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Gulishta Jul 2019
As I made the journey...
       From "what I could" "what I should "..
I died a thousand million deaths.

Every insecurity. ..
       Every doubt...
               Every failure...
                      Every fear....
Came rushing towards....
           knocking me a few pegs down.

The mirror.......the reality..
The choices.......the destiny..
My sanctuary. .
My safe sanity.

The mess I've created...
    The Love I crave...
My heart losing control. ...
     My mind telling to behave.

The battle ground inside...
    Which side to choose...
No matter how I play it...
     It is me whose gonna lose.

My eyes cry...
     My lips smile...
          My heart beats...
                My soul dies.

One moment. emotion.
I was lost to oblivion...
      A different version of myself.
For better or for worse??
       You were there......
              Do you not like me anymore?.
Gulishta Jul 2019
On a certain moment of your life,
You will think about. ..
What is it that you've achieved? ?or
What is it that you've earned?

Is it the material you've collected? ?
Or the emotions you've felt??
Is it the grand gestures you've received?
Or the moments of eternal peace? ?

Are the relations made for life?
Or the life made for relations? ?
Does love conquer all?
Or it doesn't matter at all. .

A life before the death. .
A life lived without the depth. .
Insignificant. ..extra...or ordinary. .
A life of big.....or a life of small? ?
So many questions. ...
No one answers anymore.
Gulishta Jul 2019
Breathing under the water,
Lost in the sea.
One step away from drowning,
But the fire keeps burning.

Losing my mind,
Losing the sanity.
Grasping the straws,
Before I loose reality.

One breath,
One blink,
One smile,
And sink.

No ropes to tie,
No anchor to pull ashore.
No hands out to reach,
No faith left anymore.

The beat of the heart,
Slowing to dull rhythm.
The Love I had for water,
The reason of my Dimiss.
Gulishta Jul 2019
Knowing you..
Or not knowing you at all.
We are all in it,
Or maybe it's nothing at all.

An invisible thread,
Tieing down the bond.
Or maybe it's a thread,
Tighten around our throat.

Knowing your name,
Not knowing your soul.
Knowing your soul,
Not knowing your name.

The push and pull,
This backward and forward.
Hard to describe,
But felt easy believe it or not.

Logical mind,
Illogical heart.
The beginning of the end,
The ending from the start.

Stolen moments,
On borrowed time.
Unexplained desire,
Of you being mine.

The reality,
A struggle with sanity.
The fantasy,
A better version of reality.

Two parallel lines,
Two shore of the sea.
An impossible merge,
The struggle to meet.
Gulishta Jun 2019
A battle without a cause,
A fight already lost.
An empty smile aside,
Not much there to hide.

No stain on the canvas,
A bloodbath white.
A sacred holy place,
An unwanted desired mind.

A love lost in lie,
Hiding in plain sight.
Single longing for affection,
An affection for what you apologise.

The give and take,
This aggression and pain.
Run run and hide,
An impossible escape.

Pen down the thoughts,
Read and enjoy.
The silver lining keeping,
Tears drowns in vain.
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