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Honeybee Apr 2021
Some people count calories
Or sodium and sugars
But I have nothing to count
Because I just
Don’t eat
I used to not eat at all
I’m doing better now
But I still feel really insecure whenever I eat
Honeybee Apr 2021
I may not have been able to pick my blood family
But my chosen family
Is the most important thing to me in this world
Honeybee Apr 2021
The day she came
Was the day my hope returned
We’re not blood related but she’s my family nonetheless
I love her she’s the best
She understands me in ways no one else could
She’s my inspiration in poetry
And in my life in general
Honeybee Apr 2021
I’m always there when others need me
But when I need someone no one seems to be there
I usually just tell myself to **** it up
And it’s not like I don’t have people to talk to
It’s just in that moment I feel like I’d just be bothering them and should just keep it to myself
Honeybee Apr 2021
I’m used to being abandoned
But one day it’ll stop hurting
And when that day comes...
Honeybee Apr 2021
I like the term warrior
Rather than survivor
Because I don’t feel like
That I was ever a victim
And survivor makes it
Sound like I was weak
At one point
I’m sorry if it’s just me that thinks this way
It’s just it’s always bothered me when someone called me a survivor
It makes me feel like they pity me
They shouldn’t pity me
They should instead be inspired by what I’ve been through
And hopefully be proud that I’m still alive and (mostly) well
Honeybee Apr 2021
just because i’m broken
does not
mean i’m weak
so don’t treat me
like i’m a victim
Quite the contrary It makes me stronger
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