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filling my insides
with your
poisonous fruits.
your breath
like venom
& your words
like knives
- - -
it's been years
but your gaze
makes me shudder
with terror

afraid of
which facet
you will now
Le squelette était invisible,
Au temps heureux de l'Art païen ;
L'homme, sous la forme sensible,
Content du beau, ne cherchait rien.

Pas de cadavre sous la tombe,
Spectre hideux de l'être cher,
Comme d'un vêtement qui tombe
Se déshabillant de sa chair,

Et, quand la pierre se lézarde,
Parmi les épouvantements,
Montrait à l'oeil qui s'y hasarde
Une armature d'ossements ;

Mais au feu du bûcher ravie
Une pincée entre les doigts,
Résidu léger de la vie,
Qu'enserrait l'urne aux flancs étroits ;

Ce que le papillon de l'âme
Laisse de poussière après lui,
Et ce qui reste de la flamme
Sur le trépied, quand elle a lui !

Entre les fleurs et les acanthes,
Dans le marbre joyeusement,
Amours, aegipans et bacchantes
Dansaient autour du monument ;

Tout au plus un petit génie
Du pied éteignait un flambeau ;
Et l'art versait son harmonie
Sur la tristesse du tombeau.

Les tombes étaient attrayantes :
Comme on fait d'un enfant qui dort,
D'images douces et riantes
La vie enveloppait la mort ;

La mort dissimulait sa face
Aux trous profonds, au nez camard,
Dont la hideur railleuse efface
Les chimères du cauchemar.

Le monstre, sous la chair splendide
Cachait son fantôme inconnu,
Et l'oeil de la vierge candide
Allait au bel éphèbe nu.

Seulement pour pousser à boire,
Au banquet de Trimalcion,
Une larve, joujou d'ivoire,
Faisait son apparition ;

Des dieux que l'art toujours révère
Trônaient au ciel marmoréen ;
Mais l'Olympe cède au Calvaire,
Jupiter au Nazaréen ;

Une voix dit : Pan est mort ! - L'ombre
S'étend. - Comme sur un drap noir,
Sur la tristesse immense et sombre
Le blanc squelette se fait voir ;

Il signe les pierres funèbres
De son paraphe de fémurs,
Pend son chapelet de vertèbres
Dans les charniers, le long des murs,

Des cercueils lève le couvercle
Avec ses bras aux os pointus ;
Dessine ses côtes en cercle
Et rit de son large rictus ;

Il pousse à la danse macabre
L'empereur, le pape et le roi,
Et de son cheval qui se cabre
Jette bas le preux plein d'effroi ;

Il entre chez la courtisane
Et fait des mines au miroir,
Du malade il boit la tisane,
De l'avare ouvre le tiroir ;

Piquant l'attelage qui rue
Avec un os pour aiguillon,
Du laboureur à la charrue
Termine en fosse le sillon ;

Et, parmi la foule priée,
Hôte inattendu, sous le banc,
Vole à la pâle mariée
Sa jarretière de ruban.

A chaque pas grossit la bande ;
Le jeune au vieux donne la main ;
L'irrésistible sarabande
Met en branle le genre humain.

Le spectre en tête se déhanche,
Dansant et jouant du rebec,
Et sur fond noir, en couleur blanche,
Holbein l'esquisse d'un trait sec.

Quand le siècle devient frivole
Il suit la mode; en tonnelet
Retrousse son linceul et vole
Comme un Cupidon de ballet

Au tombeau-sofa des marquises
Qui reposent, lasses d'amour,
En des attitudes exquises,
Dans les chapelles Pompadour.

Mais voile-toi, masque sans joues,
Comédien que le ver rnord,
Depuis assez longtemps tu joues
Le mélodrame de la Mort.

Reviens, reviens, bel art antique,
De ton paros étincelant
Couvrir ce squelette gothique ;
Dévore-le, bûcher brûlant !

Si nous sommes une statue
Sculptée à l'image de Dieu,
Quand cette image est abattue,
Jetons-en les débris au feu.

Toi, forme immortelle, remonte
Dans la flamme aux sources du beau,
Sans que ton argile ait la honte
Et les misères du tombeau !
Lo! Death has reared himself a throne
In a strange city lying alone
Far down within the dim West,
Where the good and the bad and the worst and the best
Have gone to their eternal rest.
There shrines and palaces and towers
(Time-eaten towers and tremble not!)
Resemble nothing that is ours.
Around, by lifting winds forgot,
Resignedly beneath the sky
The melancholy waters lie.

No rays from the holy Heaven come down
On the long night-time of that town;
But light from out the lurid sea
Streams up the turrets silently—
Gleams up the pinnacles far and free—
Up domes—up spires—up kingly halls—
Up fanes—up Babylon-like walls—
Up shadowy long-forgotten bowers
Of sculptured ivy and stone flowers—
Up many and many a marvellous shrine
Whose wreathed friezes intertwine
The viol, the violet, and the vine.

