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Harry Gione Jan 14
Time is a starving god
And each year she becomes more savage
Her gluttonous face stuffing
My years drip from her cheeks
As if my slow aging is payment for my existence
I give a year to live the next
Turning life onto a sacrificial death
To appease an ever unsatisfied deity
A mindless consumer of the harshest variety
Harry Gione Jan 13
There is a tear in my leather coat
That reminds of a letter a friend wrote
The words were tough like the material is dense
And like that tear, it was deep and intense
A useless coat is what a tiny rip can bring
Like a one page letter could ruined a good thing
Harry Gione Jan 13
You silly girl
Stretching out of your habitat to seek ways to get hurt
Lending your heart out like pieces of furniture
For other peoples comfort
You use your lips like billboards
Directing everyone to your inner most parts
That you avail like parking spaces for them to stand until it's time for them to go home
Harry Gione Jan 12
Experiencing the good, brings an understanding of the bad
You gave me so much joy, I could sympathize with the sad.
Harry Gione Jan 12
I sat up rigid like a tower and waited for you to come home
Because then finally I could be weak in your arms.
Harry Gione Jan 9
I want you to be careless with your love
And breathe so deep it stings your lungs
Don't treat what we had as a flavor you should savor
Go out and make me angry with your behavior
Dance unrestrained to the songs that I hate
Disappear with the sunset and stay out late
And be unapologetic about the things you do
Because I've been doing all these things since I left you
Harry Gione Jan 9
Under the cloak of the morning
Your breaths are still and restful
Mine are patient as I wait for you to break your sleep
You are peaceful
And I am peacefully in suspense
For a new day to awake and the continuation of love to commence
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