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Honeybee Sep 2020
You loved me
It broke you
Hey are you okay
Never once said
Because I'm yours
You wrote
I cried
All night
Because I lost you
My diamond
my starlight
On a dark night
Or at the peek of dawn
During the day
You say
I've been waiting
In my dreams
I see you
In my nightmares
I imagine
You screaming
From pain
That I caused
Cause dearie
In my bright eyes
You saw hurt
And you don't know
How much you still do
To me
Even though you've
Moved on
Parts of me
My heart
My soul
My smile
Is gone
I don't have people
Like you
I regret My decisions
I have memories
That try running
But I catch them
Because all I have of you
Are the thoughts
Inside my head
Is what I gave
Now kindness
Is what I do
What went wrong
This is all because of you
*** you pushed me
All I have is because
You smiled
You deserve nothing
But true happiness
I couldn't  give that to you
I'm sorry
Please forgive me
I know this long but it means a lot to me
Honeybee Sep 2020
Water flows
Just like our souls
Together at the start
But now we are split apart
I rebuild my walls
They feel empty, these halls
I feel worthless, alone
Now I’m just a clone
Empty, hollow
Now I just follow
Blood runs down the sink
And I’m to close to the brink
Honeybee Sep 2020
Your smile was the sun
But it didn’t last for very long
You were bored
So death came knocking at your back door
You cherished me
Yet I couldn’t see
That through the rain
You were in pain
Your heart was so pure
I was so sure
We were just friends
But in the end
I loved you so much
Sadly it was to late for such

Honeybee Sep 2020
I dove too deep
Loved her too much
I didn’t want to let go
But she left anyways
Honeybee Sep 2020
Her blood dripped down her arms
As she wrote letters
When said goodbye to the world
Yet I didn’t get to say goodbye to her
what a cruel world
Not even a clue how to deal with depression
She just had to cope on her own
She couldn’t tell anyone
As her body dropped to the floor

She’s now

I lost someone I loved dearly to suicide
I miss her
She was and still is my muse

It’s too difficult and meaningful to give a tittle sorry
Honeybee Sep 2020
I am here

But am I really?

I don’t think I am

But I say it anyways

Can I change?

I thought I could

But now I’m questioning

Honeybee Sep 2020
When she cried
Instead of smiling

When she wore long sleeves
Instead of wearing a shirt

When she only acted kind to others
Instead of herself

When she didn’t say I love you
Instead she said nothing at all

When she had friends
Instead now she sits alone

When she had clear skin
Instead bears scars now

When she said goodbye
Instead of goodnight

You didn’t notice
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