Resignedly beneath the sky
The melancholy waters lie.
So blend the turrets and shadows there
That all seem pendulous in air,
While from a proud tower in the town
Death looks gigantically down.

There open fanes and gaping graves
Yawn level with the luminous waves;
But not the riches there that lie
In each idol’s diamond eye—
Not the gaily-jewelled dead
Tempt the waters from their bed;
For no ripples curl, alas!
Along that wilderness of glass—
No swellings tell that winds may be
Upon some far-off happier sea—
No heavings hint that winds have been
On seas less hideously serene.

But lo, a stir is in the air!
The wave—there is a movement there!
As if the towers had ****** aside,
In slightly sinking, the dull tide—
As if their tops had feebly given
A void within the filmy Heaven.
The waves have now a redder glow—
The hours are breathing faint and low—
And when, amid no earthly moans,
Down, down that town shall settle hence,
Hell, rising from a thousand thrones,
Shall do it reverence.
Because I feel that, in the Heavens above,
  The angels, whispering to one another,
Can find, among their burning terms of love,
  None so devotional as that of “Mother,”
Therefore by that dear name I long have called you—
  You who are more than mother unto me,
And fill my heart of hearts, where Death installed you,
  In setting my Virginia’s spirit free.
My mother—my own mother, who died early,
  Was but the mother of myself; but you
Are mother to the one I loved so dearly,
  And thus are dearer than the mother I knew
By that infinity with which my wife
  Was dearer to my soul than its soul-life.
I dream about it every night.

I dream about spools of shiny silver string.

I dream about lightning is the music I try to sing.

I know, because I remember, because a lot to me.

I never knew you could see such things when you're eyes don't let you see.
The ravens watch from their trees
Barren dead branches, naked of leaves
The Winter chill hangs in the air
A solo walker makes his way, this night
An eerie light is cast on the tombstones
As if the cold moon is reaching down

He will always come here, in darkness
For the night sounds play the music
As amongst the grave, he dances alone
But then a mist rises from one particular grave
Beginning to take the form of a woman
The lost love he has missed for so very long

They come to dance, together once more
Watched by ravens and a thousand glowing eyes
Entwined in a gothic dance of the dead
Until once again, she will fade away
Vanishing back into the ground, whence she came
And a solitary figure of a man, walks away alone
Copyright © Chris Smith 2009
 Dec 2020 Nessie Huisenfruit
Remember the time
I thought I liked you
But it only lasted a week.
Remember the time
I cursed for the first time;
And it was at you.

Remember the time
I liked you for an entire year
And obsessed over you.
Remember the time
You teased me everyday.

Remember the time
We used to take piano from the same woman
And I saw you at a lesson one day.
Remember the time
You told me about the night
The black thing came to you,
Up your arm.

Remember the time
We spent backstage
Goofing off.
Remember the time
I wrote about how much I hated you
In my diary,

Remember the time
I dated your best friend
And you were the obligatory third wheel.
Remember the time
You threatened to punch me
Because I made fun of the girl you liked.

Remember the time
We spent during choir practice
Looking at squirrels through the window.
Remember the time
You told me
"I don't care what homeroom I have,
As long as you're not in it."

Remember the time
The stinkbug kept following your shoes
In Spanish class.
Remember the time
You threw a pinecone at me
Because I deserved it.

Remember the time
We sat together in all our classes.
Remember the time
I dreamed about you
In my front room.

Remember the time
We Skyped for three hours.
Remember the time
I beat you up
Because I was angry.

Remember the time
My two best friends started dating
Because you finally got up the courage and asked her.
Remember the time
You told me you wanted to break up with her.

Remember the time
You stole my Sharpies
Until I asked him out.
Remember the time
You broke up with her
And avoided me for a week.

Remember the time
We spent after school,
Studying for Spanish.
Remember the time
I was scared of you
But walked with you,
In silence.

Remember the time
You had a rave in class
And asked me to tape it.
Remember the time
I cut myself
And you got mad at me
And we spoke even less.

Remember the time
The algebra teacher threatened to separate us
Because we talked too much in class.
Remember the time
I messaged you
And messaged you
And you wouldn't answer.

Remember the time
You and your mum invited me to dinner.
Remember the time
I saw you for the first time
In two months
And, despite the same clothes
And hair,
You looked like a stranger.

Remember the time
You asked him out for me.
Remember the time
We Skyped for five minutes
And had nothing to say.

Remember the time
You held my hand all period
Because you were cold.
Remember the time
You told me you were insane
And we couldn't be like we used to.

Remember the time
You told me not to worry,
That we were still the same, relationship-wise.

Remember the time
You told me not to cry
But I did.

Remember the time
You held me while I sobbed,
The first time you'd ever seen me cry.

Remember the time
You assured me you'd be fine.

Remember the time
I shook while you held my hands.

Remember the time
You hugged me after class,
A week later
And I nearly cried of happiness.

Remember the times.

Do you remember the times?
Because it seems all I'm doing these days
Is remembering you.
To Austin. I miss you, bro.
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