distance
You came
I am atonished, thinking I'm seeing an angel
Towards me slowly you walk
I saw your face
your hair, golden brown dancing with the wind
your eyes pierced through mine
leaving my soul naked at your sight
your lips so smooth, like made of silk
and light pink, soft reddish

My heart is beating faster
with every step you take towards me
within only inches apart
Our faces meet

You opened your arms
and take me closer to you
Your arms so strong and delicate at the same time
I lean my head on your chest
I feel safe

Then you move your head
Your lips rosin my ear
you said "
Roses are red
Violets are red
that tree looks red
my face looks red!!
Everyting looks red!!!
                                      -*Cyclops(Member of the X-Men)
What is your purpose
to **** hundreds daily
even worst, thousands
You killed them because our beliefs didn't coincided, huh!?!
Shame on YOU
because of you my family is gone!!
my little siblings are gone
There was nothing left
but just shatered pieces of my life.
You said that your mission was *"World Peace"

And of course, every single blindfolded idiot believed you.

I don't know how  long will it take for you to get rid off us.
I guess that you are an embarrassment for your God, or whoever you workship.
Remember this words:
While I'm still alive, I will hunt you down as you did to my whole family.
With my hands I'll make justice. Until then I will die knowing that my family will Rest In Peace.*
Until then
"God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."

But what if God did? What if I showed you
the lost book in that cramped hand some call Moses',
right to left (you read Hebrew, right?), the Book of Steve?
Stefan, if you're Orthodox. Esteban
if you also worship the ****** of Guadalupe,
but never mind those dark madonnas. The Book of Steve:
it's much like the rest of the Pentateuch, you'll recognize
the style, except that it was before Genesis 1
when Steve became a living soul. A lively, friendly soul:
when those animals came questing, Steve was thrilled.
He scratched their ears as he named them, puled
their ticks, asked them what they thought they should be called.
So he was scratching and chatting, naming away,
when up came Adam (Yahweh had been practicing men).
"Hey, dude." "Hey, Adam. You think this looks
like a crocodile?" "I dunno. More like a fox?"
They had a few beers (Yahweh's work of the day),
named five kinds of ants: Steve got carpenter,
leaf-cutter, sugar; Adam took fire and soldier.
Probably they made love, probably a lot (the world
Was young then), but the Book of Steve is demure;
Moses, or someone, drew the curtain of discretion.
When the curtain comes up, the snake
Still has brief feet, but Adam is changing the names
To better ones, and Steve’s not there. It seems
There were complaints. Stave talked to much, always on
About feelings, food, the slant of the light; sometimes
he wanted to be on top; he took the remkote, and didn’t
give it back when Adam glare. And his chest wasn’t nearly
enough like a pillow. It ws all too much.
The end of the book is torn out; there are marks of fire.
No one knows who defiled the Book of Ssteve,
But in some stories it is said that *Eden
has other quadrants
And that Steve is in one of them.
Stevek and the snakes with feet, and other people
Who missed the next book: the roc preening its iridescent plumes,
The unicorn lipping apples, the manticore haveint a dustabth.
They say that somewhere among the leaves of western Eden
was found a helpmeet for Steve, who was not fruitful,
who did not multiply, who had no dominion over the earth.
I see your arms
I see the cuts
Please stop the harm
I know it's hard
But your body will be forever scarred
I need you to understand I care
And I know it's not fair
but one day
You'll have Flowers in Your Hair
hair that will rest about your face
not one thing out of place
Lying in all your grace
I see the fake smile you put on
I see the pain that's foregone
I see your posts
I know they're ghosts
Ghosts that haut you from your past
But I know this can't last
You're strong
You don't belong
With Flowers in Your Hair
I know you're overcome with despair
But you need to take care
Because your life is a prize
and you should be happy you're alive
I hope to see you make huge strives
Please stay alive
I don't want to have to see Her
**With Flowers in Her Hair
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