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 May 2015 Pigeon
Thank You
 May 2015 Pigeon
This isn't a poem. It's just a post of gratitude.

I want to thank all of my friends for being so supportive over the past two months. There have been high ups and low, low downs, but you've been there every step of the way. You've been building me up and reminding me that what I did was a good decision. Not only that, but you've also supported me in my new relationship. I've received constant "I can tell he makes you really happy" and "This is the happiest I've seen you in a long time and I know it's because of him". You will never know how appreciated those simple phrases are. They mean that you continue to love me, no matter who I am with or what decisions I choose to make for myself.
Thank you. Thank you. **Thank you.
A special thanks to MF and Ash for pulling me through my darkest hours.

 May 2015 Pigeon
 May 2015 Pigeon
I want summer --
no stares from kids I don't know,
no glares from kids I unfortunately do.
 May 2015 Pigeon
 May 2015 Pigeon
what's best is that we've all been on that bathroom floor
the whole world, the whole world, has open and closed doors.
 May 2015 Pigeon
 May 2015 Pigeon
You're lucky, at least you have someone. Most of us have no one at all.
You win some, you lose some, I suppose.
Back to the drawing board.
 May 2015 Pigeon
Aveline Mitchell
I bid you all a fond farewell
As these bones turn to dust in capitalist shackles.
No more will my voice be silenced
By gender roles and repression.
My foremothers gave me my rights nearly a century ago
And you still act like it’s pocket change.
No more.

I will rise above this consumerist nation
And be heard.
Feminism means equality, not women over men.
Don’t take offense when I lock my car doors.
You’ve proven yourselves untrustworthy.
“Not all men.”
But enough men.

I am not backing down; I am not giving in.
I am breaking free of conformity,
Barely comfortable in the skin you told me was imperfect.
Flip-flopping your beliefs; I am never good enough for you.
But I will always be good enough for myself.
 May 2015 Pigeon
 May 2015 Pigeon
"A masterpiece is still a masterpiece when the lights are off and the room is empty."
 May 2015 Pigeon
 May 2015 Pigeon
God gave the wisemen their wisdom,
and to the poets their dreams.
To father and mother, their love for each other
but He left me out, so it seems.

I went around brokenhearted
thinking life was an empty affair
but when God gave me you,
it was then that I knew,
He'd given me more than my share.
these are the lyrics to a camp song that I kept hearing in my dream last night. I didn't write this. sweet, isn't it? it's a bit slow, kind of like a lullaby.
 Apr 2015 Pigeon
 Apr 2015 Pigeon
little, and broken, but good
yeah, still good
 Apr 2015 Pigeon
Dark Spring
 Apr 2015 Pigeon
It's pouring now, but dim
Eerie blue light on my walls
Hum of the fishtank reverberating
Fan is creaking simply slow
My quilt does nothing for cold
But serves to only protect me
I am lonely. I am lonely.
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