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Honeybee Feb 2021
Don’t open you mouth when your angry
You’ll regret it
Don’t mutter
It’s not ladylike
Don’t curse
You won’t be respected
Don’t talk about politics
You’re too young
Don’t talk about sexuality
It makes others uncomfortable
Don’t talk about your emotions
It’s selfish
Don’t cry while talking
No one will understand you
Don’t yell
No one will listen

Don’t just don’t
No one wants to hear your voice
I’ve heard all of these things so many times that I’m just fed up with it!
So I thought I’d share my opinion here


Your opinions matter
Remember that
Honeybee Feb 2021
When I said I was okay
Did you really believe me
Or did you just let it slip by
While I was giving up on living?
I wish I could ask the person I’m talking about this question
But even if I faced him I know I would just freeze, say nothing and cry
Honeybee Feb 2021
Dark crimson blood
Stains the many pages of my story
The life I was so harshly given
Is ripped between the lines
Just like my own calloused skin
My book is deeply burned at the edges
Just like the scars I have once were
The paragraphs soaked and blurry
From every single tear I’ve every shed
I feel like the novel I’ve created
Is about to come to an abrupt end
Even though others say
That it just began
I wrote this awhile ago but just found my old poetry book
So I’m revising some stuff
Honeybee Feb 2021
Erasers are made for mistakes
I wonder if I could just erase
My entire existence
Honeybee Feb 2021
Why do I try so hard when I know I’ll eventually fail?
This is a thought that’s been eating away at my mind lately
Just thought I’d get it out
Honeybee Feb 2021
I’m just here sitting in my bed
Watching anime and reading
Bored out of my mind
And numb to my soul
I know this isn’t a poem
But it’s honestly just what my mood is right now
Honeybee Feb 2021
You know
I really wish
I was okay
But I know I’m not
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