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Happynessa May 2016
Today I stand in the light
Of my own personal truth
Speaking loudly in the silence
To the magic that lies within

Today I surround myself in
The pink aura of blissful love
Rose quartz crystals sparkling
In my recently opened eyes

Today I resolve to focus upon
The love that underlies every
Situation bringing about gentle
Healing in undreamed of ways

Today I open my heart to love
Peace understanding and joy
Today I welcome you to join me
In this white pure light of love
Happynessa May 2016
Loose yourself in nature
Fly with the winds
Of possibility
Happynessa May 2016
Within the centre of your being
May you find peace
Every act of unconditional love
Echoes in eternity
Spread your wings and dance
Dreams into reality
If your situation  won't change
Then change yourself
The optimist is often as wrong
As the pessimist
But he is far far happier
Choose happiness
Happynessa May 2016
Change is constant in our lives

Your perception of yourself
Affects your vibe so let only
The good vibes flow freely

Real transformation requires
Real soul searching honesty
To be your true loving self

Be the reason you feel awake
Elevated empowered and magical
Peeling back the layers of your ego

Spiritually its important to forgive
Those who have harmed or hurt you
So that you find your own inner peace

It seems nothing is impossible in our lives
Happynessa May 2016
Sometimes the earth beneath my feet shudders
And I feel in the depth of despair a longing for
The one thing that has kept me grounded for all
These years causing me to look at my emptiness
And cry out for you to return to hold me upright

The light that once burned with such bright sparks
Now leaves me to find my way in the darkest blue
Stumbling blindly from one sad minute to the next
With a loneliness that batters my aching heart as
I cry out for you to return the love I give  to you
Inspired by Grace x
Happynessa May 2016
We are blessed with radiant love
Open your arms and release the
Challenges that you've held tightly
Gripped in your arms and hands
Open your heart to the radiant love

Release tension and surrender the
Need to control and things will
Start to get better ensuring our
Happiness within our daily lives
Allowing our spirit to soar higher

Make the time to reward yourself
Keep your energy and motivation
At a consistently high level and
Make time for self care today and
Always open your heart to love

Turn on the universal light of love
Elevate your vision to a more loving
Vantage point seeing only the beauty
Affirm what you desire ,release fear
And open your heart to radiant love
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