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 Oct 2015 Chaos Cherry
do you see the pain in my amber eyes?
as they drip with gold tears
learning of how your demise
was all my fault
as the salted caramel tears melt down my cheeks
i cant help but dread the weeks
to come
i look down at what ive done
ive killed them
theres blood on my hands
but this time it was no fun
 Oct 2015 Chaos Cherry
the pitch black night crawls over the dimly illuminated town
the fireflies come out to play with silver star dust
i creep out of the the restly silhouette of my house
i have no flash light, no fire, i let the moon lead me thru the echos of night
my shadow keeps me hidden well, cloaking me in silence
the damp ocean air reanimates me  
the town is sleepy but i'm awake  
3 in the morning has nothing on me
 Oct 2015 Chaos Cherry
 Oct 2015 Chaos Cherry
unbutton your shirt
kiss your beautiful skin
pull away
heart racing within
cheeks burning red
lustful thought in my head
as i pull you down into bed
i kiss your neck
trace your shoulders
your lips begin to smolder
i kiss you hard
with no regard
for the flames
of a blood lust
heart break
 Oct 2015 Chaos Cherry
i wish you were here my dear
to share this happiness i feel
for once my face is not dripping in tears
isn't that grand to hear?
i wish you were here my dear
to hold my hand so tight
to help me make it thru the night
but even when you're gone ill carry on
just for you my dear
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